As I mentioned back in the post: “Seeking Help: The new OpenMRS Integration Catalog webpage”, I’ve wanted to try having an “OpenMRS Integration Catalog” page to help implementers to quickly find examples where OpenMRS has previously been integrated with other systems, with practical resources implementers can follow to get started.
After months of checking with community members and fellow Global Good leaders, version 1 of the OpenMRS Integration Catalog is finally public on our website!
I have consistently desired a top-notch extended OpenMRS production playground environment. Unfortunately, I lacked a reliable guide on how to initiate this endeavour.
With the above resource, I can easily setup my desired instance and freely explore a multitude of concepts.
For instance, in a recent undertaking, I was configuring OMRS for data redundancy. Although I successfully resolved the issue within the OMRS system, I found it challenging to test how other system depending on the OMRS database would know when to either connect to the main or the backup database.