OpenMRS Leadership Call 2015-12-03

Hi All,

We have a leadership call scheduled for this Thursday, December 3. If you normally attend but can not this week please let me know. Also if there are any additional topics or updates you would like to see on this agenda or a future agenda please let me know.



If members from the community would like to see a specific agenda item added to the topic queue or would like to join an upcoming leadership call please reach out to @jthomas

@janflowers could you please share links to all community objective working docs here?

I’m 50%. (Will be in India for 2 days, so jet lag and team dinner plans permitting…)

I’m also not sure, but doubtful, as I’ll be arriving in Singapore.

I should be available. :slight_smile:

i’ll be 50% too, as I have to see the dentist :frowning:

Current status page:

All of the google docs are here: Obj #1 Obj #2 Obj #3 Obj #4 Obj #5 Obj #6

All of the Talk threads are here:

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Oh, and I should be able to join by phone, but will be headed to the airport for Singapore…so no guarantees on my attendance on the call.

Afraid I am in an all morning meeting and won’t be able to attend :(. Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday in Singapore!

I didn’t want to take time on the call, but I am SO happy to have received my renewed passport yesterday AM…

(quite a saga - it took 5 weeks + for a simple renewal, with multiple calls to the passport agency, and an in-person appointment in Seattle at 8AM yesterday morning… Wow. And the irony was I was just renewing because I had only four months until it expired, rather than the recommended six…)

So, have hotel, flight, and conference registration in hand. See you Wednesday AM!


Here is a link to the DRAFT OpenMRS Community Governance wiki page - Please take a look at this, maybe even on your flight :wink: , and provide feedback to @terry

Safe travels!

@michael - I just spent 15 mins looking through Lanyrd, Eventbrite, the Wiki, and Talk, and I could not find the transportation sharing page/link you mentioned. Could you point me to it? Is there additional “participant guide” information beyond that on the wiki:;jsessionid=B6A295BD203A7C380D92306DC7CAFB71

@michael - never mind - just found the links on the Notes for today

Bookmark for key/interesting places around Singapore Participant info packet: (download/read/print as necessary) Ride sharing from airport: Sharing a ride from Changi Airport (SIN)

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Ugh, just threw my back out. Not looking forward to the 20 hour flight this weekend. Might require general anesthesia to get there. :frowning:

Looking forward to seeing folks, just might not be as mobile as usual.Andy

Andrew S. Kanter, MD MPH FACMI

Asst. Prof. of Clinical Biomedical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology Columbia University Email: andrew.kanter@â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Mobile: +1 (646) â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Office: +1 (212) â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Skype: akanter-ippnw Yahoo: andy_kanter

Sorry to hear that Andy hope you feel better soon. Can you upgrade your seat?

Hamish Fraser Leeds Institute of Health Science, University of Leeds, UK

On the waiting list, but it doesn’t look good. Crossing my fingers I can get it to calm down before Sunday when I leave. Thanks!

Andrew S. Kanter, MD MPH FACMI

Asst. Prof. of Clinical Biomedical Informatics and Clinical Epidemiology Columbia University Email: andrew.kanter@â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Mobile: +1 (646) â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Office: +1 (212) â– â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Skype: akanter-ippnw Yahoo: andy_kanter

Speaking as someone who knows about flying with acute back pain, two suggestions other than ibuprofen – (1) a cushioned Velcro wraparound back support, the kind that takes heat packets [no, I didn’t have a problem with them at security]; (2) if it’s really bad, go medical and prescribe yourself some lidocaine patches. Hope to see you pain free!

Speaking as someone who knows about flying with acute back pain, two suggestions other than ibuprofen – (1) a cushioned Velcro wraparound back support, the kind that takes heat packets [no, I didn’t have a problem with them at security]; (2) if it’s really bad, go medical and prescribe yourself some lidocaine patches. Hope to see you pain free!

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