Public, Live-Updating Release & Launches Calendar: Now available on OMRS Wiki

Summary: There is now a publicly available Releases and Launches calendar on the Technical Roadmap wiki page. It updates automatically based off of a shared google calendar. To add or update a release or launch date, simply ask for help here. A number of people have edit access, and everyone can view.

Dear Community,

In last week’s TAC meeting and today’s PM Team meeting, we agreed to test out having a public Releases & Launches calendar.

This is because there are a number of upcoming launches and releases across different squads, and it’s helpful to see them all in one place.

  • There is now a publicly available Releases and Launches calendar on the Technical Roadmap wiki page - screenshot below.
  • It updates automatically based off of a shared google calendar.
  • Everyone can view the calendar. A number of people have edit access (e.g. @jennifer @christine @burke @dkayiwa @ibacher @herbert24).
  • To add or update a release or launch date, simply ask for help here or message any one of those people.


We’ll try this out and see how well it works :slight_smile: This is not meant to be a closed process; we hope it will become a shared responsibility to keep this up-to-date. Feedback welcome!


Thanks for great work @grace

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