Dear Community
We are thrilled to let you all know that Ozone HIS 1.0.0-alpha.12
was released on February 24th
This is the last alpha release of Ozone 1.0.0, in fact in most respects it is already a first beta. That’s because Ozone HIS 1.0.0’s architecture won’t change anymore and its set of features is fixed.
What’s new in 1.0.0-alpha.12
- Upgrade – OpenMRS 3.2.1
- Upgrade – SENAITE 2.5.0
- Addition – Orthanc 1.12.6
Ozone FOSS expands making key features more accessible to the community:
- Ozone Analytics
is now FOSS.
- Single Sign-On (SSO) is now included in Ozone FOSS.
- Ozone Analytics
Ozone’s FHIR Facade abstracts the entire HIS behind a single FHIR API.
- It offers a unified, standards-based interface for improved interoperability and expansion (Open Health Stack apps anyone?)
Providing FHIR support for Odoo via the FHIR Facade for
resources. -
We added a new ‘bundled Docker’ deployment option.
The OpenMRS-SENAITE integration has been refactored and enhanced by leveraging openmrs-eip’s FHIR events. See here for more details.
Backup & Restore
– A new, generic service inspired by restic. It leverages Docker Compose labels to specify which volumes to back up (e.g., MySQL, filestore, Postgres), and supports both AWS S3 and local disk storage.
Fixed SSO logout functionality for all default demo apps.
data flows added through the new OpenMRS-Orthanc integration. More details here.
Enhanced EMR-ERP flows in Odoo:
- Patient weight is now synchronized with the Odoo quotation.
- Patient date of birth is now synchronized with the Odoo customer.
- Both use cases originated from the Hôpital Sacré-Coeur implementation; see here for more details.
Expansion of Ozone’s E2E test suite.
Ozone Docs reorganised and expanded further – and there is a lot more
to come between now and the upcoming beta.1.
- Central Authorization
has now been fully implemented across all default demo apps – OpenMRS, Superset, Odoo, and SENAITE.
- Prometheus Metrics – Each Docker service (e.g., MySQL, Postgres, OpenMRS, and all EIP clients) now exposes metrics that Grafana can consume for real-time monitoring.
Try out 1.0.0-alpha.12
- Ozone Pro can be trialed here:
- jdoe / password
- Ozone FOSS can be trialed using the Gitpod button.
What does the roadmap look like?
Which | What | When |
beta.1 | Expanded Ozone HIS ecosystem with - OpenELIS Global as an added LIMS component, - Bahmni (EMR) as an added EMR component. Odoo upgraded to v17. ERP system used as a product catalog for the HIS. |
Q3 2025 |
1.1.0 | Addition and management of own data flows via an upcoming UI. Expanded apps with - HCW@Home as a tele-consultation component. |
Q1 2026 |
Any feedback on this release will be eagerly welcome either here on Talk or on the #ozone Slack channel.
Cc @abd.ak @abertnamanya @afewerki @ahabib @aidjali @andylinton @anish08k @aseembhube @bistenes @bvora8888 @dagimm @dmukungi @drizzentic @dulmikasemal @enochb @ersan @gsluthra @hadijah315 @hassan180 @hmouhtar @horaira.khan @jack.carney2 @jnsereko @johnny94 @jtukey @manuel @michaelbontyes @mwovi @njiddasalifu @nvvnravi @ornella @paul.cleary @pgorrindo @pirupius @ramashish @robley @ronaldm @rubailly @sanjayap @shahin1 @shyamji @sthote @tamunoseimiebi @valens200 @zacbutko – @AMPATH @Mekom @METS @OpenMRSInc @PalladiumKenya @PIH @Sonder @UCSF @UWash