The release of Reference Application 2.6 is planned for the end of April 2017. Though the testing might not be as extensive as a Platform release, a user acceptance testing is necessary. This is scheduled around mid – April to Late mid – April. This is a very short period of time but for this to happen all the modules that are planned to be released in 2.6 need to be in a release ready state and we need your collective collaboration on making this happen. We request module Owners and Maintainers which released versions to include in the RA 2.6, here is a list of some of the modules however if your module is not included on the list and its ready please notify us to include it. We are considering the following modules to be included in the release. Admin UI Allergy UI App Framework App UI Appointment Scheduling Module Appointment Scheduling UI Module Atlas Calculation Chart Search Module Core Apps Data Exchange API Event Form Entry App HTML Form Entry HTML Form Entry Extensions HTML Form Entry UI Framework Integration HTML Widgets ID Generation Metadata Deploy Metadata Mapping Metadata Sharing Provider Management Reference Application Reference Demo Data Reference Metadata Registration App Registration Core Reporting Reporting REST Rest Web Services Serialization Xstream UI Commons UI Library UI Framework UI Test Framework Name Phonetics FHIR OWA EMR API
@hilz041 Thanks for kicking off this thread:
can you also include the versions of the modules to be released.
HTML Form Entry Extensions is no longer required as of HTML Form Entry 3.3.1
What version of openmrs core will the release be based on?
The htmlformentry19ext module should not be included. (Since this work, it has now been merged into the htmlformentry module.)
Hello, I have updated this and indicated the versions on each module save for addresshierarchy. And for the version which the release will be based is to be decided by the community either or 2.0.5. the post is here What version of openmrs core will the RA 2.6 release be based on?. Thanks
@hilz041 is the wiki page actually up to date for most of the rows, or are a lot of them showing info copied from 2.5? If they were copied over, then we should clear out the Nexus, Modulus, and Version/Notes/Description columns, otherwise this is going to be very misleading.
@darius i copied from the 2.5 and then updated the modules plus their version to march with the 2.6 but i didnt clear the other columns. Thanks let me clear them.
We are requesting maintainers to release their versions by the end of this week to be included in the Reference Application 2.6 release ,kindly all module maintainers whose modules require to be updated to confirm their modules. Below is a list of the modules plus the maintainers;
providermanagement 2.5.1 by @mogoodrich
calculation 1.3 by @darius and @mseaton
serialization.xstream 0.2.13 by @mseaton
reportingrest 1.8.0 by @mseaton
atlas 2.3 by @alexis.duque , @burke and @darius
appframework 2.10.1 by @darius
htmlwidgets 1.7.3 by @mseaton
reporting 0.11.1 by @mseaton
metadatasharing 1.2.3 by @raff
metadatamapping 1.3.2 by @raff
htmlformentryui by 3.3.2 by @mogoodrich and @darius
namephonetics 1.6 by @mseaton
idgen 4.4.1 by @mseaton and @dkayiwa
dataexchange 1.3.2 by @raff
metadatadeploy 1.8 by @mogoodrich and @darius
htmlformentry 3.3.2 by @mogoodrich and @darius
formentryapp 1.4.1 by @darius,@raff and @cintiadr
uiframework 3.10.1 by @darius and @raff
uilibrary 2.0.5 by @darius and @rown seymour
appui 1.8 by @mogoodrich and @darius
coreapps 1.12.1 by @cioan , @mogoodrich and @darius
emrapi 1.21 by @raff ,@mogoodrich and @darius
uicommons 2.2.1 by @darius 2.18.1 by @dkayiwa and @raff
event 2.6 by @dkayiwa and @raff
allergyui 1.7 @dkayiwa and @wyclif
registrationcore 1.7 by @david desimore,@darius and @raff
registrationapp 1.7.1 by @david desimore ,@darius,@cioan and @mogoodrich
referenceapplication 2.6 by @wyclif and @darius
referencedemodata 1.4.4 by @darius and @raff
referencemetadata 2.6.0 by @dkayiwa and @darius
chartsearch 2.1 by @k.joseph and @dkayiwa
appointmentscheduling 1.7.1 by @mogoodrich
appointmentschedulingui 1.5.1 by @mogoodrich
legacyui 1.2.4 by @dkayiwa
reportingcompatibility 2.0.3 by @dkayiwa
open web apps 1.6.4 by @sunbiz ,@raff and @dkayiwa
adminui 1.2.2 by @dkayiwa
fhir 1.7.0 by @surangak
Please look at the tracking issue link here .
@hilz041, could you please edit the post with each module in a new line to make it easier to read?
I’ve changed quite a lot the release and deployment of reference application on the past months, so I’d like to be on call when the release is going to happen (in case I accidentally broke something ). So if you could message me when the date is set, I’d make some time to follow it closely.
For everyone doing releases:
Now bamboo release scripts enforce semver: releasing modules using semantic versioning
Also, if you release, let’s say 2.3.0, the next snapshot should be 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT. If you don’t override the development.version variable, the script will automatically determine that for you.
We really appreciate the effort from all the maintainers who are working tirelessly to make sure that the RA 2.6 is released in time, i would also remind the maintainers who have not yet updated their modules to update so that we can have a smooth running of the release process. The following modules are not yet updated, if your module(s) are updated please update the issue tracker here
calculation 1.3 by @darius and @mseaton serialization.xstream 0.2.13 by @mseaton reportingrest 1.8.0 by @mseaton atlas 2.3 by @alexis.duque , @burke and @darius appframework 2.10.1 by @darius htmlwidgets 1.7.3 by @mseaton reporting 0.11.1 by @mseaton metadatasharing 1.2.3 by @raff metadatamapping 1.3.2 by @raff htmlformentryui by 3.3.2 by @mogoodrich and @darius namephonetics 1.6 by @mseaton idgen 4.4.1 by @mseaton and @dkayiwa dataexchange 1.3.2 by @raff formentryapp 1.4.1 by @darius,@raff and @cintiadr uilibrary 2.0.5 by @darius and @rown seymour coreapps 1.12.1 by @cioan , @mogoodrich and @darius emrapi 1.21 by @raff ,@mogoodrich and @darius uicommons 2.2.1 by @darius 2.18.1 by @dkayiwa and @raff event 2.6 by @dkayiwa and @raff allergyui 1.7 @dkayiwa and @wyclif registrationcore 1.7 by @david desimore,@darius and @raff registrationapp 1.7.1 by @david desimore ,@darius,@cioan and @mogoodrich referenceapplication 2.6 by @wyclif and @darius referencedemodata 1.4.4 by @darius and @raff referencemetadata 2.6.0 by @dkayiwa and @darius chartsearch 2.1 by @k.joseph and @dkayiwa legacyui 1.2.4 by @dkayiwa reportingcompatibility 2.0.3 by @dkayiwa open web apps 1.6.4 by @sunbiz ,@raff and @dkayiwa adminui 1.2.2 by @dkayiwa fhir 1.7.0 by @surangak
Hi @hilz041 and all,
Just doing a little poking on github, I don’t believe calculation-1.3 or serialization.xstream-0.2.13 are needed, since they have no meaningful commits since the previous releases. I think we need to actually look at each of the module versions in question and confirm that a new release is warranted / desired.
@raff, I see you doing some work right now, and it looks like you might be releasing the new idgen, is that right?
I was going to look into releasing reportingui and htmlwidgets shortly. It doesn’t look like either of these are configured to be released to Maven in OpenMRS CI. @raff / @wyclif / @dkayiwa do any of you know how to do this easily and/or would you mind setting that up?
Thanks, Mike
Thanks @mseaton for the concern i will consult with Rafal, if calculation-1.3 and serialization.xstream-0.2.13 dont really have meaningful git commits then we can use the already existing versions. Thanks
Yes, I’m releasing idgen…
Correct, calculation and serializaiton.xstream do not have to be released. I’ll be working on a script, which will be reporting on all RA modules, their currently released versions and if there were any commits after the release to make it easier to identify, which modules need to be released.
Yes, I’ll add release config for reportingui and htmlwidgets now. I’ll let you know once it’s done.
@mseaton, reportingui and htmlwidgets can now be released from CI.
@dkayiwa and @wyclif, could you please look into releasing allergyui? It seems like it has some important fixes committed since the last release.
@dkayiwa, please look into releasing legacyui, which has some security fixes.
@mseaton, I’ve just noticed the strange error you got when releasing html widgets… Have you overwritten the development version?
Version ${bamboo.maven.development.version} is not semver, e.g. 4.25.0. Check
Update: I think it’s because I didn’t add an empty maven.development.version to the plan config in CI… I thought it’s not necessary since it was empty. It should be fixed now…
@ssmusoke, are we adding addresshierarchy 2.10.0 to RA?
I see it was included in the RA 2.5 release planning as well, but it did not end up being added to the 2.5 release. Or was it included and I’m missing something?
@raff I noticed that it was added to release planning but not in the final distribution, however it needs to be added to RA