Seeking Help: The new OpenMRS Integration Catalog webpage

Proposal for our Integration Catalog

I am convinced we need an “OpenMRS Integration Catalog” to help answer the common question we often hear from Entrepreneurs and Decision Makers: “Does OpenMRS integrate with X or Y?” and then, “So where do I start?” e.g. we are asked this very often for tools like DHIS2, CHW apps, Odoo, NDR or national registries, and many more.

Visual Vision

I’m imagining something that looks approximately like this:

How you can help

I have started a draft here - if there are any systems you want to see added to the list, or reference docs, code repos, etc, please help me by adding any content, links, etc you know of or can find! I am slowly adding things as I remember them or find them. I want to have the first version live by September 2023.

Hopefully this will be infectious

My side-quest is to test if such an Integration Catalog triggers more investment in truly useful integration reference resources between OpenMRS and other Global Goods. We’ll see :slight_smile: Several Global Goods have approached me to say “we want folks to know they can use our software with OpenMRS” but their reference guides are not always very technically useful out of the box - leaving our shared Implementors / Vendors / Entrepreneurs stuck in the middle, having to painfully figure things out for themselves. Once we finish our first iteration of this web page, I’ll post to GDHF and other Global Goods forums to see if having this site published and promoted drives others to create or even just point out useful integration resources we don’t offer yet.

Thank you community! <3

Tagging anyone I can think of who may know a helpful link to things OpenMRS integrates with - please tag anyone else who comes to mind for you :slight_smile: @wamz @jamlung @paynejd @akanter @dkayiwa @rubailly @mksrom @jwnasambu @kdaud @achachiez @burke @abertnamanya @herbert24 @mozzy @slubwama @wanyee @moshon @aojwang @kmuiruri @ggomez @jesplana

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Hi Grace,

This is a timely conversation and one that I expect will interest many people, particularly implementers. I suggest we encourage to folks to mention all the other systems they interact with through their OpenMRS implantations including non-global goods. The more we learn about our implementation ecosystem, the better we integrate into that ecosystem🙂

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Thanks for this, @grace. We have integrated KenyaEMR with Community Health Toolkit (CHT) for our offline and community based HIV Testing and KP processes.


We have integrated Sigdep3 (Ivory Cost EMR) and Isanteplus (Haiti EMR) with both OpenELIS (Lab Information Management System) and OpenCR (Client Registry) .

We also did some POC to integrate the Reff App with GOFR (Facility Registry)


@aojwang and @mozzy When Grace and I share with countries or orgs that OpenMRS integrates with X system, we often get asked if we know of anyone who is actually using that integration. Having real life examples like these will be a powerful addition to the catalog!