From our first meet-up: We hope to have more interested and committed students for our second event, though initially announced for 16th, It has been postponed to 23rd instead which i personally agree to be a better date. This page is the event page four next meet-up: @dkayiwa, @ssemakadde. I welcome you to contribute towards our next agenda below:
Just starting my OpenMRS presentation on one of the events our university has organized at one of our campuses. Sounds cool being more of an openmrs ambassador. Developing for openmrs is a cool thing indeed
@k_joseph You are totally awesome. It’s humbling to see all this interest. Is that at TW?
Not TW, Bugema University Kampala campus
i personally am proud of you @k_joseph keep spreading openMRS and we(me and the other openMRS wellwishers) shall keep in support and corporation till we reach the last person.
Getting our hands dirty with setting up a developer’s environment here at TW has been too grate an experience, though we had few members showing up this time compared to the number we had last time (most guys are currently preparing for final semester exams and others wrote one exam within the same time we had the meet-up), we nevertheless pushed on with a goal of working on some introductory tickets, however time didn’t allow us to go thus far and we hope to continue remotely online until we meet next time:
Sharing some GSoC t-shirts, pens, notebooks to everyone that showed up for the event made it too colorful
We look forward to seeing you pals again for the next meet-up preferably in a month’s time from now.
Much thanks to the TWs, Renee, Naval and Akampa whose support made the event possible. Today has given me a feel of now diving the members into the real stuff/coding.