Propose a Design Forum Topic

Title: Adding end-to-end test automation to OpenMRS applications

Description: Several times a year we run a suite of front-end tests to validate core scenarios in the Esaude POC. We run these tests manually which requires a dedicated team and several months of work. During the spring of 2018 we developed an end-to-end automation tests framework–using CodeceptJS and puppeteer–to run tests automatically. Since then we’ve automated several tests in our suite to run in under 5 mins total, tests that previously took hours to run manually. We think this work is important because it will allow us to validate core scenarios much more frequently–on a daily basis before new code is checked in rather than on a quarterly basis–which should result in less regressions and more time for new features. We still have quite a bit of work to do, but would like to present what we have done so far in hopes it resonates with others in the community.

Goal: Present our end-to-end automation framework and discuss ways that it can be improved upon and used by others members of the OpenMRS commuity.

Required attendees: @valvijo @janflowers @ningosi @asacur

Desired time: Early Aug

cc: @jthomas @burke