Reports in OpenMRS

What is the functionality of Reports in OpenMRS? On clicking the Reports tab in the home page, I don’t see any information being displayed.

Can I consider, to include the functionality of exporting data as .csv file using reports?

Thank you :slight_smile:

@haripriya it depends on the use case, i wonder if you can generate a report without sample data.

Have you taken a look at Generating Reports

Thank you for linking the resource. :slight_smile: But what is the use of having reports when its blank? And Do I consider to export condition list data using reports, or is there some better way that the community would prefer to export data instead of reports?

Am not sure i get you well ,

But like i said you generate reports basing on either demo Data which OpenMRS can generate /imported data or data generated by user.

I would expect that the RefApp would have preloaded reports on the “Reports” page, but as @haripriya wrote – the the RefApp demo server only shows a blank page.

PIH has all these reports on our “Reports” page – which is a customized distribution.


@haripriya does @ball 's observation suggest any help for you ?

@ssmusoke do you have some reports under that button in UgandaEMR?

@dkayiwa @haripriya I think the Ref App reports moved to an OWA - Prebuilt reports - not sure if it is packaged with the distribution

The UgandaEMR reports approach is:

  1. Override the reports page -

  2. Define the reports as app links here

@solemabrothers can provide links to how to generate reports as CSV

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@haripriya @dkayiwa we have been able to deploy reports in UgandaEMR in both formats excel and CSV, however, the default is excel, @haripriya please let us know on how we can help to share the knowledge we have used

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Thanks for that great work. j think the same idea can be used in the ticket issued on the support of exporting openmrs data using Fhir appointment resources.

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@ssmusoke Thank you for the resources, It would be very helpful. :slight_smile: @solemabrothers could you please provide me the link of how to generate reports as CSV, Thank you :slight_smile:

@haripriya please find herein the link to one of the CSV exports in our reports let me know how i can guide you through the process

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Thank you @solemabrothers . I will let you know if i get stuck in the process :slightly_smiling_face::grinning:

Currently as there is no functionality in Reports, should I add data export functionality for condition list in reports tab or can we have this functionality as an extension of existing condition list UI? I personally feel it would be much effective if we can have Data export button next to Add new condition button. When the user clicks on the data export button, they will be redirected to another screen where data is downloaded based on some criteria.

@ssmusoke and @dkayiwa can probably guide on this, the good thing is you have seen our implementation in UgandaEMR of data exports

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@haripriya About data export from condition list page. Definitely no. That page is specifically about that patient, not all patients.

We do not allow data export from a clinician-facing patient page. Data exports are only for a subset of users (ie. data manager, researchers). We don’t allow clinical users to generate a list of patients.

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