OpenCDS in OpenMRS

Has anyone added OpenCDS to their version of OpenMRS?

I see CDS has come up over the years and we talked about integrating with other open source EHR projects out there at the last conference. Just wondering if anyone has already integrates OpenCDS with OpenMRS and what type/area of CDS it’s being used for if implemented.




I would also be curious to hear more about this. We currently have a strategic operational goal to start discussions on how CDS would look in OMRS and pathway of getting there, and so this would be a great place to start.

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I’ll let you know what we decide. No response yet.


I remember this coming up in Nairobi, too - and here is a link to the notes from that session. I’m not sure what progress has been made on the action items (below). Maybe it’s time to check in with those who were at that session, see what’s been done since December, and re-visit our action items?

Action Items/ Follow up Items

  1. follow up with OpenCDS

  2. Identify other organizations that are working in this space

  3. configure some re-usable CDS specific challenge

  4. content library- in the future

  5. set up a space where different implementers could go in and explain the type of CDS that they are doing - may be WIKI or not

  6. establish an email list

  7. multiple potential use cases through PIH- Dave can share these

@ball @ddesimone @anant @akanter @terry @janflowers @mogoodrich @johnblack @whiscard @rlebatla

@jteich lead the session and @gschmidt is consolidating ideas on an overarching, high level future of OpenMRS, with CDS being a key component. Maybe they can comment on this and we come up with some actionable way forward.

Yes, we did have an engaging session in Nairobi on CDS and discussed some follow-up items. I’ve been spending most of my time on the OpenMRS 3.0 discussions and plans, but I will divert some time in the next week to publishing those notes and helping facilitate the next round of planning among the group that was there and others who may be interested. I haven’t seen a lot of direct use of OpenCDS, but I do know the leader of that movement, and if desired, we could get him on an OpenMRS design call.

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Hi John,

Were you able to publish the notes or updates on OpenCDS.


Hi @jteich has there been any progress on this since? One of my professors at the Amsterdam UMC Stephanie Medlock is very interested in CDS in OpenMRS and says she wrote to someone (not sure who) without a response.

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Hi @johnblack and all – my apologies, I have not followed up properly on the CDS discussion from Nairobi (although I have been staying active on the OMRS 3 design with Greg Schmidt and others). Inspired by this talk thread, I will try to get those notes published and put some new energy into getting the people and proposed projects together very soon. I’ve also responded to your professor’s email thread.