Presentation of Objective 2: Reference App Goals

Session Title: Strategic Objective 2: Reference App

Session Type: Breakout Talk (50-minute session including a presentation with optional Q&A)

Description: Presentation and discussion about the Strategic Objective #2: OpenMRS Reference Application, a community-managed OpenMRS Distribution, which serves as:an application meant to be configured and used directly in health delivery settings and as a demonstration of the capabilities of the OpenMRS Platform. Please refer to this topic for further details:

Suggested By: @jteich, @burke, @k_joseph, @akanter, @lober, @janflowers, @maurya, @darius

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This topic is currently/preliminarily scheduled on the following date/time:

AT 3:40pm to 4:40pm, Thursday 10th December IN Seminar Room 3.3, Singapore Management University

For details and complete schedule, see:

Please reply if you have any concerns with this scheduling. Thanks!