OpenMRS Academy Fundamentals: Learning Objectives and Content for Review

Hi everyone!

The Design Forum on the OpenMRS Academy a couple of weeks ago looked at the OpenMRS Academy Concept Note and then focused on a proposed schedule for the first OpenMRS Academy, a Fundamentals course for those who are new to OpenMRS and our community.

Based on that schedule and some of the materials shared by the community, a few people started outlining the learning objectives and content for the OpenMRS Academy Fundamentals course. Our next step is to review the learning objectives and content for each module.

To kick things off…The first module is an Introduction to Health IT and EMRs. For those who participate in the fundamentals academy and complete the first module, they should expect to be able to do the following:

  1. Define health IT and EMRs;
  2. Explain Understand the role and the advantages of EMRs for a health system;
  3. Describe the barriers of EMR implementation in developing countries.

:ear:We want to hear from you!:ear:

The Google document below includes the content for this module. Please take 20-30 minutes and review the content with the following questions in mind:

  • Will the learning objectives be achieved if the content provided is covered?
  • Are there additional learning objectives that should be addressed in this module? If so, what are they?
  • Is the content complete and up-to-date? What gaps need to be filled? What content needs to be updated?

Please feel free to update the content directly in this document and/or include references to more recent information!

@wanyee @ball @kbediri @dictoo2002 @botienoh @suthagar23 @mozzy @ssmusoke @danfuterman @herbert24 @gracebish @sanjayap @grace @ssemakadde @burke @jwnasambu @chris @christine @vamba


Hi Jennifer, I made a few comments.

I have some content that I already worked on that I could provide you if you think it can help. It is a subject that I already spend time woring on it.

Cheers, Khaled

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Thanks, @kbediri, for not only reviewing this module and commenting on it - but for offering to share the content you’ve been working on. Feel free to add it directly to the curriculum or to the Google drive folder for training materials.

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Hi everyone,

We’re steadily making our way through the four modules that will make up the OpenMRS Academy Fundamentals course!

Check it out: Based on the feedback received on Module 1, that content has been used to develop the PPT slides that will guide delivery. If you have ideas for practical activities/exercises, please share your ideas in the slide notes!

What we’re focusing on now: We’re turning our attention to Module 2 and Module 3. Here are some of the observations and suggestions for discussion:

  • Add some content to Module 3 around open source and open source communities to de-mystify open source: while open source code is freely available, there are usually costs associated with customization, deployment, and maintenance that need to be taken into consideration.
  • Module 3 is an overview of both the OpenMRS technology (think platform, concept dictionary, distributions) AND the OpenMRS community. We want to consider re-arranging the flow of content in Module 2 and Module 3 so that participants have information from Module 3 a) after learning about requirements and b) before diving into the nuts and bolts of developing and implementing OpenMRS.

Here’s what this might look like:

Module 2: Best Development and Implementation Practices

  • Agreements with the MOH and other involved parties
  • Formation of Working groups and teams
  • Planning
  • Requirements
  • Role play: Develop basic functional requirements
  • Requirements exercise feedback

Module 3: Overview: OpenMRS and the OpenMRS Community

  • Introduction: OpenMRS – the beginning
  • Open Source and Open Source Communities
  • How the OpenMRS community is organized and what you can do to contribute to OpenMRS
  • Resources and communication tools
  • OpenID, login to talk and post
  • OpenMRS Technnology in Detail
  • OpenMRS Distributions

Module 2.5: Best Development and Implementation Practices

  • System development
  • User Acceptance, feedback, change requests and approval
  • Implementation: planning, manuals, readiness assesment, installation and training
  • Maintenance and Support
  • Group exercise: Design an EMR development and implementation work plan
  • Discuss work plan

Module 4: OpenMRS Technical Review

  • Overview
  • Context
  • Building OpenMRS
  • Modules
  • Practical Exercise?

Here is a link to the original schedule.

:thinking: Let us know what you think about:

  • The content covered in Module 2: is it complete and up-to-date? What would you add? Remove? Change?
  • The content covered in Module 3: is it complete and up-to-date? What would you add? Remove? Change?
  • The proposed flow changes to Module 2 and Module 3 described above
  • And anything else you think will make this Fundamentals course better!

@marinachichava @kbediri @wanyee @christine @dictoo2002 @ball @ssmusoke


This is veru beautiful work done , well done @jennifer and the team

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Thanks Jennifer for steering the conversation.

To everyone - I would like to add that all the powerpoints that will be used for modules 1-3 of the level 1 course are available here for your review. Let us know if you can think of any assessment exercises for those modules, particularly module 3.


Hey Everyone,

In addition to the powerpoints shared by @antoniomacheve for module 1, module 2 and module 3, please find the powerpoints for module 4 here for your review.

Please find some time in the course of the coming week to review all the presentations and share feedback. As 7th Sep 2020, the presentations will be shared with facilitators who will start familiarising themselves with the course content.