Reference Application 2.10 UI testing sprint!

hello @mozzy @herbert24

Under system administration chart search app is available in reff app 2.9.0 as seen here

but this is not the case in reff app 2.10 as seen below

Thanks @gcliff , though we removed Chat search module from the Reff app distro


thanks alot everyone,as we continue to do the testing kindly please look at this document fill in your name as a tester ,@gclif i am expecting you as tester one,so fill in as tester one and test the different scenarios.Incase you get any other thing out side the testing cases,you can go on and put them on this thread as you have been doing. cc @sharif @irenyak1 @lufafa @jwnasambu @mozzy @christine @ayesh @odorajonathan @jennifer

Thanks @herbert24 and team for coming up with the guidelines. My proposal is that whoever is testing may take a look at this page and that page. If I talked about the issue it may not make much meaning to repeat it, let’s continue with what has not been tested since we still have a lot to test. However, if there’s an oversight in my comments about the errors then please feel free to bring it up. Thank you.

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From @herbert24 's document I see that you would want about 5 testers for one functionality. If that is the case then it is fine someone can repeat what has been tested.

Herbert is that your intention that one functionality is tested about 5 times? I need more clarification.

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yes true,different people test a given component so as to make sure that the tests of that component are not dependent on one person

@gcliff its accessible and editable now!

YES but the text boxes cant widen to accommodate long comments

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they do though i have widened them for you.Note:to move to the next line in google sheets we use ctl + Enter

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we have not got any tester filling in the document containing the testing scenarios,i kindly encourage every one doing the testing to do fill in that document after doing the tests.we intend to have a call as soon as we get members having tests done. we are also capturing the tests already made on the different threads cc @gcliff @lufafa @sharif @jwnasambu @irenyak1

@gcliff weldone , i hope you dont forget to update this wiki page too.

@mozzy we need to get this at a better stage by tomorrow since our sprint is ending on thursday. will soon be communicating the date of having a call here cc @ayesh


Is any one facing the same problem the demo server is down

@odorajonathan you should be able to reset the demo server by running this CI plan:

Thanks @dkayiwa i had the same similar issue related to demo server being down as @odorajonathan faced but the link shared worked for me

Hi @mozzy @irenyak1 @herbert24

I was out for few days just came back after some work.We will address issues mentioned by @irenyak1 tomorrow onwards :slightly_smiling_face:

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can some one reset the demo server :smiley:

Why don’t you do it yourself?

I don’t have access to run the ci plan :no_mouth:

Will ask for a bamboo account :smiley: