(Pascal Brandt)
November 12, 2015, 7:25pm
Session Title:
Strategic Objective 3: Distributions
Session Type:
Breakout Talk (50-minute session including a presentation with Q&A)
Presentation and discussion about the Strategic Objective #3: Distributions - Actively encourage and support the development of OpenMRS Distributions, deriving and disseminating best practices and technologies from them. Please refer to this topic for further details:
This topic will be used to work through the planning of the goals and tasks (including measures) for OpenMRS Community Objective #3: Actively encourage and support the development of additional OpenMRS Distributions, deriving and disseminating best practices and technologies from them.
The following leaders have agreed to work actively on this to prepare for presentation at the World Summit in December:
@janflowers , @darius , @burke , @akanter , @pascal
All community members are invited to provid…
Suggested By:
@janflowers , @darius , @burke , @akanter , @pascal
Think you’d attend this session? Click the like/heart button below!
(Michael Downey)
November 30, 2015, 7:55pm
This topic is currently/preliminarily scheduled as a plenary talk on the following date/time:
AT 9:15am to 10:00am, Friday 11th December
IN Ngee Ann Kongsi Auditorium, Singapore Management University
Additionally, there is a follow-up breakout talk scheduled:
AT 5:00pm to 6:00pm, Friday 11th December
IN Seminar Room 3.4, Singapore Management University
For details and complete schedule, see:
Please reply if you have any concerns with this scheduling. Thanks!
(Jan Flowers)
December 1, 2015, 4:59pm
Is this plenary to be given by @darius and myself, or is @burke presenting this (as listed on lanyrd) - just so we know what to prepare for.
(Michael Downey)
December 1, 2015, 5:31pm
I think that’s best left up to your group … we can have one or a
group/panel type presentation. Please let me know what you decide!