On the loss of our esteemed community member, mentor, and good friend, Joseph Kaweesi

It’s with a heavy heart that I share the heartbreaking news of the unexpected death of our beloved community member, Joseph Kaweesi (@k.joseph).

We all had admiration for his big heart, so let’s take a moment to use ours to support each other through this event.

We’ll arrange a time in the next week or two to gather together as a community and share our memories of Kaweesi and ideas on how we can remember him.

We’ll share more details about funeral arrangements and how we can support his family once they become available.

In the meantime we welcome community members to share their memories of Joseph’s amazing work, support, and friendship here.


There are just no words to express how I feel this morning. Kaweesi brought endless enthusiasm, commitment, and joy to the work and to the world. I will miss my friend and colleague deeply. Just as his smile and warmth was felt around the world, so will be his loss.


Kaweesi was a great friend who had helped so many people and made positive impacts on many more. He was kind and warm-hearted.


I still cannot contain this. It is still hard to believe.

We hope to see Joseph when Jesus shall come to take us home.


Kaweesi has been in my thoughts since I woke up today. I’m both grateful for having so much of the last three years getting to know Kaweesi and I’m really feeling his loss. There have been many times when he lifted me up, showing what it meant to be not only a great community dev but a thoughtful, patient, and insightful mentor and colleague.

Only the other day, @janflowers and I were reflecting on where he started when he became our QA Test Engineer a few years ago and how quickly he embraced and grew in that role. A real life long learner. Inspirational.


Oh no :sob: :broken_heart:

This is so heartbreaking. He was a great person and he will be missed :broken_heart:


Dear @k.joseph, always smiling, embodied love.

My chest is empty today because my heart is in Kampala.



@k.joseph was extraordinary and made the world better. My thoughts are with his family and large OpenMRS family. We grieve together. May his memory be a blessing.

I searched for a beautiful photo which captures my friend. Thanks @burke. The smile and generosity was endless.

Singapore (December 2015)


This is a tragic loss, Kaweesi has been a great person and full of joy all the time, he will be deeply missed.

My parents actually met him several times and they are saddened by the bad news of his death.

May the soul of our dear friend rest in eternal peace.


Very much @ball


Such a tragic loss for everyone and my heart goes out especially to his family. We all loved him and in every picture you see the warmth of his smile and the joy in his eyes. He truly was a positive light in this world and we will be a little darker without him. Thank you for your words Paul and everyone and I hope there will be more details about how we can remember him and his family.


He was an inspiration to me. My heart is broken


It’s shocking and hard to believe. Such a tragic loss! Kaweesi, you will be deeply missed. My eyes are filled with your beautiful smiling face.

My heart goes especially to his family, may God give them enough strength.


This seems unreal and very hard to comprehend :broken_heart:!

Words cannot describe the void that his death has left behind. He has been my mentor in my fellowship journey and now some things do not make sense, and death just seems so final.

I will miss my friend, mentor, guide and a coach deeply :broken_heart:. Hoping to see Kaweesi Joseph when Jesus Christ shall return to take us home where there is no death, pain, and grief But Ever Joy and Peace


It’s so heartbreaking to accept the reality that thee, kaweesi Joseph has passed on…

He was one source of motion to many of us, me inclusive. He was a living testimony, indeed.

May the good Lord strengthen thee, his family, siblings and the community.

With great hope to see u again, Joshua.


I’m very saddened to hear about the tragic loss! May he rest in peace and May the Lord Almighty strengthen his family and the community.


Selfless committment , a loving heart and a helping hand we have lost . May God comfort the family and the whole community


One we looked up to. Big loss! You have left a big void in our hearts! Rest well brethren


Selfless committment ,wonderful smile and a helping hand Rest well mentor