New version of CIEL concept dictionary added to dropbox

|168519|Sea-level rise|Misc|N/A|Sea-level change (sea-level rise / sea-level fall) is a change to the height of sea level, both globally and locally (relative sea-level change) at seasonal, annual, or longer time scales due to: a change in ocean volume as a result of a change in the mass of water in the ocean (e.g., due to melt of glaciers and ice sheets); to changes in ocean volume as a result of changes in ocean water density (e.g., expansion under warmer conditions), and to changes in the shape of the ocean basins and changes in the Earth’s gravitational and rotational fields, and local subsidence or uplift of the land (IPCC, 2019).|
|168518|Permafrost loss|Misc|N/A|Permafrost is defined as the ground that remains frozen under 0&deg;C for<br>a minimum of two consecutive years. Permafrost loss, also known as permafrost thaw is the progressive loss of ground ice in permafrost, usually due to input of heat. Thaw can occur over decades to centuries over the entire depth of permafrost ground, with impacts occurring while thaw progresses. During thaw, temperature fluctuations are subdued because energy is transferred by phase change between ice and water. After the transition from permafrost to non-permafrost, ground can be described as thawed (IPCC, 2019).|
|168517|Coastal erosion|Misc|N/A|Coastal erosion is the physical reduction of land mass at the coast that results from the interfacing of marine, fluvial and landsliding (driven by the interactions between groundwater and the soil or rock) processes with the coast (Mentaschi et al., 2018).|
|168516|Soil erosion|Misc|N/A|Soil erosion is defined as the accelerated removal of topsoil from the land surface through water, wind and tillage (FAO, 2020).<br>Soil erosion is defined as the accelerated removal of topsoil from the land surface through water, wind and tillage (FAO, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168515|Coral bleaching|Misc|N/A|Corals are subject to &lsquo;bleaching&rsquo; when the seawater temperature is too high: they lose the symbiotic algae that give coral its colour and part of its nutrients. Severe, prolonged or repeated bleaching can lead to the death of coral colonies (United Nations, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168514|Wetland degradation|Misc|N/A|Wetland loss/degradation is a negative trend in wetland condition, caused by physical or direct/indirect human-induced processes expressed as long-term reduction or loss of at least one of the following: biological productivity, ecological role or value to humans (Craig et<br>al., 1979; Olsson et al., 2019). Where wetlands are defined as areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent<br>or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres (Ramsar Convention 1971: Article 1.1). Wetlands may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands (Ramsar Convention 1971: Article 2.1).|
|168514|Wetland loss|Misc|N/A|Wetland loss/degradation is a negative trend in wetland condition, caused by physical or direct/indirect human-induced processes expressed as long-term reduction or loss of at least one of the following: biological productivity, ecological role or value to humans (Craig et<br>al., 1979; Olsson et al., 2019). Where wetlands are defined as areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent<br>or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres (Ramsar Convention 1971: Article 1.1). Wetlands may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands (Ramsar Convention 1971: Article 2.1).|
|168513|Mangroves loss|Misc|N/A|Mangroves and the destruction of mangrove habitat is caused by both human and natural causes. Human activities in the form of farming, aquaculture, urban development and natural stressors such as erosion and extreme weather have driven mangrove habitat loss. The hazard of loss of mangroves and their ecosystem services has devastating socio- economic and environmental consequences for coastal communities, especially in those areas with low mangrove diversity and low mangrove area (adapted from Ellison et al., 1996; Polidoro et al., 2010; and Goldberg, 2020).|
|168512|Desertification|Misc|N/A|Desertification refers to land degradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub- humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities (UNCCD, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168511|Uncontrolled landscape fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Bush fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Vegetation fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Peat fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Wild land fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Scrub fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Grass fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Brushfire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Wildfire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168511|Forest fire|Misc|N/A|Wildfires are any unplanned or uncontrolled fire affecting natural, cultural, industrial and residential landscapes (adapted from FAO, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168510|Forest invasive species|Misc|N/A||
|168510|Forest pests|Misc|N/A||
|168509|Forest disturbance|Misc|N/A|Forest disturbance is the damage caused by any factor (biotic or abiotic) that adversely affects the vigour and productivity of the forest and which is not a direct result of human activities. It includes disturbance by insect pests, diseases, severe weather events and fires (FAO, 2018, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168508|Forest decline / dieback|Misc|N/A|Forest declines and diebacks are episodic events characterised by premature, progressive loss of tree and stand vigour and health over a given period without obvious evidence of a single clearly identifiable causal factor such as physical disturbance or attack by primary disease or insect (Ciesla and Donaubauer, 1994).<br>REF:|
|168507|Deforestation|Misc|N/A|Deforestation is the conversion of forest to other land use independently of whether human-induced or not (FAO, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168506|Biodiversity loss|Misc|N/A|Biodiversity loss refers to the reduction of any aspect of biological diversity (i.e., diversity at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels)<br>in a particular area through death (including extinction), destruction or manual removal; it can refer to many scales, from global extinctions to population extinctions, resulting in decreased total diversity at the same scale (IPBES, no date).<br>REF:|
|168505|Saline soil|Misc|N/A|Saline soils are those which have an electrical conductivity of the saturation soil extract of more than 4 dS/m at 25&deg;C (Richards, 1954). This value is generally used worldwide although the terminology committee of the Soil Science Society of America has lowered the boundary between saline and non-saline soils to 2 dS/m in the saturation extract (FAO, 1988).|
|168504|Runoff / non-point source pollution|Misc|N/A|Nonpoint sources of pollution refer to pollution sources that are<br>diffused and without a single point of origin or not introduced into a receiving freshwater or maritime environment from a specific outlet. The pollutants are generally carried off the land by storm-water run-off. The commonly used categories for nonpoint sources are agriculture, forestry, urban areas, mining, construction, dams and channels, land disposal and saltwater intrusion (UN data, no date).|
|168503|Soil degradation|Misc|N/A|Soil degradation is defined as a change in soil health status resulting in a diminished capacity of the ecosystem to provide goods and services for its beneficiaries (FAO, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168502|Land degradation|Misc|N/A|Land degradation means reduction or loss, in arid, semi-arid and dry sub- humid areas, of the biological or economic productivity and complexity of rainfed cropland, irrigated cropland or range, pasture, forest and woodlands resulting from land uses or from a process or combination<br>of processes, including processes arising from human activities and habitation patterns such as: soil erosion caused by wind and/or water; deterioration of the physical, chemical and biological or economic properties of soil; and long-term loss of natural vegetation (UNCCD, 1993).<br>Alternative Definition: Land degradation is the reduction in the capability of the land to produce benefits from a particular land use under a specified form of land management (FAO, 1999).<br>Alternative Definition: Land degradation is a negative trend in land condition, caused by direct or indirect human-induced processes including anthropogenic climate change, expressed as long-term reduction or loss of at least one of the following: biological productivity, ecological integrity or value to humans. [Note: This definition applies to forest and non-forest land. Changes in land condition resulting solely from natural processes (such as volcanic eruptions) are not considered to be land degradation. Reduction of biological productivity or ecological integrity or value to humans can constitute degradation, but any one of these changes need not necessarily be considered degradation.] (Olsson et al., 2019).|
|168501|Outside air pollution|Misc|N/A|Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is a leading environmental risk factor affecting urban and rural populations around the world, resulting in an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths in 2016 (WHO, 2018).<br>REF:|
|168501|Ambient air pollution|Misc|N/A|Ambient (outdoor) air pollution is a leading environmental risk factor affecting urban and rural populations around the world, resulting in an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths in 2016 (WHO, 2018).<br>REF:|
|168500|Air pollution from a point source|Misc|N/A|A point source of air pollution is an identifiable stationary location or fixed facility from which air pollutants are released, which may be man- made or natural in origin (adapted from Kibble and Harrison, 2005 and Dunne et al., 2014).<br>REF:|
|168499|Polluted air inside home|Misc|N/A|Household air pollution is one of the leading causes of disease and premature death and is associated with inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves paired with solid fuels and kerosene (WHO, 2018).<br>REF:|
|168499|Indoor air pollution|Misc|N/A|Household air pollution is one of the leading causes of disease and premature death and is associated with inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves paired with solid fuels and kerosene (WHO, 2018).<br>REF:|
|168499|Household air pollution|Misc|N/A|Household air pollution is one of the leading causes of disease and premature death and is associated with inefficient cooking practices using polluting stoves paired with solid fuels and kerosene (WHO, 2018).<br>REF:|
|168498|Geohazards and causes of injury|ConvSet|N/A||
|168497|Rock avalanche|Misc|N/A|Rock avalanches are a translational form of mass movement where the transported material is dry rock that is fragmented before or during slope failure. They are rapid with long runouts and large volumes and often involve the entrainment of slope material, commonly therefore, giving rise to debris slides or flows. The motion of rock avalanches is massive such that the bulk of the rock fragments move together as a largely coherent mass (adapted from Collins, 2014 and USGS, no date).|
|168496|Sand encroachment|Misc|N/A|Sand encroachment occurs generally in arid to semi-arid regions when grains of sand are carried by winds and form sandy accumulation on coasts, along water courses and on cultivated or uncultivated land. As the accumulations of sand (dunes) move, they bury towns, roads, oases, crops, market gardens, irrigation channels and dams, thus causing major material and socioeconomic damage (FAO, 2010).<br>|
|168495|Eroded riverbank|Misc|N/A|Riverbank erosion is the removal of material from the banks of rivers when flowing water forces exceed bank resisting forces by the soil and vegetation, for example, when river levels are sufficiently high, primarily due to fluvial energy and atmospheric processes and secondarily because of the resultant geotechnical instability and consequential riverbank failure. Riverbank failure can also occur as a consequence of Earth hazards, such as volcanos and earthquakes (USDA, no date).|
|168495|Riverbank erosion|Misc|N/A|Riverbank erosion is the removal of material from the banks of rivers when flowing water forces exceed bank resisting forces by the soil and vegetation, for example, when river levels are sufficiently high, primarily due to fluvial energy and atmospheric processes and secondarily because of the resultant geotechnical instability and consequential riverbank failure. Riverbank failure can also occur as a consequence of Earth hazards, such as volcanos and earthquakes (USDA, no date).|
|168494|Sinkhole|Misc|N/A|A sinkhole is a closed depression in karst (a landscape resulting from the dissolution of soluble rock) by current or palaeo internal drainage, also known as a doline. This is one of several hazards that result in subsidence, i.e., lowering or collapse of the ground (adapted from USGS, no date; and BGS, no date).|
|168493|Groundwater soil liquefaction|Misc|N/A|Liquefaction is the term applied to the loss of strength experienced in loosely packed, saturated or close to saturated sediments at or near<br>the ground surface in response to strong ground shaking, such as earthquakes, cyclic loading, and vibration from machinery, or due to the development of excess pore pressure resulting from a change in head or confining pressures. The loss of strength causes the soil to behave like a viscous fluid, sometimes referred to as &lsquo;running sand&rsquo;, until the excess pore pressure returns to hydrostatic (USGS, no date).<br>|
|168492|Volcanic lightning|Misc|N/A|Volcanic lightning is an electrical discharge caused by a volcanic eruption. It is typically associated with ash-rich eruption plumes but can also arise from a range of volcanic processes including ground-hugging ash flows and lava-ocean entry (adapted from Mather and Harrison, 2006; Behnke and McNutt, 2014; and McNutt and Thomas, 2015).|
|168491|Volcanic mudflow|Misc|N/A|Lahars are discrete, rapid, gravity-driven, water-saturated flows containing water and solid particles of volcanic rock, sediment, ice, wood, and other debris that originate at volcanoes (Gudmundsson, 2015; Vallance and Iverson, 2015).|
|168491|Lahar|Misc|N/A|Lahars are discrete, rapid, gravity-driven, water-saturated flows containing water and solid particles of volcanic rock, sediment, ice, wood, and other debris that originate at volcanoes (Gudmundsson, 2015; Vallance and Iverson, 2015).|
|168490|Pyroclastic density current|Misc|N/A|Pyroclastic density currents are hot, fast-moving mixtures of volcanic particles and gas that flow according to their density relative to the surrounding medium and the Earth&rsquo;s gravity. They typically originate from the gravitational collapse of explosive eruption columns, lava domes or lava-flow fronts, and from explosive lateral blasts (adapted from Branney and Kokelaar, 2002 and Cole et al., 2015).|
|168489|Volcanic ballistic|Misc|N/A|Ballistics comprise fragments of magma and old (i.e., pre-existing) rocks ejected during an explosive eruption at variable velocity and angle on cannon ball-like trajectories; they are not entrained within the volcanic plume and are dispersed in proximity to the vent (typically &lt;5 km) (adapted from Biass et al., 2016 and Bonadonna et al., 2021).|
|168488|Ash fall|Misc|N/A|Tephra is a collective term for fragmented magma and old (i.e., pre- existing) rocks ejected into the atmosphere from volcanic vents during an explosive eruption, irrespective of size, composition and shape (BGS, no date). The term &lsquo;volcanic ash&rsquo; refers to the finest particles of tephra (less than 2 mm diameter).<br>REF:|
|168488|Tephra fall|Misc|N/A|Tephra is a collective term for fragmented magma and old (i.e., pre- existing) rocks ejected into the atmosphere from volcanic vents during an explosive eruption, irrespective of size, composition and shape (BGS, no date). The term &lsquo;volcanic ash&rsquo; refers to the finest particles of tephra (less than 2 mm diameter).<br>REF:|
|168487|Volcanic lava flow|Misc|N/A|A lava flow or lava dome is a body of lava that forms during an eruption, or main eruptive episode. Lava flows are outpourings of fluid, relatively low-viscosity molten rock, whereas a lava dome is a pile of relatively viscous lava that cannot flow far from the vent (Calder et al., 2015; Kilburn, 2015).|
|168486|Seismogenic ground gas|Misc|N/A|Ground gases generated in the ground from magma (molten or semi- molten natural material derived from the melting of land or oceanic crust) include carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen halides (adapted from IVHHN, 2020 and USGS, no date).<br>REF:|
|168485|Earthquake surface rupture|Misc|N/A|Earthquake surface ruptures and fissures are localised ground displacements that develop during and immediately after an earthquake, where the fault which hosted the earthquake intersects the Earth&rsquo;s surface. Surface ruptures represent the upward continuation of fault slip at depth, while fissures are smaller displacements, or more distributed deformation in and around the rupture area (adapted from USGS, no date and PNSN, no date).<br>Tectonic uplift and subsidence are the distributed vertical permanent ground deformations (warping) that result from displacement on a dipping (inclined) fault (Styron, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168484|Seismic soil liquefaction|Misc|N/A|Soil liquefaction occurs when soil is transformed from a solid to a liquid state as a result of increased pore pressure and reduced effective stress. It is typically caused by rapid loading of the soil during earthquake shaking (AGI, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168483|Earthquake|Misc|N/A|Earthquake is a term used to describe both sudden slip on a fault, and the resulting ground shaking and radiated seismic energy caused by the slip, or by volcanic or magmatic activity, or other sudden stress changes in the Earth (USGS, no date).<br>REF:|
|168482|Weather hazards and causes of injury|ConvSet|N/A||
|168481|Wind|Misc|N/A|Wind is air motion relative to the Earth&rsquo;s surface. Unless otherwise specified, only the horizontal component is considered (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168480|Twister|Misc|N/A|A tornado is a rotating column of air, extending from the base of a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a condensation funnel in contact with the ground, and/or attendant circulating dust or debris cloud at the ground (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168480|Funnel cloud|Misc|N/A|A tornado is a rotating column of air, extending from the base of a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a condensation funnel in contact with the ground, and/or attendant circulating dust or debris cloud at the ground (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168480|Whirlwind|Misc|N/A|A tornado is a rotating column of air, extending from the base of a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a condensation funnel in contact with the ground, and/or attendant circulating dust or debris cloud at the ground (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168480|Waterspout|Misc|N/A|A tornado is a rotating column of air, extending from the base of a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a condensation funnel in contact with the ground, and/or attendant circulating dust or debris cloud at the ground (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168480|Tornado|Misc|N/A|A tornado is a rotating column of air, extending from the base of a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a condensation funnel in contact with the ground, and/or attendant circulating dust or debris cloud at the ground (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168479|Tropical storm|Misc|N/A|A tropical storm is a rapid rotating storm originating over tropical oceans. It has a low pressure centre and clouds spiralling towards the eyewall surrounding the &lsquo;eye&rsquo;. Its diameter is typically around 200 to 500 km, but can reach 1000 km. The related hazards are very violent winds, torrential rain, high waves, storm surges and in some cases tornadoes, causing direct effects such as flash floods, flooding, coastal inundation, and indirect effects such as landslides and mudslides. The winds<br>blow anti-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere (WMO, 2020).<br>The intensity of tropical storms is based on the wind speed. A tropical storm is a tropical cyclone with the maximum sustained winds of 34 knots (17.5 m/s, 63 km/h) to 47 knots (24.2 m/s, 87 km/h) near the centre. When reaching this intensity, they are named in the interests of public safety (WMO, 2021).|
|168478|Typhoon|Misc|N/A|A tropical cyclone is a cyclone of tropical origin of small diameter<br>(some hundreds of kilometres) with a minimum surface pressure in some cases of less than 900 hPa, very violent winds and torrential rain; sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms. It usually contains a central region, known as the &amp;lsquo;eye&amp;rsquo; of the storm, with a diameter of the order of some tens of kilometres, and with light winds and a more or less lightly clouded sky (WMO, 2017).<br>Alternative definition: A tropical cyclone is a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organised deep convection and closed surface wind circulation about a well-defined centre (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168478|Hurricane|Misc|N/A|A tropical cyclone is a cyclone of tropical origin of small diameter<br>(some hundreds of kilometres) with a minimum surface pressure in some cases of less than 900 hPa, very violent winds and torrential rain; sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms. It usually contains a central region, known as the &amp;lsquo;eye&amp;rsquo; of the storm, with a diameter of the order of some tens of kilometres, and with light winds and a more or less lightly clouded sky (WMO, 2017).<br>Alternative definition: A tropical cyclone is a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organised deep convection and closed surface wind circulation about a well-defined centre (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168478|Tropical cyclone|Misc|N/A|A tropical cyclone is a cyclone of tropical origin of small diameter<br>(some hundreds of kilometres) with a minimum surface pressure in some cases of less than 900 hPa, very violent winds and torrential rain; sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms. It usually contains a central region, known as the &amp;lsquo;eye&amp;rsquo; of the storm, with a diameter of the order of some tens of kilometres, and with light winds and a more or less lightly clouded sky (WMO, 2017).<br>Alternative definition: A tropical cyclone is a warm-core, non-frontal synoptic-scale cyclone, originating over tropical or subtropical waters, with organised deep convection and closed surface wind circulation about a well-defined centre (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168477|Sub-tropical storm|Misc|N/A|A subtropical storm is a subtropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind speed (using the U.S. 1-minute average) is 34 kt (39 mph or 63 km/hr) or more (NOAA, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168477|Subtropical storm|Misc|N/A|A subtropical storm is a subtropical cyclone in which the maximum sustained surface wind speed (using the U.S. 1-minute average) is 34 kt (39 mph or 63 km/hr) or more (NOAA, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168476|Odor of exudate|Question|Coded||
|168475|Global flexion extension test|ConvSet|N/A||
|168474|Final active range of motion right little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168474|Final active ROM right finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168473|Initial active range of motion right little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168473|Initial active ROM right finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168472|Final active ROM left finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168472|Final active range of motion left little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168471|Initial active range of motion left little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168471|Initial active ROM left finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168470|Final passive range of motion right little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168470|Final passive ROM right finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168469|Initial passive range of motion right little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168469|Initial passive ROM right finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168468|Final passive ROM left finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168468|Final passive range of motion left little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168467|Initial passive ROM left finger V|Question|Numeric||
|168467|Initial passive range of motion left little finger|Question|Numeric||
|168466|Final active range of motion right ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168466|Final active ROM right finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168465|Initial active ROM right finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168465|Initial active range of motion right ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168464|Final active range of motion left ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168464|Final active ROM left finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168463|Initial active ROM left finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168463|Initial active range of motion left ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168462|Final passive range of motion right ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168462|Final passive ROM right finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168461|Initial passive ROM right finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168461|Initial passive range of motion right ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168461|Initial active range of motion left ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168461|Initial active ROM left finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168460|Final passive ROM left finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168460|Final passive range of motion left ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168459|Initial passive ROM left finger IV|Question|Numeric||
|168459|Initial passive range of motion left ring finger|Question|Numeric||
|168458|Final active ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168458|Final active range of motion right middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168457|Initial active ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168457|Initial active range of motion right middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168457|Initial active ROM left finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168456|Final active ROM left finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168456|Final active range of motion left middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168455|Initial active ROM left finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168455|Initial active ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168455|Initial active range of motion left middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168454|Final passive ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168454|Final passive range of motion right middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168453|Initial passive range of motion right middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168453|Initial passive ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168452|Final passive ROM left finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168452|Final passive ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168452|Final passive range of motion left middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168451|Initial passive ROM left finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168451|Initial passive range of motion left middle finger|Question|Numeric||
|168451|Initial passive ROM right finger III|Question|Numeric||
|168450|Final active range of motion right index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168450|Final active ROM right finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168449|Initial active ROM right finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168449|Initial active range of motion right index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168448|Final active range of motion left index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168448|Final active ROM left finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168447|Initial active range of motion left index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168447|Initial active ROM left finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168446|Final passive range of motion right index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168446|Final passive ROM right finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168445|Initial passive range of motion right index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168445|Initial passive ROM right finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168444|Final passive range of motion left index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168444|Final passive ROM left finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168443|Initial passive ROM left finger II|Question|Numeric||
|168443|Initial passive range of motion left index finger|Question|Numeric||
|168442|Active space between right thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168442|Active space between right finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168442|ROM active space between right thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168442|ROM active space between right finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168441|Active space between left thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168441|Active space between left finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168441|ROM active space between left thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168441|ROM active space between left finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168440|Passive space between right thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168440|Passive space between right finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168440|ROM passive space between right thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168440|ROM passive space between right finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168439|Passive space between left finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168439|Passive space between left thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168439|ROM passive space between left thumb and fifth finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168439|ROM passive space between left finger I and V|Question|Numeric||
|168438|Active space between right finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168438|Active space between right thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168438|ROM active space between right thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168438|ROM active space between right finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168437|Active space between left thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168437|Active space between left finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168437|ROM active space between left finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168437|ROM active space between left thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168436|Passive space between right thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168436|Passive space between right finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168436|ROM passive space between right finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168436|ROM passive space between right thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168435|Passive space between left finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168435|Passive space between left thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168435|ROM passive space between left thumb and first finger (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168435|ROM passive space between left finger I and II|Question|Numeric||
|168434|Ability to put on shirt|Question|Coded||
|168433|Ability to put on pants|Question|Coded||
|168432|Ability to carry objects overhead|Question|Coded||
|168432|Ability to carry objects over the head|Question|Coded||
|168431|Physiotherapy care plan|Question|Text||
|168430|Cane|Medical supply|N/A|Walking device|
|168428|Affected body site|Question|Coded||
|168427|Deep sensation|Question|Coded||
|168427|Sensitivity to deep pressure|Question|Coded||
|168426|Skin sensitivity|Question|Coded||
|168425|Skin color (text)|Question|Text||
|168425|Color of skin|Question|Text||
|168424|Squall|Misc|N/A|A squall is an atmospheric phenomenon characterised by a very large variation of wind speed: it begins suddenly, has a duration of the order of minutes and decreases suddenly in speed. It is often accompanied by a shower or thunderstorm (WMO, 2018).<br>REF:|
|168423|Gale|Misc|N/A|A gale is wind with a speed of between 34 and 40 knots (62–74 km/h, 32–38 mph). Also known as Beaufort scale wind force 8 (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168422|Derecho|Misc|N/A|Derechos are fast-moving bands of thunderstorms with destructive winds. The winds can be as strong as those found in hurricanes or even tornadoes. Unlike hurricanes and tornadoes, these winds follow straight lines (NOAA, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168421|Rock slide|Misc|N/A|A rock slide is a movement of a mass of soil or rock on an individualized failure surface (Dennis and Didier, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168421|Rockfall|Misc|N/A|A rock slide is a movement of a mass of soil or rock on an individualized failure surface (Dennis and Didier, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168421|Rock fall|Misc|N/A|A rock slide is a movement of a mass of soil or rock on an individualized failure surface (Dennis and Didier, 2019).<br>REF:|
|168420|Mud slide|Misc|N/A|A mud flow is a flow of water so heavily charged with sediment and debris that the flowing mass is thick and viscous (WMO and UNESCO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168420|Mud flow|Misc|N/A|A mud flow is a flow of water so heavily charged with sediment and debris that the flowing mass is thick and viscous (WMO and UNESCO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168419|Avalanche|Misc|N/A|An avalanche is a mass of snow and ice falling suddenly down a mountain slope and often taking with it earth, rocks and rubble of every description (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168418|Thaw|Misc|N/A|Thaw is the melting of snow or ice at the Earth’s surface due to a temperature rise above 0°C (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168416|Heat wave|Misc|N/A|A heatwave is a marked warming of the air, or the invasion of very warm air, over a large area; it usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks (WMO, 1992).<br>Alternative definition: A heatwave is a marked unusual period of hot weather over a region persisting for at least two consecutive days during the hot period of the year based on local climatological conditions, with thermal conditions recorded above given thresholds (WMO, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168416|Heatwave|Misc|N/A|A heatwave is a marked warming of the air, or the invasion of very warm air, over a large area; it usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks (WMO, 1992).<br>Alternative definition: A heatwave is a marked unusual period of hot weather over a region persisting for at least two consecutive days during the hot period of the year based on local climatological conditions, with thermal conditions recorded above given thresholds (WMO, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168412|Supercooled rain|Misc|N/A|Freezing rain is rain where the temperature of the water droplets is below 0 deg C. Drops of supercooled rain may freeze on impact with the ground, in-flight aircraft or other objects (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168412|Freezing rain|Misc|N/A|Freezing rain is rain where the temperature of the water droplets is below 0 deg C. Drops of supercooled rain may freeze on impact with the ground, in-flight aircraft or other objects (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168408|Frost|Misc|N/A|A hoar frost is a deposit of ice produced by the deposition of water vapour from the surrounding air and is generally crystalline in appearance (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168408|Hoar frost|Misc|N/A|A hoar frost is a deposit of ice produced by the deposition of water vapour from the surrounding air and is generally crystalline in appearance (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168407|Dzud|Misc|N/A|A dzud (a Mongolian term that describes &lsquo;severe winter conditions&rsquo;&rsquo;, sometimes spelled zud) is a cold-season disaster in which anomalous climatic (i.e., heavy snow and severe cold) and/or land-surface (snow/ ice cover and lack of pasture) conditions lead to reduced accessibility and/or availability of forage/pastures, and ultimately to high livestock mortality during winter&ndash;spring. Severe dzuds (high mortality) result from a combination of growing-season drought and severe weather (Natsagdorj and Dulamsuren, 2001; Nandintsetseg et al., 2017, 2018a,b).|
|168406|Cold wave|Misc|N/A|A cold wave is a period of marked and unusual cold weather characterised by a sharp and significant drop in air temperatures near the surface (maximum, minimum and daily average) over a large area and persisting below certain thresholds for at least two consecutive days during the cold season (WMO, 2020).|
|168405|Snow|Misc|N/A|Snow is the precipitation of ice crystals, isolated or agglomerated, falling from a cloud (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168404|Silver storm|Misc|N/A|An ice storm involves the intense formation of ice on objects by the freezing, on impact, of rain or drizzle (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168404|Ice storm|Misc|N/A|An ice storm involves the intense formation of ice on objects by the freezing, on impact, of rain or drizzle (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168403|Hailstorm|Misc|N/A|Hail is precipitation in the form of particles of ice (hailstones). These can be either transparent, or partly or completely opaque. They are usually spheroidal, conical or irregular in form, and generally 5&minus;50 mm in diameter. The particles may fall from a cloud either separately or agglomerated in irregular lumps (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168403|Hailstone|Misc|N/A|Hail is precipitation in the form of particles of ice (hailstones). These can be either transparent, or partly or completely opaque. They are usually spheroidal, conical or irregular in form, and generally 5&minus;50 mm in diameter. The particles may fall from a cloud either separately or agglomerated in irregular lumps (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168403|Hail|Misc|N/A|Hail is precipitation in the form of particles of ice (hailstones). These can be either transparent, or partly or completely opaque. They are usually spheroidal, conical or irregular in form, and generally 5&minus;50 mm in diameter. The particles may fall from a cloud either separately or agglomerated in irregular lumps (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168402|Drought|Misc|N/A|A drought is a period of abnormally dry weather characterised by a prolonged deficiency of precipitation below a certain threshold over a large area and a period longer than a month (WMO, 2020).<br>REF:|
|168401|Purga|Misc|N/A|A blizzard is a severe snow storm characterised by poor visibility, usually occurring at high-latitude and in mountainous regions (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168401|Severe snow storm|Misc|N/A|A blizzard is a severe snow storm characterised by poor visibility, usually occurring at high-latitude and in mountainous regions (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168401|White-out|Misc|N/A|A blizzard is a severe snow storm characterised by poor visibility, usually occurring at high-latitude and in mountainous regions (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168401|Blizzard|Misc|N/A|A blizzard is a severe snow storm characterised by poor visibility, usually occurring at high-latitude and in mountainous regions (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168400|Acid rain|Misc|N/A|Acid rain is rain which in the course of its history has combined with chemical elements or pollutants in the atmosphere and reaches the Earth&rsquo;s surface as a weak acid solution (WMO/UNESCO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168399|Sub-tropical cyclone|Misc|N/A|A sub-tropical cyclone is a non-frontal low-pressure system that has characteristics of both tropical and extratropical cyclones. Like tropical cyclones, they are non-frontal, synoptic-scale cyclones that originate over tropical or subtropical waters and have a closed surface wind circulation about a welldefined centre (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168398|Extra-tropical cyclone|Misc|N/A|An extra-tropical cyclone is a low-pressure system which develops in latitudes outside the tropics (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168397|Cyclone|Misc|N/A|A depression or cyclone is a region of the atmosphere in which the pressures are lower than those of the surrounding region at the same level (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168396|Tsunami|Misc|N/A|Tsunami is the Japanese term meaning wave (&lsquo;nami&rsquo;) in a harbour (&lsquo;tsu&rsquo;). It is a series of travelling waves of extremely long length and period, usually generated by disturbances associated with earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor (IOC, 2019).<br>REF:;queryId=aeb846ae-edfb-4d66-a03a-385a5d5897f0|
|168395|Seiche|Misc|N/A|Seiches are sea-level oscillations at the resonant frequency of enclosed bodies of water (WMO, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168394|Ice flow|Misc|N/A|Ice flow is the motion of ice driven by gravitational forces, ice stress or, for sea ice, wind, water currents and tide (AMS, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168393|Iceberg|Misc|N/A|Sea ice is any form of ice found at sea (WMO, 2015).<br>REF: WMO, 2015. Manual on the Global Observing System: Volume 1 &amp;ndash; Global aspects: Annex V to the WMO Technical Regulations: WMO No. 544. World Meteorological Organization (WMO).|
|168393|Pack ice|Misc|N/A|Sea ice is any form of ice found at sea (WMO, 2015).<br>REF: WMO, 2015. Manual on the Global Observing System: Volume 1 &amp;ndash; Global aspects: Annex V to the WMO Technical Regulations: WMO No. 544. World Meteorological Organization (WMO).|
|168393|Ice floe|Misc|N/A|Sea ice is any form of ice found at sea (WMO, 2015).<br>REF: WMO, 2015. Manual on the Global Observing System: Volume 1 &amp;ndash; Global aspects: Annex V to the WMO Technical Regulations: WMO No. 544. World Meteorological Organization (WMO).|
|168393|Sea ice|Misc|N/A|Sea ice is any form of ice found at sea (WMO, 2015).<br>REF: WMO, 2015. Manual on the Global Observing System: Volume 1 &amp;ndash; Global aspects: Annex V to the WMO Technical Regulations: WMO No. 544. World Meteorological Organization (WMO).|
|168392|seawater encroachment|Misc|N/A|Seawater intrusion is the process by which saltwater infiltrates a coastal aquifer, leading to contamination of fresh groundwater (NRC, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168392|Sea water intrusion|Misc|N/A|Seawater intrusion is the process by which saltwater infiltrates a coastal aquifer, leading to contamination of fresh groundwater (NRC, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168392|Salt water intrusion|Misc|N/A|Seawater intrusion is the process by which saltwater infiltrates a coastal aquifer, leading to contamination of fresh groundwater (NRC, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168391|Rogue wave|Misc|N/A|Rogue waves are extreme waves with overall or crest heights that are abnormally high relative to the background significant wave height (WMO, 2018).<br>REF: https://library.;id=7700#.XzPLuigzaUk|
|168390|Ocean acidification|Misc|N/A|Ocean acidification refers to a reduction in the pH of the ocean over<br>an extended period, which is caused primarily by uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and can also be caused by other chemical additions or subtractions from the ocean (IPCC, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168389|Smoke|Misc|N/A|Smoke is a suspension in the air of small particles produced by combustion (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168388|Dust/sand haze|Misc|N/A|Sand haze is haze caused by the suspension in the atmosphere of small sand or dust particles, raised from the ground prior to the time of observation by a sandstorm or dust storm (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168387|Polluted air|Misc|N/A|Polluted air is air containing dust, smoke, micro-organisms or gases different from those from which it would normally be composed (WMO, 1992).<br>Alternative definition: Polluted air is air which contains gases and particles emitted to the atmosphere by a variety of human activities and natural sources, or formed in the atmosphere, that at critical levels have harmful effects on human health, animals, plants and ecosystems, or reduce visibility and corrode materials, buildings and cultural heritage sites (UNEP, no date).<br>REF:<br>REF: questions-air-pollution|
|168387|Air pollution|Misc|N/A|Polluted air is air containing dust, smoke, micro-organisms or gases different from those from which it would normally be composed (WMO, 1992).<br>Alternative definition: Polluted air is air which contains gases and particles emitted to the atmosphere by a variety of human activities and natural sources, or formed in the atmosphere, that at critical levels have harmful effects on human health, animals, plants and ecosystems, or reduce visibility and corrode materials, buildings and cultural heritage sites (UNEP, no date).<br>REF:<br>REF: questions-air-pollution|
|168386|Haze|Misc|N/A|Haze is a suspension in the air of extremely small, dry particles invisible to the naked eye and sufficiently numerous to give the air an opalescent appearance (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168385|Fog|Misc|N/A|Fog is a suspension of very small, usually microscopic water droplets in the air, reducing visibility at the Earth&rsquo;s surface (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168384|Black carbon|Misc|N/A|Black carbon refers to the absorbing components of soot, often defined using elemental carbon and some condensed organics. Black carbon<br>is an important part of the combustion product commonly referred to as soot. Black carbon in indoor environments is largely due to cooking with biofuels such as wood, dung and crop residue. Outdoors, it is<br>due to fossil fuel combustion (diesel and coal), open biomass burning (associated with deforestation and crop residue burning), and cooking with biofuels (Ramanathan and Carmichael, 2008).<br>REF: Ramanathan, V. and G. Carmichael, 2008. Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon. Nature Geoscience, 1:221-227.|
|168384|Soot|Misc|N/A|Black carbon refers to the absorbing components of soot, often defined using elemental carbon and some condensed organics. Black carbon<br>is an important part of the combustion product commonly referred to as soot. Black carbon in indoor environments is largely due to cooking with biofuels such as wood, dung and crop residue. Outdoors, it is<br>due to fossil fuel combustion (diesel and coal), open biomass burning (associated with deforestation and crop residue burning), and cooking with biofuels (Ramanathan and Carmichael, 2008).<br>REF: Ramanathan, V. and G. Carmichael, 2008. Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon. Nature Geoscience, 1:221-227.|
|168384|Brown clouds|Misc|N/A|Black carbon refers to the absorbing components of soot, often defined using elemental carbon and some condensed organics. Black carbon<br>is an important part of the combustion product commonly referred to as soot. Black carbon in indoor environments is largely due to cooking with biofuels such as wood, dung and crop residue. Outdoors, it is<br>due to fossil fuel combustion (diesel and coal), open biomass burning (associated with deforestation and crop residue burning), and cooking with biofuels (Ramanathan and Carmichael, 2008).<br>REF: Ramanathan, V. and G. Carmichael, 2008. Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon. Nature Geoscience, 1:221-227.|
|168383|Dust/Sandstorm|Misc|N/A|A dust storm is an ensemble of particles of dust or sand energetically lifted to great heights by a strong and turbulent wind (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168382|GLOF (glacial lake outburst flood)|Misc|N/A|A &quot;glacial lake outburst flood&quot; is a phrase used to describe a sudden release of a significant amount of water retained in a glacial lake, irrespective of the cause (Emmer, 2017).<br>REF: A &lsquo;glacial lake outburst flood&rsquo; is a phrase used to describe a sudden release of a significant amount of water retained in a glacial lake, irrespective of the cause (Emmer, 2017).|
|168382|Glacial lake outburst flood|Misc|N/A|A &quot;glacial lake outburst flood&quot; is a phrase used to describe a sudden release of a significant amount of water retained in a glacial lake, irrespective of the cause (Emmer, 2017).<br>REF: A &lsquo;glacial lake outburst flood&rsquo; is a phrase used to describe a sudden release of a significant amount of water retained in a glacial lake, irrespective of the cause (Emmer, 2017).|
|168381|Surface water flood|Misc|N/A|Surface water flooding is that part of the rain which remains on the ground surface during rain and either runs off or infiltrates after the rain ends, not including depression storage (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168381|Surface detention flood|Misc|N/A|Surface water flooding is that part of the rain which remains on the ground surface during rain and either runs off or infiltrates after the rain ends, not including depression storage (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168381|Surface water flooding|Misc|N/A|Surface water flooding is that part of the rain which remains on the ground surface during rain and either runs off or infiltrates after the rain ends, not including depression storage (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168380|Snowmelt-runoff flood|Misc|N/A|A snowmelt flood is a significant flood rise in a river caused by the melting of snowpack accumulated during the winter (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168380|Snowmelt flood|Misc|N/A|A snowmelt flood is a significant flood rise in a river caused by the melting of snowpack accumulated during the winter (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168380|Melt-induced flood|Misc|N/A|A snowmelt flood is a significant flood rise in a river caused by the melting of snowpack accumulated during the winter (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168379|Surface retention flood|Misc|N/A|A ponding flood is a flood which results from rainwater ponding at or near the point where it falls because it is falling faster than the drainage system (natural or man-made) can carry it away (WMO, 2006).<br>REF:|
|168379|Drainage flood|Misc|N/A|A ponding flood is a flood which results from rainwater ponding at or near the point where it falls because it is falling faster than the drainage system (natural or man-made) can carry it away (WMO, 2006).<br>REF:|
|168379|Ponding flood|Misc|N/A|A ponding flood is a flood which results from rainwater ponding at or near the point where it falls because it is falling faster than the drainage system (natural or man-made) can carry it away (WMO, 2006).<br>REF:|
|168378|Ice jam flood|Misc|N/A|An ice jam flood including debris is defined as an accumulation of shuga including ice cakes, below ice cover. It is broken ice in a river which causes a narrowing of the river channel, a rise in water level and local floods (WMO, 2012).<br>Shuga is defined as accumulation of spongy white ice lumps, a few centimetres across, formed from grease ice or slush, and sometimes from anchor ice rising to the surface (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168378|Shuga flood|Misc|N/A|An ice jam flood including debris is defined as an accumulation of shuga including ice cakes, below ice cover. It is broken ice in a river which causes a narrowing of the river channel, a rise in water level and local floods (WMO, 2012).<br>Shuga is defined as accumulation of spongy white ice lumps, a few centimetres across, formed from grease ice or slush, and sometimes from anchor ice rising to the surface (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168377|Groundwater flood|Misc|N/A|A groundwater flood is the emergence of groundwater at the ground surface away from perennial river channels or the rising of groundwater into man-made ground, under conditions where the &lsquo;normal&rsquo; ranges of groundwater level and groundwater flow are exceeded (BGS, 2010).<br>REF:|
|168376|Riverine flood|Misc|N/A|A fluvial flood is a rise, usually brief, in the water level of a stream or water body to a peak from which the water level recedes at a slower rate (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168376|Fluvial flood|Misc|N/A|A fluvial flood is a rise, usually brief, in the water level of a stream or water body to a peak from which the water level recedes at a slower rate (WMO, 2012).<br>REF:|
|168375|Flash flood|Misc|N/A|A flash flood is a flood of short duration with a relatively high peak discharge in which the time interval between the observable causative event and the flood is less than four to six hours (WMO, 2006).<br>REF:|
|168375|Freshet|Misc|N/A|A flash flood is a flood of short duration with a relatively high peak discharge in which the time interval between the observable causative event and the flood is less than four to six hours (WMO, 2006).<br>REF:|
|168375|Huayco|Misc|N/A|A flash flood is a flood of short duration with a relatively high peak discharge in which the time interval between the observable causative event and the flood is less than four to six hours (WMO, 2006).<br>REF:|
|168374|Estuarine (Coastal) Flood|Misc|N/A|Estuarine flooding is flooding over and near coastal areas caused<br>by storm surges and high winds coincident with high tides, thereby obstructing the seaward river flow. Estuarine flooding can be caused by tsunamis in specific cases (WMO, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168373|Storm surge|Misc|N/A|Coastal flooding is most frequently the result of storm surges and<br>high winds coinciding with high tides. The surge itself is the result of<br>the raising of sea levels due to low atmospheric pressure. In particular configurations, such as major estuaries or confined sea areas, the piling up of water is amplified by a combination of the shallowing of the seabed and retarding of return flow (WMO, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168373|Coastal flood|Misc|N/A|Coastal flooding is most frequently the result of storm surges and<br>high winds coinciding with high tides. The surge itself is the result of<br>the raising of sea levels due to low atmospheric pressure. In particular configurations, such as major estuaries or confined sea areas, the piling up of water is amplified by a combination of the shallowing of the seabed and retarding of return flow (WMO, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168373|Coastal inundation|Misc|N/A|Coastal flooding is most frequently the result of storm surges and<br>high winds coinciding with high tides. The surge itself is the result of<br>the raising of sea levels due to low atmospheric pressure. In particular configurations, such as major estuaries or confined sea areas, the piling up of water is amplified by a combination of the shallowing of the seabed and retarding of return flow (WMO, 2011).<br>REF:|
|168372|Thunderstorm|Misc|N/A|A thunderstorm is defined as one or more sudden electrical discharges, manifested by a flash of light (lightning) and a sharp or rumbling sound (thunder) (WMO, no date).|
|168371|Lightning|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Lightning (Electrical Storm)|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Firebolt|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Bolt|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Thunderbolt|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Thunderstroke|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Thunderball|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168371|Bolt-from-the-blue|Misc|N/A|Lightning is the luminous manifestation accompanying a sudden electrical discharge which takes place from or inside a cloud or, less often, from high structures on the ground or from mountains (WMO, 2017).<br>REF:|
|168370|Macroburst|Misc|N/A|A downburst is a violent and damaging downdraught reaching the ground surface, associated with a severe thunderstorm (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168370|Downburst|Misc|N/A|A downburst is a violent and damaging downdraught reaching the ground surface, associated with a severe thunderstorm (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168370|Microburst|Misc|N/A|A downburst is a violent and damaging downdraught reaching the ground surface, associated with a severe thunderstorm (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168370|Wind sear|Misc|N/A|A downburst is a violent and damaging downdraught reaching the ground surface, associated with a severe thunderstorm (WMO, 1992).<br>REF:|
|168369|Peripheral edema description|Question|Text||
|168368|Postoperative infectious peritonitis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168368|Intra-abdominal infection after surgical procedure|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168367|PSYCa 3-6 years|Misc|N/A|The 20-item PSYCa 3-6 assesses psychological difficulties in children aged 3 to 6 years. It is a tool for screening and orientation, and not a diagnostic tool. It comprises a scaled assessment to be filled in by the parent or caregiver with support from a person formally trained to conduct interviews.|
|168367|PSYCa 3-6 years screening tool|Misc|N/A|The 20-item PSYCa 3-6 assesses psychological difficulties in children aged 3 to 6 years. It is a tool for screening and orientation, and not a diagnostic tool. It comprises a scaled assessment to be filled in by the parent or caregiver with support from a person formally trained to conduct interviews.|
|168366|PSYCa 3-36 months screening tool|Misc|N/A|The 20-item PSYCa 3-36 is meant for rapid screening of general psychological difficulties in children aged 6 to 36 months. It consists of a questionnaire and is meant to be answered by a caregiver or parent, through the intermediary of a non-specialist trained interviewer.|
|168366|PSYCa 3-36 months|Misc|N/A|The 20-item PSYCa 3-36 is meant for rapid screening of general psychological difficulties in children aged 6 to 36 months. It consists of a questionnaire and is meant to be answered by a caregiver or parent, through the intermediary of a non-specialist trained interviewer.|
|168365|Weeks of amenorrhea|Question|Numeric||
|168364|Traditional ceremony|Misc|N/A||
|168363|NCD clinic|Misc|N/A||
|168363|Non-communicable disease clinic|Misc|N/A||
|168362|TB/HIV clinic|Misc|N/A||
|168361|Isolation unit|Misc|N/A||
|168361|Isolation room/ward|Misc|N/A||
|168360|Therapeutic response status|Question|Coded||
|168360|Treatment response|Question|Coded||
|168359|Hepatocellular carcinoma secondary to unknown cause|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168359|Idiopathic hepatocellular carcinoma|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168358|Non-communicable disease|Misc|N/A||
|168356|Cirrhosis of liver with ascites|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168355|History of diabetic foot amputation|Finding|N/A||
|168354|Injury site detail|ConvSet|N/A||
|168353|Surgery contraindicated|Finding|N/A||
|168352|Surgery postponed|Finding|N/A||
|168352|Surgery delayed|Finding|N/A||
|168351|Outcome of anesthesia assessment|Question|Coded||
|168350|Ready for surgery|Finding|N/A||
|168349|Fasting start date/time|Question|Datetime||
|168348|>3 finger breadths|Misc|N/A||
|168348|Greater than three finger breadths|Misc|N/A||
|168347|Two to three finger breadths|Misc|N/A|Distance/width measurement|
|168347|2-3 finger breadths|Misc|N/A|Distance/width measurement|
|168346|<2 finger breadths|Misc|N/A|Distance/width measurement|
|168346|&lt;2 finger breadths|Misc|N/A|Distance/width measurement|
|168346|Less than two finger breadths|Misc|N/A|Distance/width measurement|
|168346|<2 finger breadths|Misc|N/A|Distance/width measurement|
|168345|Distance of mouth opening|Question|Coded|The space between the teeth enabling endotracheal intubation.|
|168344|Uncontrolled tumor-related pain|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168344|Malignancy-related breakthrough pain|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168344|Uncontrolled cancer pain|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168343|Liver heterogeneous without signs of cirrhosis by ultrasound|Finding|N/A||
|168342|Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168342|Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168341|Periportal fibrosis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168340|Liver cirrhosis without portal hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168340|Hepatic cirrhosis without portal hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168339|Hepatic cirrhosis with portal hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168339|Liver cirrhosis with portal hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168338|Shigella (organism)|Organism|N/A||
|168336|Escherichia coli (organism)|Organism|N/A||
|168335|Stamlo D|Drug|N/A||
|168335|Amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide|Drug|N/A||
|168335|Amlovas H|Drug|N/A||
|168335|Amlosafe H|Drug|N/A||
|168335|Amlodipine / HCTZ|Drug|N/A||
|168334|Service/treatment provided within 5 days of incident/cause|Question|Coded||
|168333|Rape services provided|ConvSet|N/A||
|168333|Sexual assault services provided|ConvSet|N/A||
|168332|Duration of service provided|Question|Numeric||
|168331|Previous anesthesia received|Question|Coded||
|168331|Anesthesia history|Question|Coded||
|168330|Difficulty ventilating with mask|Finding|N/A||
|168330|Difficult mask ventilation|Finding|N/A||
|168329|At risk for aspiration|Finding|N/A||
|168328|Increased risk of blood loss during surgical procedure|Finding|N/A||
|168328|Risk of haemorrhage during surgery|Finding|N/A||
|168328|Risk of hemorrhage during surgery|Finding|N/A||
|168328|At increased risk for bleeding during surgery|Finding|N/A||
|168327|Arbitel AM|Drug|N/A||
|168327|Sartel AM|Drug|N/A||
|168327|Amlodipine / telmisartan|Drug|N/A||
|168326|Excision of buccal frenum|Procedure|N/A||
|168325|Serous|Misc|N/A|General descriptor Of, resembling, or producing serum.|
|168324|Exudate description|Question|Coded||
|168323|Hepatitis B DNA quantitative (IU/mL)|Test|Numeric||
1 Like

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Dec 15, 2023!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for PIH, MSF and lots of new medication concepts for the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR. Several new COVID-19 variants were added to the release and COVID-19 starter collection.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):


|168625|Emergency tracheostomy for airway management|Procedure|N/A||
|168625|Emergency surgical management of airway|Procedure|N/A||
|168625|Emergency tracheotomy for airway management|Procedure|N/A||
|168624|Allergy intolerance reaction severity|ConvSet|N/A||
|168623|Unable to assess risk|Finding|N/A||
|168622|Allergy intolerance criticality|ConvSet|N/A||
|168621|Non-traumatic surgical emergency|Finding|N/A||
|168620|Gynecologic emergency|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168620|Gynaecologic emergency|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168619|Admit to hospital|Procedure|N/A||
|168618|Observation unit admission date/time|Question|Datetime||
|168617|Sprain or strain|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168616|Suspected infectious meningitis|Finding|N/A||
|168616|Infective meningitis suspected|Finding|N/A||
|168615|Unexpected readmission within three days of discharge|Question|Coded||
|168615|Unexpected re-admission within 72 hours of discharge|Question|Coded||
|168614|Acute jaundice of unknown etiology|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168614|Acute jaundice|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168612|Tenofovir alafenamide|Drug|N/A||
|168611|Severe pre-eclampsia, stabilized|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168610|Abnormal placental attachment|Question|Coded||
|168606|Dasabuvir|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) drug|
|168605|Atazanavir / cobicistat|Drug|N/A||
|168604|Vilvio|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168604|Viekirax|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168604|Ombitasvir / paritaprevir / ritonavir|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168603|Emtricitabine / tenofovir alafenamide|Drug|N/A||
|168602|Prezcobix|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168602|Cobicistat / darunavir|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168602|Rezolsta|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168601|Emtricitabine / rilpivirine / tenofovir disoproxil|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168601|Complera|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168600|Dasabuvir / ombitasvir / paritaprevir / ritonavir|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168600|Viekira Pak|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168600|Holkira Pak|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168599|Emtricitabine / rilpivirine / tenofovir alafenamide|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168599|Odefsey|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168598|Genvoya|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168598|Cobicistat / elvitegravir / emtricitabine / tenofovir alafenamide|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168597|Lamivudine / raltegravir|Drug|N/A||
|168596|EVG/COBI/FTC/TDF|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168596|Stribild|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168596|Cobicistat / elvitegravir / emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil|Drug|N/A|Anti-retroviral (ARV) combination drug|
|168595|Nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168595|Nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns (NRFHRP)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168594|History of 2 prior c-sections|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168594|History of two prior cesarean sections|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168594|History of two previous cesarean births|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168593|History of 1 prior c-section|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168593|History of one previous cesarean birth|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168593|History of one prior cesarean section|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168592|Chronic hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168591|Worrying too much about different things over the past two weeks|Question|Coded||
|168590|GAD-7 set|ConvSet|N/A||
|168590|Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 set|ConvSet|N/A||
|168589|PHQ-9 set|ConvSet|N/A||
|168589|Patient Health Questionnaire-9 set|ConvSet|N/A||
|168588|No amniotic fluid|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168587|Injury of internal organ|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168586|Intentional poisoning|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168585|Post-Lyme disease symptoms (PLDS)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168585|Post-treatment lyme disease syndrome|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168585|Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168584|CKDu|Diagnosis|N/A|Possible heat-related impact on kidney disease|
|168584|Chronic renal disease of unknown origin|Diagnosis|N/A|Possible heat-related impact on kidney disease|
|168584|Chronic kidney disease of unknown origin|Diagnosis|N/A|Possible heat-related impact on kidney disease|
|168583|Chronic hepatitis C with HIV infection|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168582|Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli infection|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168582|Intestinal infection due to enteroinvasive E. coli|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168581|Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168581|Intestinal infection due to enterotoxigenic E. coli|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168576|CT orbits without contrast|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A|Computed tomography of b both (bilateral) orbits without contrast|
|168576|Computed tomography of orbits without contrast|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A|Computed tomography of b both (bilateral) orbits without contrast|
|168575|Computed tomography of orbits with contrast|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A|Computed tomography of both (bilateral) orbits with contrast|
|168575|CT of orbits with contrast|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A|Computed tomography of both (bilateral) orbits with contrast|
|168574|TSI test|Test|Text|Triple sugar iron agar (TSI) is a differential medium that contains lactose, sucrose, a small amount of glucose (dextrose), ferrous sulfate, and the pH indicator phenol red.  It is used to differentiate enteric bacteria based on their ability to reduce sulfur and ferment carbohydrates in different conditions in a slanted test tube.|
|168574|Triple sugar iron test|Test|Text|Triple sugar iron agar (TSI) is a differential medium that contains lactose, sucrose, a small amount of glucose (dextrose), ferrous sulfate, and the pH indicator phenol red.  It is used to differentiate enteric bacteria based on their ability to reduce sulfur and ferment carbohydrates in different conditions in a slanted test tube.|
|168573|JN.1 variant|Misc|N/A|SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant|
|168572|HV.1 variant|Misc|N/A|SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant|
|168571|Recurrent non-typhoid salmonella bacteremia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168571|Recurrent non-typhoid salmonella septicemia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168570|Acute necrotising ulcerative disease of oral mucosa|Diagnosis|N/A|Acute necrotizing disease involving gums, mouth or periodontal areas|
|168570|Acute necrotizing ulcerative disease of oral mucosa|Diagnosis|N/A|Acute necrotizing disease involving gums, mouth or periodontal areas|
|168569|Moderate weight loss|Finding|N/A||
|168567|Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|168566|Iruxol Mono|Drug|Text||
|168566|Clostridiopeptidase A / Proteases|Drug|Text||
|168565|Spermatozoa seen|Finding|N/A||
|168565|Spermatozoa present|Finding|N/A||
|168564|Tyrosine crystals present in urine|Finding|N/A||
|168564|Tyrosine crystals found in urine|Finding|N/A||
|168563|Zinc Hyaluronate|Drug|N/A||
|168563|Hyaluronic acid / zinc|Drug|N/A||
|168562|Recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor|Drug|N/A||
|168561|Recombinant human epidermal growth factor|Drug|N/A||
|168561|Human epidermal growth factor, recombinant|Drug|N/A||
|168560|Collagenase clostridium histolyticum|Drug|N/A||
|168560|Collagenase clostridiopeptidase A|Drug|N/A||
|168559|Oral rehydration salts for malnutrition|Drug|N/A||
|168558|Isopropyl alcohol|Drug|N/A||
|168557|Technetium tc 99m exametazime|Drug|N/A||
|168557|Technetium-99m Hexamethylpropyleneamine Oxime|Drug|N/A||
|168556|Fluorodeoxyglucose F18|Drug|N/A||
|168556|Fluorodeoxyglucose 18F|Drug|N/A||
|168555|Artesunate / pyronaridine|Drug|N/A||
|168554|Sofocruz LP|Drug|N/A||
|168554|Sofab LP|Drug|N/A||
|168554|Hepcvir L|Drug|N/A||
|168554|Ledipasvir / sofosbuvir|Drug|N/A||
|168554|Bio sofledi|Drug|N/A||
|168553|Dartisla ODT|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Optimide Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|TM Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Tropac P|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Tropicacyl Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Tropicon Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Tromide Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Triocyl Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Phenylephrine / tropicamide|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Itrop Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168551|Appamide Plus|Drug|N/A||
|168550|ES Pitant|Drug|N/A||
|168550|Emend Injection|Drug|N/A||

Note that ICD-11 codes and WHO ATC codes are being gradually added (<700 ICD-11 with last release) .

1 Like

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Jan 12, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for PIH and lots of new medication concepts for the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR and those working in Oncology. WHO ATC codes were updated to 2024 and continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Several new COVID-19 vaccines were added to the release and COVID-19 starter collection.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):


|168695|Teru ms|Drug|N/A||
|168694|Manipulation of joint|Procedure|N/A||
|168693|Figo ms|Drug|N/A||
|168693|Tascenso ODT|Drug|N/A||
|168690|Talimogene laherparepvec|Drug|N/A||
|168688|Pertuzumab / trastuzumab|Drug|N/A|Note that in US and EU this includes hyaluronidase and is a different concept.|
|168688|Phesgo|Drug|N/A|Note that in US and EU this includes hyaluronidase and is a different concept.|
|168683|Mirvetuximab soravtansine-gynx|Drug|N/A||
|168682|Razi COV PARS vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168681|SpikoGen vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168681|COVAX-19 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168680|FINLAY-FR-1A vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168680|Soberana Plus COVID-19 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168679|Sinopharm WIBP-CorV|Drug|N/A||
|168679|Sinopharm WIBP COVID-19 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168678|Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences COVID-19 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168678|IMBCAMS COVID-19 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168677|ARCoV vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168677|Walvax COVID-19 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168677|AWcorna vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168674|Phenylbutyrate / taurursodiol|Drug|N/A||
|168674|Sodium phenylbutyrate / ursodoxicoltaurine|Drug|N/A||
|168673|Omidenepag isopropyl|Drug|N/A||
|168667|Olipudase alfa|Drug|N/A||
|168663|Amoxicillin / clarithromycin / vonoprazan combination kit|Drug|N/A||
|168663|Voquezna 14 Day TriplePak|Drug|N/A||
|168651|Magnetic resonance imaging of breast|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|168651|MRI of breast|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|168650|Vein stripping|Procedure|N/A||
|168650|Varicose vein stripping|Procedure|N/A||
|168646|Velmanase alfa-tycv|Drug|N/A||
|168639|Pseudomonas aeruginosa|Organism|N/A||
|168639|P. aeruginosa|Organism|N/A||
|168638|Haemophilus influenzae|Organism|N/A||
|168638|H. influenzae|Organism|N/A||
|168637|Coagulase-negative staphylococcus|Organism|N/A||
|168636|Salmonella species not Salmonella typhi|Organism|N/A||
|168635|S. pneumoniae|Organism|N/A||
|168635|Streptococcus pneumoniae|Organism|N/A||
|168634|Klebsiella pneumoniae|Organism|N/A||
|168634|K. pneumoniae|Organism|N/A||
|168633|S. enterica Typhi|Organism|N/A||
|168633|Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi|Organism|N/A||
|168632|S. aureus|Organism|N/A||
|168632|Staphylococcus aureus|Organism|N/A||
|168631|Gram-positive diplococcus|Organism|N/A||
|168631|Gram positive diplococci|Organism|N/A||
|168630|Gram negative coccobacilli|Organism|N/A||
|168630|Gram-negative coccobacillus|Organism|N/A||
|168629|Yeast with capsules|Test|Coded||
|168629|Presence of yeast with capsule in gram stain|Test|Coded||
|168629|Encapsulated yeast in microscopy of gram stain|Test|Coded||
|168628|Yeast with budding|Test|Coded||
|168628|Presence of budding yeast in gram stain|Test|Coded||
|168628|Budding yeast in microscopy of gram stain|Test|Coded||
|168627|Gram negative diplococci|Organism|N/A||
|168627|Gram-negative diplococcus|Organism|N/A||
|168626|Lingual frenectomy|Procedure|N/A||
|168626|Excision of frenum of tongue|Procedure|N/A||
|168626|Excision of lingual frenum|Procedure|N/A||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Feb 21, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for PIH and MSF and KenyaEMR. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some vaccines were updated to align to the WHO Measles SMART guideline work.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|168943|Right toes extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168942|Left toes extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168941|Right toes flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168940|Left toes flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168939|Right ankle plantar flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168938|Left ankle plantar flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168937|Right ankle dorsoflexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168936|Left ankle dorsoflexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168935|Right knee extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168934|Left knee extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168933|Right knee flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168932|Left knee flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168931|Right hip external rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168930|Left hip external rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168929|Right hip internal rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168928|Left hip internal rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168927|Right hip adduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168926|Left hip adduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168925|Righ hip abduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168924|Left hip abduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168923|Right hip extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168922|Left hip extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168921|Right hip flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168920|Left hip flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168919|Right wrist ulnar deviation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168918|Left wrist ulnar deviation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168917|Right wrist radial deviation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168916|Left wrist radial deviation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168915|Right wrist extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168914|Left wrist extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168913|Right wrist flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168912|Left wrist flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168911|Right elbow extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168910|Left elbow extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168909|Right elbow flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168908|Left elbow flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168907|ight shoulder external rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168906|Left shoulder external rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168905|Right shoulder internal rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168904|Left shoulder internal rotation strength|Question|Numeric||
|168903|Right shoulder adduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168902|Left shoulder adduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168901|Right shoulder abduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168900|Left shoulder abduction strength|Question|Numeric||
|168899|Right shoulder extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168898|Left shoulder extension strength|Question|Numeric||
|168897|Right shoulder flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168896|Left shoulder flexion strength|Question|Numeric||
|168895|No sickle-cell test confirmation (solubility test only)|Finding|N/A||
|168894|CBC results not available|Finding|N/A||
|168894|Complete blood count results not available|Finding|N/A||
|168893|Reason for no hydroxyurea treatment|Question|Coded||
|168892|On medical prophylaxis to prevent variceal bleeding|Question|Coded||
|168891|On secondary antibiotic prophylaxis for SBE|Question|Coded||
|168891|On prophylactic antibiotic for subacute bacterial endocarditis|Question|Coded||
|168890|Repair of heart valve|Procedure|N/A||
|168889|Replacement of biologic heart valve|Procedure|N/A|Replacement of heart valve with a biologic or bioprosthetic valve|
|168889|Replacement of bioprosthetic heart valve|Procedure|N/A|Replacement of heart valve with a biologic or bioprosthetic valve|
|168888|Replacement of artificial heart valve|Procedure|N/A||
|168888|Mechanical heart valve replacement|Procedure|N/A||
|168887|Liver fibrosis secondary to Schistosomiasis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168886|Health insurance|Misc|N/A|Method of payment, coverage for health related expenses|
|168885|Mobile money|Misc|N/A|A form of payment using mobile phones linked to bank accounts.|
|168884|Credit card|Misc|N/A|Credit card form of payment|
|168883|Cash|Misc|N/A|Currency as form of payment|
|168882|Method of payment|Question|Coded||
|168882|Payment type|Question|Coded||
|168881|Room fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patients for room and board.|
|168880|Radiology fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patient from radiology, x-ray, and other imaging.|
|168879|Pharmacy fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patient for pharmacy and/or medications/drugs.|
|168878|Medical supplies fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patient for medical supplies.|
|168877|Laboratory fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patient for laboratory or testing.|
|168876|Consultation fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patient for consultation(s)|
|168875|Anesthesia fees|Misc|N/A|Charges applied to patient for anesthesia|
|168874|Admission fee|Misc|N/A|Charges applied when patient is admitted.|
|168873|Euro|Misc|N/A|The euro is the official currency of 20 of the 27 member states of the European Union|
|168873|€|Misc|N/A|The euro is the official currency of 20 of the 27 member states of the European Union|
|168872|Ugandan shilling|Misc|N/A|The shilling is the currency of Uganda|
|168872|Ugh|Misc|N/A|The shilling is the currency of Uganda|
|168871|TSh|Misc|N/A|The shilling (Swahili: shilingi; abbreviation: TSh; code: TZS) is the currency of Tanzania. It is subdivided into 100 cents.|
|168871|Tanzanian shilling|Misc|N/A|The shilling (Swahili: shilingi; abbreviation: TSh; code: TZS) is the currency of Tanzania. It is subdivided into 100 cents.|
|168870|₦|Misc|N/A|The naira is the currency of Nigeria. One naira is divided into 100 kobo.|
|168870|Nigerian naira|Misc|N/A|The naira is the currency of Nigeria. One naira is divided into 100 kobo.|
|168869|KSh|Misc|N/A|The shilling is the currency of Kenya. It is divided into 100 cents.|
|168869|Kenyan shilling|Misc|N/A|The shilling is the currency of Kenya. It is divided into 100 cents.|
|168868|Ethiopian birr|Misc|N/A|The birr is the primary unit of currency in Ethiopia. It is subdivided into 100 santims.|
|168868|Br|Misc|N/A|The birr is the primary unit of currency in Ethiopia. It is subdivided into 100 santims.|
|168867|Billable service|Question|Coded||
|168866|Equitel Pay|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Equity Bank|
|168865|Tigo Pesa|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Tigo|
|168864|MTN MoMo|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for MTN|
|168863|Orange Money|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Orange|
|168862|Airtel Money|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Airtel|
|168861|Vooma|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Kenya Commercial Bank|
|168860|T-Kash|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Telkom Kenya|
|168859|M-Pesa|Misc|N/A|Mobile money platform for Safaricom|
|168858|Mobile money type|Question|Coded||
|168857|Account status|Question|Coded||
|168856|Closed / combined|Misc|N/A|Status. This account has been merged into another account, all charged have been migrated. This account should no longer be used, and will not be billed.|
|168855|Closed / completed|Misc|N/A|Status. The account is closed and all charges are processed and accounted for.|
|168854|Closed / voided|Misc|N/A|Status. The account was not created in error, however the organization has decided that it will not be charging any transactions associated.|
|168853|Closed / bad debt|Misc|N/A|Status. The balance of this debt has not been able to be recovered, and the organization has decided not to persue debt recovery.|
|168852|Billing|Misc|N/A|Indicates that all transactions are recorded and the finance system can perform the billing process, including preparing insurance claims, scrubbing charges, invoicing etc. During this time any new charges will not be included in the current billing run/cycle.|

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|168851|Care complete / not billed|Misc|N/A|Billing status|
|168851|Discharged / not billed|Misc|N/A|Billing status|
|168850|Billing status set|ConvSet|N/A|ValueSet|
|168849|Billed|Misc|N/A|Status. Billing complete.|
|168848|Not billable|Misc|N/A|Unable to be billed|
|168847|Billable|Misc|N/A|Status. Able to be billed|
|168846|Planned|Misc|N/A|Status or classification|
|168845|Charge item status set|ConvSet|Coded|Value set:|
|168844|Invoice total including taxes|Question|Numeric||
|168844|Invoice total|Question|Numeric||
|168843|Invoice total excluding taxes|Question|Numeric||
|168843|Invoice sub-total without taxes|Question|Numeric||
|168843|Invoice total net taxes|Question|Numeric||
|168842|Invoice price|Question|Numeric||
|168842|Price invoiced|Question|Numeric||
|168842|Item charge|Question|Numeric||
|168841|Invoice line number|Question|Numeric||
|168840|Vibrio cholerae CVD 103-HGR strain live antigen vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168839|Meningococcal group B vaccine / Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant FHBP fusion protein antigen / Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B recombinant NHBA fusion protein antigen / Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B strain NZ98/254|Drug|N/A||
|168836|Neisseria meningococcal group B vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168836|Meningococcal group B vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|168835|Non weight bearing gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|168835|Non-weight-bearing gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|168834|Partial weight bearing gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|168834|Partial weight-bearing gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|168833|Full weight bearing gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|168833|Full weight-bearing gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|168832|Length discrepancy between legs (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168832|Length discrepancy between lower limbs (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168831|Length discrepancy between upper limbs (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168831|Length discrepancy between arms (cm)|Question|Numeric||
|168830|Ability to lift 5 kg above shoulder level|Question|Coded||
|168829|Ability to lift hands to face and neck|Finding|Coded||
|168828|Psychosocial challenge|Finding|N/A||
|168828|Psychosocial difficulty|Finding|N/A||
|168827|Lack of social support|Finding|N/A||
|168826|Lack of motivation|Finding|N/A||
|168826|Poorly motivated|Finding|N/A||
|168825|Negative thoughts|Finding|N/A||
|168823|Psychosocial challenges observed|Question|Coded||
|168823|Psychosocial difficulties observed|Question|Coded||
|168822|Psychosocial strengths observed|Question|Coded||
|168821|Sets goals|Finding|N/A||
|168820|Psychosocial strength|Finding|N/A||
|168819|Acceptance of illness|Finding|N/A||
|168818|Desire to be independent|Finding|N/A||
|168818|Willingness to be independent|Finding|N/A||
|168817|Hopeful for the future|Finding|N/A||
|168816|Good social support|Finding|N/A||
|168815|Positive thoughts|Finding|N/A||
|168813|Type of exercise performed|Question|Coded||
|168812|Physical therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|168811|Functional exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|168810|Gait and stairs exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|168809|Balance and transfer exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|168808|Mobility in bed exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|168807|Group activity|Procedure|N/A|Activity or session performed as a group. Group psychotherapy is a different concept|
|168807|Group session|Procedure|N/A|Activity or session performed as a group. Group psychotherapy is a different concept|
|168806|Ability to kneel and stand up|Question|Coded||
|168805|Ability to pick up and manipulate small object|Question|Coded||
|168804|Participation in rehabilitation session|Question|Coded||
|168803|Passive left elbow flexion ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168803|Passive left elbow flexion range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168803|Passive left elbow flexion range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168802|Passive right elbow flexion range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168802|Passive right elbow flexion range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168802|Passive right elbow flexion ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168801|Active left elbow flexion range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168801|Active left elbow flexion ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168801|Active left elbow flexion range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168800|Active right elbow flexion ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168800|Active right elbow flexion range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168800|Active right elbow flexion range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168799|Passive left elbow extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168799|Passive left elbow extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168799|Passive left elbow extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168798|Passive right elbow extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168798|Passive right elbow extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168798|Passive right elbow extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168797|Active left elbow extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168797|Active left elbow extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168797|Active left elbow extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168796|Active right elbow extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168796|Active right elbow extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168796|Active right elbow extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168795|Passive left hip external rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168795|Passive left hip external rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168795|Passive left hip external rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168794|Passive right hip external rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168794|Passive right hip external rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168794|Passive right hip external rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168793|Active left hip external rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168793|Active left hip external rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168793|Active left hip external rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168792|Active right hip external rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168792|Active right hip external rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168792|Active right hip external rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168791|Passive left hip internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168791|Passive left hip internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168791|Passive left hip internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168790|Passive right hip internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168790|Passive right hip internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168790|Passive right hip internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168789|Active left hip internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168789|Active left hip internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168789|Active left hip internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168788|Active right hip internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168788|Active right hip internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168788|Active right hip internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168787|Passive left hip adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168787|Passive left hip adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168787|Passive left hip adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168786|Passive right hip adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168786|Passive right hip adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168786|Passive right hip adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168785|Active left hip adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168785|Active left hip adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168785|Active left hip adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168784|Active right hip adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168784|Active right hip adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168784|Active right hip adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168783|Passive left wrist adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168783|Passive left wrist ulnar deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168783|Passive left wrist ulnar deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168783|Passive left wrist adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168783|Passive left wrist adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168783|Passive left wrist ulnar deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168782|Passive right wrist ulnar deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168782|Passive right wrist adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168782|Passive right wrist adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168782|Passive right wrist ulnar deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168782|Passive right wrist ulnar deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168782|Passive right wrist adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168781|Active left wrist adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168781|Active left wrist ulnar deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168781|Active left wrist ulnar deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168781|Active left wrist adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168781|Active left wrist adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168781|Active left wrist ulnar deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168780|Active right wrist ulnar deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168780|Active right wrist adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168780|Active right wrist adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168780|Active right wrist adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168780|Active right wrist ulnar deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168780|Active right wrist ulnar deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168779|Passive left wrist radial deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168779|Passive left wrist abduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168779|Passive left wrist abduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168779|Passive left wrist radial deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168779|Passive left wrist radial deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168779|Passive left wrist abduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168778|Passive right wrist abduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168778|Passive right wrist abduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168778|Passive right wrist radial deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168778|Passive right wrist radial deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168778|Passive right wrist radial deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168778|Passive right wrist abduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168777|Active left wrist radial deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168777|Active left wrist radial deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168777|Active left wrist radial deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168777|Active left wrist abduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168777|Active left wrist abduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168777|Active left wrist abduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168776|Active right wrist radial deviation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168776|Active right wrist radial deviation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168776|Active right wrist radial  deviation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168776|Active right wrist abduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168776|Active right wrist abduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168776|Active right wrist abduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168775|Passive left elbow supination range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168775|Passive left elbow supination range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168775|Passive left elbow supination ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168774|Passive right elbow supination range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168774|Passive right elbow supination range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168774|Passive right elbow supination ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168773|Active left elbow supination ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168773|Active left elbow supination range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168773|Active left elbow supination range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168772|Active right elbow supination range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168772|Active right elbow supination ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168772|Active right elbow supination range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168771|Passive left elbow pronation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168771|Passive left elbow pronation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168771|Passive left elbow pronation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168770|Passive right elbow pronation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168770|Passive right elbow pronation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168770|Passive right elbow pronation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168769|Active left elbow pronation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168769|Active left elbow pronation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168769|Active left elbow pronation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168768|Active right elbow pronation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168768|Active right elbow pronation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168768|Active right elbow pronation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168767|Passive right shoulder internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168767|Passive right shoulder internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168767|Passive right shoulder internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168766|Active right shoulder internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168766|Active right shoulder internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168766|Active right shoulder internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168765|Passive left shoulder internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168765|Passive left shoulder internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168765|Passive left shoulder internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168764|Active left shoulder internal rotation ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168764|Active left shoulder internal rotation range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168764|Active left shoulder internal rotation range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168763|Passive right shoulder adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168763|Passive right shoulder adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168763|Passive right shoulder adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168762|Active right shoulder adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168762|Active right shoulder adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168762|Active right shoulder adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168761|Passive left shoulder adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168761|Passive left shoulder adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168761|Passive left shoulder adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168760|Active left shoulder adduction range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168760|Active left shoulder adduction ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168760|Active left shoulder adduction range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168759|Passive left shoulder extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168759|Passive right shoulder extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168759|Passive left shoulder extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168758|Active right shoulder extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168758|Active left shoulder extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168758|Active left shoulder extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168757|Passive left shoulder extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168757|Active left shoulder extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168757|Passive left shoulder extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168756|Active left shoulder extension range of motion|Question|Numeric||
|168756|Active left shoulder extension ROM|Question|Numeric||
|168756|Active left shoulder extension range of movement|Question|Numeric||
|168755|Start date/time of labor induction|Question|Datetime||
|168755|Start date/time of labour induction|Question|Datetime||
|168754|Administration of misoprostol|Procedure|N/A||
|168753|Administration of pitocin|Procedure|N/A||
|168753|Administration of oxytocin|Procedure|N/A||
|168752|Mechanical induction of labor|Procedure|N/A||
|168751|Method of induction of labor|Question|Coded||
|168750|Fetal membranes color|Question|Coded||
|168750|Amniotic membranes color|Question|Coded||
|168749|Meconium-color (green-brown)|Misc|N/A||
|168748|Meconium colored feces|Finding|N/A||
|168748|Meconium coloured feces|Finding|N/A||
|168747|Neonatal conjunctivitis, OD|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168747|Neonatal conjunctivitis of right eye|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168746|Neonatal conjunctivitis, OS|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168746|Neonatal conjunctivitis of left eye|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168745|Neonatal conjunctivitis of both eyes|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168745|Neonatal conjunctivitis, bilateral|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168744|Bottle feeding of infant|Procedure|N/A||
|168743|Tube feeding of infant|Procedure|N/A||
|168742|Spoon feeding of infant|Procedure|N/A||
|168741|Suspected anthrax|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168740|Malaria testing performed|Finding|N/A||
|168739|Presumed tuberculosis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168739|Tuberculosis (TB), presumed|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168738|Severe pneumonia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168737|Diarrhea without dehydration|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168737|Diarrhoea without dehydration|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168737|Diarrhoea with no dehydration|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168737|Diarrhea with no dehydration|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168736|Diarrhoea with severe dehydration|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168736|Diarrhea with severe dehydration|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168735|Cup feeding of infant|Procedure|N/A||
|168734|Feeding technique for newborn|Question|Coded||
|168733|HemoTypeSC hemoglobin variant test|Test|Coded||
|168732|Gazelle hemoglobin variant test|Test|Text||
|168731|Isoelectric focusing (IEF) for hemoglobin variant testing|Test|Text||
|168730|Method of sickle cell confirmation|Question|Coded||
|168729|Meconium stained liquor, Grade 3|Finding|N/A||
|168729|Meconium stained liquor, Grade III|Finding|N/A||
|168728|Meconium stained liquor, Grade II|Finding|N/A||
|168728|Meconium stained liquor, Grade 2|Finding|N/A||
|168727|Meconium stained liquor, Grade I|Finding|N/A||
|168727|Meconium stained liquor, Grade 1|Finding|N/A||
|168726|Meconium stained amniotic fluid (MSAF) classification|Question|Coded||
|168725|Umbilical cord stump cleaning|Procedure|N/A||
|168724|Administration of prophylactic antibiotics to neonatal eyes|Procedure|N/A||
|168723|Mouth region examination findings (text)|Question|Text||
|168722|Umbilical cord examination findings (text)|Question|Text||
|168721|Umbilical cord examination findings|Question|Coded||
|168720|Continuous cardiotocography monitor (CTG)|Misc|N/A||
|168719|Janitri fetal monitor|Misc|N/A||
|168718|Moyo fetal heart rate monitor|Misc|N/A||
|168717|Fetal doppler|Medical supply|N/A||
|168717|Fetal doppler system|Medical supply|N/A||
|168716|Pinard stethoscope|Medical supply|N/A||
|168715|Fetal heart rate monitoring method|Question|Coded||
|168714|Face examination finding (text)|Question|Text||
|168713|Face examination findings|Question|Coded||
|168712|Number of days dispensed|Question|Numeric||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Pi Day March 14, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for PIH and MSF and KenyaEMR. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to align to the WHO Measles SMART guideline work.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names): |concept_id|name|Class|Datatype|description|

|168984|Education about the immunologic system|Procedure|N/A||
|168983|Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulated gamma interferon (IGRA)|Test|Coded|Qualitative interpretation of MTB stimulated gamma interferon from whole blood.|
|168982|Reason vaccination was invalid or impotent|Question|Coded||
|168981|Vaccine administered outside acceptable window|Misc|N/A|Reason for a vaccine administration not to be considered valid or potent.|
|168980|Medication or vaccine recalled|Misc|N/A|Reason for impotent treatment if manufacturer or governing body has recalled the medication/vaccine.|
|168979|Break in cold chain|Misc|N/A|Vaccine or medication cold chain not maintained and potential reason for impotency of drug.|
|168979|Cold chain broken|Misc|N/A|Vaccine or medication cold chain not maintained and potential reason for impotency of drug.|
|168978|Partial dose administered|Misc|N/A|Insufficient dose of vaccine or medication administered for full potency.|
|168977|Right buttock|Anatomy|N/A||
|168976|Left buttock|Anatomy|N/A||
|168975|Route of administration of vaccine|Question|Coded||
|168974|Vaccination body site|Question|Coded|Site where vaccine was administered|
|168973|Vaccine market authorization holder|Question|Coded|Name of the market authorization holder of the vaccine received.|
|168972|Administration of medication contraindicated|Finding|N/A||
|168972|Administration of drug contraindicated|Finding|N/A||
|168971|Patient has pre-existing immunity|Finding|N/A||
|168971|History of disease conferring immunity|Finding|N/A||
|168970|Caregiver refused treatment|Finding|N/A||
|168970|Caregiver hesitancy|Finding|N/A||
|168969|Functional status|Question|Coded||
|168968|HBc Ab|Test|Coded||
|168968|HepBc Ab test|Test|Coded||
|168968|Hepatitis B core antibody test|Test|Coded||
|168967|Supra-umbilical incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168966|Infra-umbilical incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168965|Battle-Jalaquier-Kammerer-Lennander Incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168964|Rutherford Morison Incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168963|Transrectus incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168963|Lanz incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168962|Gridiron incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168962|McBurney's incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168961|Paramedian incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168960|Subcostal incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168960|Kocher's incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168959|Pfannenstiel incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168958|Midline incision|Procedure|N/A||
|168957|Flu A/B rapid test|Test|Coded||
|168957|Rapid antigen test for influenza A and B|Test|Coded||
|168956|Staphylococcus saprophyticus|Organism|N/A||
|168955|Urine sulfonamide crystals|Finding|N/A||
|168954|Urine cholesterol crystals|Finding|N/A||
|168953|Urine cysteine crystals|Finding|N/A||
|168952|Mammography assessment category 6 - known biopsy proven malignancy|Finding|N/A||
|168952|BI-RADS 6|Finding|N/A||
|168952|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 6|Finding|N/A||
|168952|BIRADS 6 - known biopsy proven malignancy|Finding|N/A||
|168951|BI-RADS 5|Finding|N/A||
|168951|Mammography assessment category 5 - highly suggestive of malignancy|Finding|N/A||
|168951|BIRADS 5 - Highly suggestive of malignancy|Finding|N/A||
|168951|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 5|Finding|N/A||
|168950|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 4|Finding|N/A||
|168950|Mammography assessment category 4 - suspicious|Finding|N/A||
|168950|BI-RADS 4|Finding|N/A||
|168950|BIRADS 4 - Suspicious for malignancy|Finding|N/A||
|168949|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 3|Finding|N/A||
|168949|BI-RADS 3|Finding|N/A||
|168949|BIRADS 3 - Probably benign|Finding|N/A||
|168948|Mammography assessment category 2 - benign|Finding|N/A||
|168948|BIRADS 2 - Benign|Finding|N/A||
|168948|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 2|Finding|N/A||
|168947|Mammography assessment category 1 - negative|Finding|N/A||
|168947|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 1|Finding|N/A||
|168947|BIRADS 1 - Negative|Finding|N/A||
|168947|BI-RADS 1|Finding|N/A||
|168946|Mammography assessment category 0|Finding|N/A|Further testing required|
|168946|BIRADS 0 - Incomplete|Finding|N/A|Further testing required|
|168946|Breast imaging reporting data system (BIRADS) category 0|Finding|N/A|Further testing required|
|168946|BI-RADS 0|Finding|N/A|Further testing required|
|168945|Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System assessment category|Question|Coded||
|168945|BI-RADS score|Question|Coded||
|168945|BIRADS score|Question|Coded||
|168944|Chronic mucocutaneous herpes simplex infection|Diagnosis|N/A||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for May 1, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for Nigeria, PIH and KenyaEMR. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to align to the WHO Measles SMART guideline work.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|169117|Excision of dental lesion of jaw|Procedure|N/A||
|169116|Indication for HIV viral load testing|Question|Coded||
|169116|Reason for HIV viral load test|Question|Coded||
|169115|Postmortem performed|Question|Coded||
|169114|Ergonomic advice|Procedure|N/A||
|169113|Free gingival graft|Procedure|N/A||
|169111|Clear dental aligner|Medical supply|N/A||
|169110|Removable functional orthodontic appliance|Medical supply|N/A||
|169109|Removable orthodontic retainer|Medical supply|N/A||
|169108|Fitting of dental bridge to tooth|Procedure|N/A||
|169108|Fitting of dental bridge|Procedure|N/A||
|169107|Fitting of crown|Procedure|N/A||
|169107|Fitting of dental crown to tooth|Procedure|N/A||
|169106|Dentures|Medical supply|N/A||
|169106|Removable prosthodontics|Medical supply|N/A||
|169105|Root canal treatment|Procedure|N/A||
|169105|Treatment of root canal of tooth|Procedure|N/A||
|169105|Root canal therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169104|Fixation of fracture using dynamic compression plate (DCP)|Procedure|N/A||
|169104|Fixation of fracture using dynamic compression system|Procedure|N/A||
|169102|Removed sutures|Misc|N/A|Person removing sutures.|
|169101|Placed sutures|Misc|N/A|Person who placed sutures to close wound.|
|169100|Procedure team general role|Question|Coded||
|169099|Alveolar bone graft to mandible|Procedure|N/A||
|169099|Alveoloplasty of mandible with bone graft|Procedure|N/A||
|169098|Bleaching of discolored teeth|Procedure|N/A||
|169098|Teeth whitening|Procedure|N/A||
|169097|Pregnancy resulting from intrauterine artificial insemination|Finding|N/A||
|169097|Pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology|Finding|N/A||
|169095|Laser dental therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169094|Scaling and root planing of teeth|Procedure|N/A||
|169094|Deep cleaning of teeth|Procedure|N/A||
|169093|Disposal of medical waste|Procedure|N/A||
|169092|Inguinal ultrasound|Procedure|N/A||
|169092|Ultrasound of inguinal region|Procedure|N/A||
|169092|Groin ultrasound|Procedure|N/A||
|169091|Apicoectomy of tooth|Procedure|N/A||
|169090|Removal of epulis fissuratum|Procedure|N/A||
|169090|Excision of epulis fissuratum|Procedure|N/A||
|169089|Sulcus sign present|Finding|N/A||
|169088|Dugas sign present|Finding|N/A||
|169087|Regiment badge sign present|Finding|N/A||
|169086|Homans sign present|Finding|N/A||
|169086|Homan's sign present|Finding|N/A||
|169085|Stertorous breathing|Finding|N/A||
|169084|Mucus specimen|Specimen|N/A||
|169083|Amniotic fluid specimen|Specimen|N/A||
|169082|Bone marrow specimen|Specimen|N/A||
|169081|Pus specimen|Specimen|N/A||
|169080|Cardiac rehabilitation|Procedure|N/A||
|169079|Neurological rehabilitation|Procedure|N/A||
|169078|Agility and plyometric training|Procedure|N/A||
|169076|Respiratory therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169075|Interferential therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169074|Ultrasound therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169074|Therapeutic ultrasound|Procedure|N/A||
|169073|Infrared radiation treatment|Procedure|N/A||
|169073|Infrared irradiation|Procedure|N/A||
|169072|Massage therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169072|Massage physiotherapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169071|Insertion of intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)|Procedure|N/A||
|169071|Insertion of intra-aortic balloon assist device|Procedure|N/A||
|169070|Direct current cardioversion|Procedure|N/A||
|169070|DC cardioversion|Procedure|N/A||
|169069|Diaphragmatic pacemaker placement|Procedure|N/A||
|169069|Diaphragmatic pacing|Procedure|N/A||
|169069|Insertion of diaphragmatic pacemaker system|Procedure|N/A||
|169068|Temporary epicardial pacing|Procedure|N/A||
|169067|Temporary transvenous cardiac pacing|Procedure|N/A||
|169066|Introduction of catheter into pulmonary artery|Procedure|N/A||
|169066|Pulmonary artery catheterization|Procedure|N/A||
|169064|Removal of pulmonary embolus|Procedure|N/A||
|169064|Embolectomy of pulmonary artery|Procedure|N/A||
|169064|Pulmonary embolectomy|Procedure|N/A||
|169063|Placement of catheter for thrombolytic therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169063|Catheter-directed thrombolysis|Procedure|N/A||
|169063|Catheter-directed thrombolytic therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169062|Thrombolytic therapy|Procedure|N/A||
|169061|Aortic valve replacement (AVR)|Procedure|N/A||
|169061|Replacement of aortic valve|Procedure|N/A||
|169060|Reconstruction of joint|Procedure|N/A||
|169059|Buddy taping of digits|Procedure|N/A||
|169059|Buddy tape|Procedure|N/A||
|169058|Excision of tendon|Procedure|N/A||
|169057|Fixation of tendon|Procedure|N/A||
|169055|Cast removal|Procedure|N/A||
|169055|Removal of plaster cast|Procedure|N/A||
|169054|Application of triangular arm sling|Procedure|N/A||
|169053|Application of Lyman Smith traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169053|Lyman Smith traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169052|Dunlop's traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169052|Application of Dunlop's traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169051|Gallows traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169051|Application of gallows traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169050|Shortwave diathermy|Procedure|N/A||
|169050|Short wave diathermy|Procedure|N/A||
|169049|Immature granulocytes %|Test|Numeric||
|169049|Immature granulocytes percent|Test|Numeric||
|169048|Immature granulocytes count (10^3/uL)|Test|Numeric||
|169047|Granulocyte %|Test|Numeric||
|169047|Granulocyte percent|Test|Numeric||
|169046|Granulocyte count (10^3/uL)|Test|Numeric||
|169045|Count of Acid-fast bacillus (AFB) in sputum|Test|Numeric||
|169044|Labor time set|ConvSet|N/A||
|169043|Episode duration|Question|Numeric|Duration numeric value associated with any type of episode|
|169042|Episode start date/time|Question|Datetime|Any type of episode start date/time|
|169041|Episode end date/time|Question|Datetime|Any type of episode end date/time|
|169040|Total number of sutures|Question|Numeric||
|169039|Length of umbilical cord (cm)|Test|Numeric||
|169038|Placenta weight (g)|Test|Numeric||
|169037|Estimated blood loss after delivery (ml)|Test|Numeric||
|169036|Estimated blood loss before delivery (ml)|Test|Numeric||
|169035|Malaria smear impression|Test|Text||
|169034|Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)|Procedure|N/A||
|169033|Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)|Procedure|N/A||
|169032|Percutaneous fixation of bone|Procedure|N/A||
|169031|Intramedullary fixation with Kirschner wire (k-wire)|Procedure|N/A||
|169030|Application of collar and cuff sling|Procedure|N/A||
|169029|Apply and maintain traction|Procedure|N/A||
|169028|Gait training|Procedure|N/A||
|169027|Aspiration of joint|Procedure|N/A||
|169026|Range of motion exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|169026|ROM exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|169025|Isometric exercise|Procedure|N/A||
|169024|Elevation of affected extremity|Procedure|N/A||
|169024|Limb elevation|Procedure|N/A||
|169024|Elevation of affected limb|Procedure|N/A||
|169023|Thermotherapy with hot packs|Procedure|N/A||
|169022|Application of compression bandage|Procedure|N/A||
|169021|Transverse friction massage|Procedure|N/A||
|169020|Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEFT)|Procedure|N/A||
|169020|Pulsed electromagnetic energy therapy (PEET)|Procedure|N/A||
|169019|Orbital surgery|Procedure|N/A||
|169018|Eyelid surgery|Procedure|N/A||
|169018|Operation on eyelid|Procedure|N/A||
|169016|Strabismus surgery|Procedure|N/A||
|169015|Bilamellar tarsal plate rotation (BLTR)|Procedure|N/A||
|169014|Posterior lamellar tarsal plate rotation (PLTR)|Procedure|N/A||
|169014|Trabut procedure|Procedure|N/A||
|169013|Repair of penetrating eye injury|Procedure|N/A||
|169012|Laser surgery on retina|Procedure|N/A||
|169011|Procedure on lacrimal system|Procedure|N/A||
|169010|Intravitreal injection of therapeutic agent|Procedure|N/A||
|169009|Operation for glaucoma|Procedure|N/A||
|169009|Glaucoma surgery|Procedure|N/A||
|169008|Application of corneal graft|Procedure|N/A||
|169008|Corneal graft|Procedure|N/A||
|169007|Excision of pterygium with graft|Procedure|N/A||
|169007|Excision of conjunctival growth with graft|Procedure|N/A||
|169006|Excision of conjunctival growth|Procedure|N/A||
|169006|Simple excision of pterygium|Procedure|N/A||
|169005|Cataract extraction without replacement with intraocular lens|Procedure|N/A||
|169005|Excision of cataract without insertion of IOL|Procedure|N/A||
|169004|Sexually transmitted infection (STI) in past 6 months|Question|Coded||
|169004|Sexually transmitted disease (STD) in past 6 months|Question|Coded||
|169003|Member of a multiple birth|Question|Coded|Was the patient/person born as part of a multiple birth (twins, triplets, etc.)|
|169002|Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine SA14–14–2 strain in Vero cells, inactivated|Drug|N/A||
|169001|Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine Nakayama-NIH strain, inactivated|Drug|N/A||
|169000|Automated latex turbidimetric Rapid Plasma Reagin test (RPR) (units)|Test|Numeric||
|169000|Mediace RPR2|Test|Numeric||
|168999|Type of last tick-borne encephalitis dose|Question|Coded||
|168999|TBE dose type|Question|Coded||
|168998|TBE vacc EnceVir|Drug|N/A|Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine|
|168998|EnceVir|Drug|N/A|Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine|
|168997|TBE vaccine Moscow|Drug|N/A||
|168996|Encepur|Drug|N/A|Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine|
|168996|TBE vaccine Encepur|Drug|N/A|Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine|
|168995|FSME-IMMUN|Drug|N/A|Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine|
|168995|TBE vaccine FSME-IMMUN|Drug|N/A|Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine|
|168994|Widal H|Test|Numeric||
|168994|Salmonella typhi H antibody titer by agglutination, serum|Test|Numeric||
|168993|Widal O|Test|Numeric||
|168993|Salmonella typhi O antibody titer by agglutination, serum|Test|Numeric||
|168992|Plasmodium form seen on smear|Test|Coded||
|168992|Plasmodium morphology seen on smear|Test|Coded||
|168991|Schizont of Plasmodium|Organism|N/A||
|168990|Gametocyte of Plasmodium|Organism|N/A||
|168989|Trophozoite of Plasmodium|Organism|N/A||
|168988|Plasmodium species seen on smear|Test|Coded||
|168987|Positive for Ovale malaria|Misc|N/A||
|168987|Positive for Plasmodium ovale|Misc|N/A||
|168986|Positive for Malariae malaria|Misc|N/A||
|168986|Positive for Plasmodium malariae|Misc|N/A||
|168985|Influenza due to highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A (HPAI)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168985|Influenza due to influenza A virus subtype H5N1|Diagnosis|N/A||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for May 23, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for Nigeria, PIH and Kenya. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to align to the WHO Measles SMART guideline work.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|169170|Perpetrator type|Question|Coded||
|169169|Highway/Roadway|Misc|N/A|Location or environment|
|169168|Date/time of incident resolution|Question|Datetime||
|169167|HIV self test education/demonstration performed|Question|Coded||
|169166|Reason for giving|Question|Coded||
|169166|Reason for dispensing|Question|Coded||
|169165|For redistribution|Misc|N/A||
|169164|For personal use|Misc|N/A||
|169163|Illicit bar|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to drink illicit drinks, moonshine, etc.|
|169163|Illicit brew den|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to drink illicit drinks, moonshine, etc.|
|169162|Sex den|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to have sex.|
|169161|Injecting drug den|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to to inject drugs|
|169160|Risk factors for drug overdose (text)|Question|Text||
|169159|Eligible for family planning|Question|Coded||
|169158|Type of violence support provided|Question|Coded||
|169157|KP.1.1 variant|Misc|N/A|SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants.|
|169156|Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG|Test|Coded||
|169156|Gliadin peptide IgG antibody, serum|Test|Coded||
|169156|DGP IgG|Test|Coded||
|169155|Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA|Test|Coded||
|169155|Gliadin peptide IgA antibody, serum|Test|Coded||
|169155|DGP IgA|Test|Coded||
|169154|Gliadin peptide IgA and IgG panel, serum|LabSet|N/A||
|169154|Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA/IgG|LabSet|N/A||
|169154|DGP IgA and IgG|LabSet|N/A||
|169153|Chronic opisthorchiasis with cholangiocarcinoma|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169153|Opisthorchis viverrini induced cholangiocarcinoma (OVCCA)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169152|KP.2 variant|Misc|N/A|SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants.|
|169151|Substance abuse prevention education|Procedure|N/A||
|169150|Post-exposure prophylaxis education|Procedure|N/A||
|169149|Safe place|Finding|N/A||
|169149|Safe environment|Finding|N/A||
|169148|Gang member|Misc|N/A||
|169147|Police officer|Misc|N/A||
|169146|Post-rape care form completed|Question|Coded||
|169144|Member of the general public|Misc|N/A||
|169143|Type of incident|Question|Coded||
|169142|Incident response date/time|Question|Datetime||
|169141|Abuse target|Question|Coded||
|169140|Group of people|Misc|N/A||
|169139|Victim of verbal abuse|Finding|N/A||
|169138|Victim of harassment|Finding|N/A||
|169137|Arrested illegally by police|Finding|N/A||
|169137|Illegal arrest|Finding|N/A||
|169136|Aceclofenac / tizanidine|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Acwan TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Seclofen TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Starnac TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Acewok TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Tizanac AC|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Solo MR|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Thiox OD|Drug|N/A||
|169135|AC MR|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Miofree A|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Aceclofenac / thiocolchicoside|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Zerodol TH|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Hifenac TH|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Thichoren AC|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Aciana S|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Seranavi Plus|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Seradic A|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Aceclofenac / serratiopeptidase|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Xtra SP|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Acenac S|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Ibugesic ASP|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Dolowin Forte|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Aceclo Sera|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Aceclofenac / paracetamol / serratiopeptidase|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Vetory SP|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Arflur 3D|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Dolostat SP|Drug|N/A||
|169132|Aceclofenac / menthol|Drug|N/A||
|169131|Reason for CD4 measurement|Question|Coded||
|169131|Reason for CD4 count testing|Question|Coded||
|169130|HIV test kits|ConvSet|N/A||
|169129|Return after antiretroviral treatment interruption|Finding|N/A||
|169128|On fluconazole maintenance therapy|Finding|N/A||
|169127|Trinity Biotech Trinscreen HIV test kit|Medical supply|N/A||
|169126|One Step HIV 1/2 testing kit|Medical supply|N/A||
|169125|Respiratory sounds|Question|Text||
|169125|Lung sounds|Question|Text||
|169125|Breath sounds|Question|Text||
|169124|Baseline CD4 count|Procedure|N/A||
|169123|Confirmation of persistent low level viremia (PLLV)|Misc|N/A||
|169122|Single drug substitution|Procedure|N/A||
|169121|Cefepime / enmetazobactam|Drug|N/A||
|169119|Temporarily migrated|Finding|N/A||
|169119|Temporarily moved away|Finding|N/A||
|169118|Permanently moved away|Finding|N/A||
|169118|Permanently migrated|Finding|N/A||
1 Like

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for June 27, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes some QA work to address multiple SAME-AS SNOMED maps and the addition of new concepts for Nigeria, PIH and Kenya. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to align to the WHO Measles SMART guideline work and newly approved medications.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|169205|Purposely unmarried and sexually abstinent|Finding|N/A||
|169200|ASM category 4|Misc|N/A|Stable individuals are defined as those who have received ART for at least one year and have no adverse drug reactions that require regular monitoring and have good understanding of lifelong adherence and evidence of treatment success.|
|169200|Appointment spacing model category 4|Misc|N/A|Stable individuals are defined as those who have received ART for at least one year and have no adverse drug reactions that require regular monitoring and have good understanding of lifelong adherence and evidence of treatment success.|
|169199|ASM category 3|Misc|N/A|Patients on ART but need careful monitoring to ensure timely action as required|
|169199|Appointment spacing model category 3|Misc|N/A|Patients on ART but need careful monitoring to ensure timely action as required|
|169198|ASM category 2|Misc|N/A|People with advanced disease (defined as those presenting to care with a CD4 count below 200cells/mm3 or WHO clinical stages 3 and 4).|
|169198|Appointment spacing model category 2|Misc|N/A|People with advanced disease (defined as those presenting to care with a CD4 count below 200cells/mm3 or WHO clinical stages 3 and 4).|
|169197|Appointment spacing model category 1b|Misc|N/A|Pregnant/breast feeding women with no other complications, rapidly growing children (0&ndash;5 years old) and adolescents with no advanced disease or other complications.|
|169197|ASM category 1b|Misc|N/A|Pregnant/breast feeding women with no other complications, rapidly growing children (0&ndash;5 years old) and adolescents with no advanced disease or other complications.|
|169196|ASM category 1a|Misc|N/A|People who present when well.|
|169196|Appointment spacing model category 1a|Misc|N/A|People who present when well.|
|169195|ASM model category|Question|Coded|Ethiopian model for determining optimal appointment spacing for HIV patients.|
|169195|Appointment spacing model category|Question|Coded|Ethiopian model for determining optimal appointment spacing for HIV patients.|
|169194|Recent exposure to livestock|Question|Coded||
|169193|Recent exposure to sick animal|Finding|N/A||
|169191|Nogapendekin alfa inbakicept-pmln|Drug|N/A||
|169188|Victim of gender-based violence (GBV)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169188|History of gender-based violence|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169187|Random blood sugar by finger stick|Test|Numeric||
|169187|Finger stick blood glucose|Test|Numeric||
|169186|Medication side effect|Question|Coded||
|169185|Previous ARV exposure|Question|Coded||
|169185|Any previous antiretroviral exposure|Question|Coded||
|169184|Ambrotis GS|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Coform AX|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Honeysip LS|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Terbolax S|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Ambroxol / guaifenesin / salbutamol|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Libitus LS|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Saltol Plus|Drug|N/A||
|169184|Mucoform AX|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Onimex CZ|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Levolyte A|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Ventirex C|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Cetzine A|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Ambroxol / cetrizine|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Ambroxol / cetirizine|Drug|N/A||
|169183|Relent Plus|Drug|N/A||
|169182|Ambroxol / guaifenesin / terbutaline|Drug|N/A||
|169182|Piritexyl BR Syrup|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Ambroxol / guaifenesin / levosalbutamol|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Ascoril Plus LS|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Asthalin AX|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Macbery LS|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Kufril LS|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Levolin Plus|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Ascoril LS|Drug|N/A||
|169181|Macbery Junior|Drug|N/A||
|169180|Ambroxol / guaifenesin / racementhol / salbutamol|Drug|N/A||
|169180|Brozelin syrup|Drug|N/A||
|169179|Currently depressed|Question|Coded||
|169178|Not breastfeeding|Finding|N/A||
|169177|Not pregnant|Finding|N/A||
|169176|Pregnancy/breastfeeding status|Question|Coded||
|169175|Unable to contact|Finding|N/A||
|169174|Reason for the partner not testing or not knowing if tested|Question|Coded||
|169173|Previously known to be HIV-positive|Finding|N/A||
|169173|Previous known HIV-positive diagnosis|Finding|N/A||
|169172|Currently on INH prophylaxis|Finding|N/A||
|169172|Patient on isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT)|Finding|N/A||
|169171|Vivotif|Drug|N/A|Live, attenuated Typhoid strain vaccine|
|169171|Salmonella typhi Ty21a live antigen|Drug|N/A|Live, attenuated Typhoid strain vaccine|
|169170|Perpetrator type|Question|Coded||
|169169|Highway/Roadway|Misc|N/A|Location or environment|
|169168|Date/time of incident resolution|Question|Datetime||
|169167|HIV self test education/demonstration performed|Question|Coded||
|169166|Reason for giving|Question|Coded||
|169166|Reason for dispensing|Question|Coded||
|169165|For redistribution|Misc|N/A||
|169164|For personal use|Misc|N/A||
|169163|Illicit bar|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to drink illicit drinks, moonshine, etc.|
|169163|Illicit brew den|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to drink illicit drinks, moonshine, etc.|
|169162|Sex den|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to have sex.|
|169161|Injecting drug den|Misc|N/A|Location where people go to to inject drugs|
|169160|Risk factors for drug overdose (text)|Question|Text||
|169159|Eligible for family planning|Question|Coded||
|169158|Type of violence support provided|Question|Coded||
|169157|KP.1.1 variant|Misc|N/A|SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants.|
|169156|Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG|Test|Coded||
|169156|Gliadin peptide IgG antibody, serum|Test|Coded||
|169156|DGP IgG|Test|Coded||
|169155|Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA|Test|Coded||
|169155|Gliadin peptide IgA antibody, serum|Test|Coded||
|169155|DGP IgA|Test|Coded||
|169154|Gliadin peptide IgA and IgG panel, serum|LabSet|N/A||
|169154|Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA/IgG|LabSet|N/A||
|169154|DGP IgA and IgG|LabSet|N/A||
|169153|Chronic opisthorchiasis with cholangiocarcinoma|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169153|Opisthorchis viverrini induced cholangiocarcinoma (OVCCA)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169152|KP.2 variant|Misc|N/A|SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants.|
|169151|Substance abuse prevention education|Procedure|N/A||
|169150|Post-exposure prophylaxis education|Procedure|N/A||
|169149|Safe place|Finding|N/A||
|169149|Safe environment|Finding|N/A||
|169148|Gang member|Misc|N/A||
|169147|Police officer|Misc|N/A||
|169146|Post-rape care form completed|Question|Coded||
|169144|Member of the general public|Misc|N/A||
|169143|Type of incident|Question|Coded||
|169142|Incident response date/time|Question|Datetime||
|169141|Abuse target|Question|Coded||
|169140|Group of people|Misc|N/A||
|169139|Victim of verbal abuse|Finding|N/A||
|169138|Victim of harassment|Finding|N/A||
|169137|Arrested illegally by police|Finding|N/A||
|169137|Illegal arrest|Finding|N/A||
|169136|Aceclofenac / tizanidine|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Acwan TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Seclofen TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Starnac TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Acewok TZ|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Tizanac AC|Drug|N/A||
|169136|Solo MR|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Thiox OD|Drug|N/A||
|169135|AC MR|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Miofree A|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Aceclofenac / thiocolchicoside|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Zerodol TH|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Hifenac TH|Drug|N/A||
|169135|Thichoren AC|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Aciana S|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Seranavi Plus|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Seradic A|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Aceclofenac / serratiopeptidase|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Xtra SP|Drug|N/A||
|169134|Acenac S|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Ibugesic ASP|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Dolowin Forte|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Aceclo Sera|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Aceclofenac / paracetamol / serratiopeptidase|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Vetory SP|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Arflur 3D|Drug|N/A||
|169133|Dolostat SP|Drug|N/A||
|169132|Aceclofenac / menthol|Drug|N/A||
|169131|Reason for CD4 measurement|Question|Coded||
|169131|Reason for CD4 count testing|Question|Coded||
|169130|HIV test kits|ConvSet|N/A||
|169129|Return after antiretroviral treatment interruption|Finding|N/A||
|169128|On fluconazole maintenance therapy|Finding|N/A||
|169127|Trinity Biotech Trinscreen HIV test kit|Medical supply|N/A||
|169126|One Step HIV 1/2 testing kit|Medical supply|N/A||
|169125|Respiratory sounds|Question|Text||
|169125|Lung sounds|Question|Text||
|169125|Breath sounds|Question|Text||
|169124|Baseline CD4 count|Procedure|N/A||
|169123|Confirmation of persistent low level viremia (PLLV)|Misc|N/A||
|169122|Single drug substitution|Procedure|N/A||
|169121|Cefepime / enmetazobactam|Drug|N/A||
|169119|Temporarily migrated|Finding|N/A||
|169119|Temporarily moved away|Finding|N/A||
|169118|Permanently moved away|Finding|N/A||
|169118|Permanently migrated|Finding|N/A||

Thank you very much for the rapid turn-around with adding Celibacy :slight_smile:

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New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for July 26, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes more QA work to address multiple SAME-AS SNOMED maps and some duplicate FSNs in Spanish and lab tests. Added new concepts for PIH and Kenya. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to align to the WHO Measles SMART guideline work and newly approved medications.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

"concept_id"	"name"	"Class"	"Datatype"	"description"
"169205"	"Purposely unmarried and sexually abstinent"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169205"	"Celibate"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169204"	"Aprocitentan"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169204"	"Tryvio"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169203"	"Duvyzat"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169203"	"Givinostat"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169202"	"Sotatercept-csrk"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169202"	"Winrevair"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169201"	"Vadadustat"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169201"	"Vafseo"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169200"	"ASM category 4"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Stable individuals are defined as those who have received ART for at least one year and have no adverse drug reactions that require regular monitoring and have good understanding of lifelong adherence and evidence of treatment success."
"169200"	"Appointment spacing model category 4"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Stable individuals are defined as those who have received ART for at least one year and have no adverse drug reactions that require regular monitoring and have good understanding of lifelong adherence and evidence of treatment success."
"169199"	"ASM category 3"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Patients on ART but need careful monitoring to ensure timely action as required"
"169199"	"Appointment spacing model category 3"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Patients on ART but need careful monitoring to ensure timely action as required"
"169198"	"ASM category 2"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"People with advanced disease (defined as those presenting to care with a CD4 count below 200cells/mm3 or WHO clinical stages 3 and 4)."
"169198"	"Appointment spacing model category 2"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"People with advanced disease (defined as those presenting to care with a CD4 count below 200cells/mm3 or WHO clinical stages 3 and 4)."
"169197"	"Appointment spacing model category 1b"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Pregnant/breast feeding women with no other complications, rapidly growing children (0&ndash;5 years old) and adolescents with no advanced disease or other complications."
"169197"	"ASM category 1b"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Pregnant/breast feeding women with no other complications, rapidly growing children (0&ndash;5 years old) and adolescents with no advanced disease or other complications."
"169196"	"ASM category 1a"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"People who present when well."
"169196"	"Appointment spacing model category 1a"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"People who present when well."
"169195"	"ASM model category"	"Question"	"Coded"	"Ethiopian model for determining optimal appointment spacing for HIV patients."
"169195"	"Appointment spacing model category"	"Question"	"Coded"	"Ethiopian model for determining optimal appointment spacing for HIV patients."
"169194"	"Recent exposure to livestock"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169193"	"Recent exposure to sick animal"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169192"	"Donanemab"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169191"	"Anktiva"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169191"	"Nogapendekin alfa inbakicept-pmln"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169190"	"Ojemda"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169190"	"Tovorafenib"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169189"	"Tarlatamab-dlle"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169189"	"Imdelltra"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169188"	"Victim of gender-based violence (GBV)"	"Diagnosis"	"N/A"	
"169188"	"History of gender-based violence"	"Diagnosis"	"N/A"	
"169187"	"Random blood sugar by finger stick"	"Test"	"Numeric"	
"169187"	"Finger stick blood glucose"	"Test"	"Numeric"	
"169186"	"Medication side effect"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169185"	"Previous ARV exposure"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169185"	"Any previous antiretroviral exposure"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169184"	"Respira"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Respimax"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Ambrotis GS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Coform AX"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Honeysip LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Salhexin"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Terbolax S"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Ambroxol / guaifenesin / salbutamol"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"M-Brolex"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Salmint"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Libitus LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Saltol Plus"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Brodil"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169184"	"Mucoform AX"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Nucet"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Relent"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Onimex CZ"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Alertac-A"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Levolyte A"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Ambcet"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"ZyrCold"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Ventirex C"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Cetzine A"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Hicet-AX"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Ambroxol / cetrizine"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Ambroxol / cetirizine"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169183"	"Relent Plus"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169182"	"Ambroxol / guaifenesin / terbutaline"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169182"	"Piritexyl BR Syrup"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Ambroxol / guaifenesin / levosalbutamol"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Ascoril Plus LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Brozeet-LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Ambrodil-LX"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Chericof-LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Asthalin AX"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Macbery LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Kufril LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Ambrella-S"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Levolin Plus"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Ascoril LS"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169181"	"Macbery Junior"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169180"	"Ambroxol / guaifenesin / racementhol / salbutamol"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169180"	"Brozelin syrup"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169179"	"Currently depressed"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169178"	"Not breastfeeding"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169177"	"Not pregnant"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169176"	"Pregnancy/breastfeeding status"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169175"	"Unable to contact"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169174"	"Reason for the partner not testing or not knowing if tested"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169173"	"Previously known to be HIV-positive"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169173"	"Previous known HIV-positive diagnosis"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169172"	"Currently on INH prophylaxis"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169172"	"Patient on isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT)"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169171"	"Vivotif"	"Drug"	"N/A"	"Live, attenuated Typhoid strain vaccine"
"169171"	"Salmonella typhi Ty21a live antigen"	"Drug"	"N/A"	"Live, attenuated Typhoid strain vaccine"
"169170"	"Perpetrator type"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169169"	"Highway/Roadway"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Location or environment"
"169168"	"Date/time of incident resolution"	"Question"	"Datetime"	
"169167"	"HIV self test education/demonstration performed"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169166"	"Reason for giving"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169166"	"Reason for dispensing"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169165"	"For redistribution"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169164"	"For personal use"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169163"	"Illicit bar"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Location where people go to drink illicit drinks, moonshine, etc."
"169163"	"Illicit brew den"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Location where people go to drink illicit drinks, moonshine, etc."
"169162"	"Sex den"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Location where people go to have sex."
"169161"	"Injecting drug den"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"Location where people go to to inject drugs"
"169160"	"Risk factors for drug overdose (text)"	"Question"	"Text"	
"169159"	"Eligible for family planning"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169158"	"Type of violence support provided"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169157"	"KP.1.1 variant"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants."
"169156"	"Deamidated gliadin peptide IgG"	"Test"	"Coded"	
"169156"	"Gliadin peptide IgG antibody, serum"	"Test"	"Coded"	
"169156"	"DGP IgG"	"Test"	"Coded"	
"169155"	"Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA"	"Test"	"Coded"	
"169155"	"Gliadin peptide IgA antibody, serum"	"Test"	"Coded"	
"169155"	"DGP IgA"	"Test"	"Coded"	
"169154"	"Gliadin peptide IgA and IgG panel, serum"	"LabSet"	"N/A"	
"169154"	"Deamidated gliadin peptide IgA/IgG"	"LabSet"	"N/A"	
"169154"	"DGP IgA and IgG"	"LabSet"	"N/A"	
"169153"	"Chronic opisthorchiasis with cholangiocarcinoma"	"Diagnosis"	"N/A"	
"169153"	"Opisthorchis viverrini induced cholangiocarcinoma (OVCCA)"	"Diagnosis"	"N/A"	
"169152"	"KP.2 variant"	"Misc"	"N/A"	"SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants."
"169151"	"Substance abuse prevention education"	"Procedure"	"N/A"	
"169150"	"Post-exposure prophylaxis education"	"Procedure"	"N/A"	
"169149"	"Safe place"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169149"	"Safe environment"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169148"	"Gang member"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169147"	"Police officer"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169146"	"Post-rape care form completed"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169145"	"Employer"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169144"	"Member of the general public"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169143"	"Type of incident"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169142"	"Incident response date/time"	"Question"	"Datetime"	
"169141"	"Abuse target"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169140"	"Group of people"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169140"	"Group"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169139"	"Victim of verbal abuse"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169138"	"Victim of harassment"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169137"	"Arrested illegally by police"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169137"	"Illegal arrest"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Aceclofenac / tizanidine"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Regdol-TZ"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Zerodol-MR"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Acwan TZ"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Seclofen TZ"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Starnac TZ"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Accetiz"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Acewok TZ"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Tizanac AC"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Acikinz-MR"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169136"	"Solo MR"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Thiospas-A"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Thiox OD"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"AC MR"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Thioceclo"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Zix-MR"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Miofree A"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Aceclofenac / thiocolchicoside"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Zerodol TH"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Hifenac TH"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Thichoren AC"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169135"	"Equiflex"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Omniflam-SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Aciana S"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Seranavi Plus"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Seradic A"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Aceclofenac / serratiopeptidase"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Gudsera"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Zerodol-S"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Acimol-SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Xtra SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Acenac S"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169134"	"Actibull-SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Zerodol-SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Ibugesic ASP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Dolowin Forte"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Aceclo Sera"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Hifenac-D"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Flozen-AA"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Aceclofenac / paracetamol / serratiopeptidase"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Vetory SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Arflur 3D"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Dolostat SP"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169133"	"Signoflam"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169132"	"Aceclofenac / menthol"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169131"	"Reason for CD4 measurement"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169131"	"Reason for CD4 count testing"	"Question"	"Coded"	
"169130"	"HIV test kits"	"ConvSet"	"N/A"	
"169129"	"Return after antiretroviral treatment interruption"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169128"	"On fluconazole maintenance therapy"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169127"	"Trinity Biotech Trinscreen HIV test kit"	"Medical supply"	"N/A"	
"169126"	"One Step HIV 1/2 testing kit"	"Medical supply"	"N/A"	
"169125"	"Respiratory sounds"	"Question"	"Text"	
"169125"	"Lung sounds"	"Question"	"Text"	
"169125"	"Breath sounds"	"Question"	"Text"	
"169124"	"Baseline CD4 count"	"Procedure"	"N/A"	
"169123"	"Confirmation of persistent low level viremia (PLLV)"	"Misc"	"N/A"	
"169122"	"Single drug substitution"	"Procedure"	"N/A"	
"169121"	"Exblifep"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169121"	"Cefepime / enmetazobactam"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169120"	"Tislelizumab-jsgr"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169120"	"Tevimbra"	"Drug"	"N/A"	
"169119"	"Temporarily migrated"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169119"	"Temporarily moved away"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169118"	"Permanently moved away"	"Finding"	"N/A"	
"169118"	"Permanently migrated"	"Finding"	"N/A"

Will Urinalysis Panel be in the next release? (By which I mean the full panel / Lab Set included in a typical Urinalysis, not just the “Normal/Abnormal” covered by this existing one: )

Sorry, this is the wrong list of concepts released in July. The correct list is:

concept_id name Class Datatype description
169224 Stat Pak(R) HIV test kit Medical supply N/A
169224 Stat pack HIV test kit Medical supply N/A
169224 Statpack HIV test kit Medical supply N/A
169223 Return to work support Procedure N/A
169223 Professional reintegration Procedure N/A
169223 Vocational rehabilitation Procedure N/A
169222 Household visit Procedure N/A
169222 Home visit Procedure N/A
169221 LB.1 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant.
169220 KP.3 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant. One of the FLiRT variants.
169219 NAION (non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy) Diagnosis N/A
169219 Non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy Diagnosis N/A
169219 NAION Diagnosis N/A
169218 Doravirine / Islatravir Drug N/A
169218 MK-8591A Drug N/A
169217 Diagnostic lumbar puncture Procedure N/A
169217 Diagnostic LP Procedure N/A
169217 Diagnostic spinal tap Procedure N/A
169216 Cryptococcal antigen, serum, coded Test Coded
169216 Serum CrAg, coded Test Coded
169215 Serum CrAg titer Test Numeric
169215 Cryptococcal antigen, serum titer Test Numeric
169214 Urine macroscopy panel (dipstick) LabSet N/A
169213 Urine specific gravity by test strip Test Numeric
169212 Urine aspect Test Coded
169212 Urine appearance Test Coded
169211 Rezdiffra Drug N/A
169211 Resmetirom Drug N/A
169210 Voydeya Drug N/A
169210 Danicopan Drug N/A
169209 Zevtera Drug N/A
169209 Ceftobiprole medocaril Drug N/A
169208 Xolremdi Drug N/A
169208 Mavorixafor Drug N/A
169207 Imetelstat Drug N/A
169207 Rytelo Drug N/A
169206 Elafibranor Drug N/A
169206 Iqirvo Drug N/A

A new release for September 4 will be out this weekend. Stay tuned.

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Sep 4, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes more QA work to address multiple SAME-AS SNOMED maps and some duplicate FSNs in Spanish and lab tests. Added new concepts for PIH and Kenya. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to support MPOX case reporting, mental health and newly approved medications.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|169303|Fomite tranmission|Misc|N/A||
|169303|Transmission via contact with contaminated objects|Misc|N/A||
|169302|Laboratory-associated transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169301|Transmission via transfusion|Misc|N/A||
|169301|Blood-borne transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169300|Healthcare-associated transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169300|Nosocomial transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169299|Mother to child transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169299|Maternal to child transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169299|Vertical transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169298|Sexual transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169297|Droplet transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169296|Animal to human transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169295|Transmission via air|Misc|N/A||
|169295|Airborne transmission|Misc|N/A||
|169294|Mode of disease transmission|Question|Coded||
|169293|Location of Mpox exposure|Question|Coded||
|169292|Indoor sports event|Misc|N/A||
|169291|Outdoor sports event|Misc|N/A||
|169289|Indoor festival|Misc|N/A||
|169288|Outdoor festival|Misc|N/A||
|169287|Private party|Misc|N/A||
|169286|Night club|Misc|N/A||
|169284|Details of exposure to Mpox|Question|Coded||
|169283|Bar/restaurant or other small event with no sexual contact|Misc|N/A||
|169282|Night club/private party/sauna with sexual contact|Misc|N/A||
|169281|Large event/festival/public event with sexual contact|Misc|N/A||
|169280|Large event/festival/public event|Misc|N/A||
|169279|Type of exposure to Mpox case|Question|Coded||
|169278|Has had exposure to case as a health care provider|Finding|N/A||
|169278|Has had exposure to case as a health care worker|Finding|N/A||
|169277|Has had non-oral anal/genital contact with case|Finding|N/A||
|169277|Has had sexual contact with case|Finding|N/A||
|169276|Has had prolonged respiratory exposure to case|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169276|Has had prolonged face-to-face contact with case without physical contact|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169275|Has had direct physical contact with case|Finding|N/A||
|169275|Has had direct skin to skin contact with case|Finding|N/A||
|169274|Has had direct oral mucosa to skin contact with case|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169274|Has had direct mouth to skin contact with case|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169273|Infection of cornea|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169273|Corneal infection|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169272|Initial sign/symptom|Question|Coded||
|169271|Smallpox/mpox vaccines|ConvSet|N/A||
|169270|Imvamune modified vaccinia ankara-bavarian nordic vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169270|Imvamune vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169269|Imvanex modified vaccinia ankara-bavarian nordic vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169269|Imvanex vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169268|Aventis Pasteur smallpox vaccine (APSV)|Drug|N/A|A live, attenuated smallpox vaccine under investigation for mpox|
|169267|Smallpox vaccine live, New York City Board of Health vaccinia strain|Drug|N/A||
|169267|ACAM2000 vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169266|Other specified eating disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169265|Conversion disorder with mixed symptoms|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169264|Conversion disorder with anesthesia or sensory loss|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169263|Conversion disorder with speech problem|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169262|Conversion disorder with swallowing difficulty|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169261|Conversion disorder with weakness/paralysis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169260|Depressive disorder due to another medical condition with depressive features|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169259|Hoarding disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169259|Plyushkin's disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169258|Drug-induced anxiety disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169258|Medication-induced anxiety disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169257|Fear of medical care|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169256|Situational phobia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169255|Accident phobia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169255|Fear of an accident|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169254|Phobia of blood|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169254|Fear of blood|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169253|Fear of the natural environment|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169253|Phobia of the natural environment|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169252|Psychotic disorder due to medical condition with delusions|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169251|Psychotic disorder due to medical condition with hallucinations|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169250|Catatonia with mental disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169249|Mpox clade II virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169249|West African mpox virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169249|Monkeypox clade II virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169249|Mpox clade 2 virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169248|Mpox clade 1 virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169248|Monkeypox clade I virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169248|Congo Basin mpox virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169248|Mpox clade I virus DNA detection by PCR|Test|Coded||
|169247|Administration of LC16 KM Biologics Mpox vaccine|Procedure|N/A||
|169246|LC16m8 mpox vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169246|LC16 KM Biologics mpox vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169245|Jynneos vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169245|MVA-BN mpox vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169245|Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic vaccine|Drug|N/A||
|169244|Mpox virus clade IIb|Organism|N/A||
|169244|Monkeypox virus clade 2b|Organism|N/A||
|169244|Mpox virus clade 2b|Organism|N/A||
|169243|Monkeypox virus clade typing by sequencing|Test|Coded||
|169243|Mpox virus clade typing by sequencing|Test|Coded||
|169242|Mpox virus clade 2a|Organism|N/A||
|169242|Monkeypox virus clade 2a|Organism|N/A||
|169242|Mpox virus clade IIa|Organism|N/A||
|169241|Mpox virus clade I|Organism|N/A||
|169241|Monkeypox virus clade 1|Organism|N/A||
|169241|Mpox virus clade 1|Organism|N/A||
|169240|Monkeypox virus|Organism|N/A||
|169240|Mpox virus|Organism|N/A||
|169239|Social communication disorder, pragmatic|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169238|Unable to ambulate unaided|Finding|N/A||
|169238|Unable to walk unaided|Finding|N/A||
|169238|Unable to walk without assistance|Finding|N/A||
|169237|Fever greater than or equal to 102.2 F/39 C|Finding|N/A||
|169233|Isopropyl alcohol 70 percent injection swab|Medical supply|N/A||
|169233|Alcohol wipe|Medical supply|N/A||
|169233|Alcohol pre injection swap|Medical supply|N/A||
|169233|Alcohol prep pads|Medical supply|N/A||
|169232|Abdominal gauze swab, x-ray detectible, 24 ply|Medical supply|N/A||
|169231|Waxonil Activ|Drug|N/A||
|169231|Benzocaine / chlorbutanol / paradichlorobenzene / turpentine oil|Drug|N/A||
|169231|Drep Wax|Drug|N/A||
|169231|Benzocaine / chlorbutol / paradichlorobenzene / turpentine oil|Drug|N/A||
|169229|Aspirin / clopidogrel|Drug|N/A||
|169229|Acetylsalicylate acid / clopidogrel|Drug|N/A||
|169228|Aspartame / acesulfame|Drug|N/A||
|169227|Poshope DR|Drug|N/A||
|169226|Late ejaculation|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169226|Delayed ejaculation|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169225|Drug-induced sexual dysfunction|Diagnosis|N/A||
1 Like

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for October 4, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes more new concepts for PIH and Kenya. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. ICD-11 codes are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to support the Marburg outbreak, MPOX case reporting, mental health and newly approved medications.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|169385|Adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169384|Prior Mpox infection|Finding|N/A||
|169384|History of monkeypox|Finding|N/A||
|169384|History of Mpox|Finding|N/A||
|169383|Immunocompromised due to medication|Finding|N/A||
|169383|Immunocompromised due to drug|Finding|N/A||
|169383|Immunodeficiency due to drug therapy|Finding|N/A||
|169382|ChAdOx1 Marburg vaccine|Drug|N/A|Experimental vaccine against Marburg virus.|
|169381|Use of protection during sex|Question|Coded||
|169381|Frequency of protected sex|Question|Coded||
|169380|Type of sexual practice|Question|Coded||
|169379|Prefer not to say|Misc|N/A||
|169378|Vaginal penetration by penis|Finding|N/A||
|169378|Vaginal intercourse|Finding|N/A||
|169378|Vaginal sex|Finding|N/A||
|169377|Anal receptive sex|Finding|N/A||
|169377|Anal receptive intercourse|Finding|N/A||
|169376|Anal penetrative sex|Finding|N/A||
|169376|Anal insertive intercourse|Finding|N/A||
|169375|Type of personal protective equipment (PPE) worn|Question|Coded||
|169374|Eye protection including glasses, googles or face mask|Misc|N/A||
|169373|Surgical mask|Misc|N/A||
|169372|N95 mask|Misc|N/A||
|169372|Public respirator|Misc|N/A||
|169372|FFP2 mask|Misc|N/A||
|169371|Protective cover gown|Misc|N/A||
|169370|Gloves, latex|Misc|N/A||
|169369|Shares bed|Finding|N/A||
|169369|Sharing a bed|Finding|N/A||
|169368|Sharing of bathroom|Finding|N/A||
|169368|Shares bathroom|Finding|N/A||
|169366|Conversion disorder with special sensory loss|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169365|Uncomplicated bereavement|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169365|Uncomplicated grief|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169364|Tardive akathisia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169363|Tardive dystonia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169362|Acute akathisia induced by drug|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169362|Acute akathisia induced by medications|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169361|3TC / DTG / TAF|Drug|N/A||
|169361|Dolutegravir / lamivudine / tenofovir alafenamide|Drug|N/A||
|169360|Cobicistat / darunavir / emtricitabine / tenofovir alafenamide|Drug|N/A||
|169359|Drug-induced acute dystonia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169359|Medication-induced acute dystonia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169358|Major neurocognitive disorder with behavior changes caused by traumatic brain injury|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169357|Major neurocognitive disorder without behavior changes caused by traumatic brain injury|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169356|Major neurocognitive disorder with behavior changes caused by Huntington's disease|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169355|Assessment using Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale Revised|Procedure|N/A||
|169354|ALSFRS-R score|Question|Numeric||
|169354|Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale Revised score|Question|Numeric||
|169353|Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale Revised|Misc|N/A|Assessment scale used to evaluate outcomes in ALS patients.|
|169353|ALSFRS-R - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale- Revised|Misc|N/A|Assessment scale used to evaluate outcomes in ALS patients.|
|169352|Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169352|POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome)|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169351|Dead butt syndrome|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169351|Gluteal amnesia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169350|Severe hallucinogen use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169349|Moderate hallucinogen use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169348|Late neonatal period|Misc|N/A||
|169348|Second two weeks of life|Misc|N/A||
|169347|First two weeks of life|Misc|N/A||
|169347|Early neonatal period|Misc|N/A||
|169347|First fourteen days of life|Misc|N/A||
|169346|Mild hallucinogen use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169345|Major neurocognitive disorder without behavior changes caused by Huntington's disease|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169344|Severe substance use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169343|Moderate substance use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169342|Mild substance use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169341|Severe cocaine use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169340|Moderate cocaine use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169339|Severe stimulant use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169338|Moderate stimulant use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169337|Mild stimulant use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169336|Severe sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169335|Moderate sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169334|Mild sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169333|Severe tobacco use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169332|Moderate tobacco use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169331|Mild tobacco use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169330|Severe opioid use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169329|Moderate opioid use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169328|Mild opioid use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169327|Severe inhalant use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169326|Gender dysphoria|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169325|Adolescent gender dysphoria|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169324|Adult gender dysphoria|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169323|Prodromal phase of disease|Misc|N/A||
|169323|Prodromal phase of illness|Misc|N/A||
|169322|Convalescent phase of disease|Misc|N/A||
|169322|Convalescent phase of illness|Misc|N/A||
|169321|Acute phase of illness|Misc|N/A||
|169321|Acute phase of disease|Misc|N/A||
|169320|Phase of illness|Question|Coded||
|169314|Date/time isolation ended|Question|Datetime||
|169314|Date/time isolation discontinued|Question|Datetime||
|169313|Coxking PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Etobang PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Etolin PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Pegavamp E|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Etoxizip PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Coxient PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Etoent PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Etoliz PG|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Gabaniche ET|Drug|N/A||
|169313|Etoricoxib / pregabalin|Drug|N/A||
|169312|Moderate inhalant use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169311|Mild inhalant use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169310|Severe cannabis use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169309|Moderate cannabis use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169308|Caffeine use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169307|Severe alcohol use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169306|Moderate alcohol use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169305|Mild alcohol use disorder|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169304|Childhood dysphoria|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169304|Gender dysphoria in childhood|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169304|Gender dysphoria of childhood|Diagnosis|N/A||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for October 18, 2024!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4.5 and 2.5.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes more new concepts for PIH and Kenya. WHO ATC codes continue to be added to existing medication concepts. There are now close to 3000 ICD-11 codes, and these are being added incrementally. Some new concepts were created to support OpenMRS 3, and Mpox case reporting.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|169436|Fever lasting more than 10 days|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169436|Fever lasting more than ten days|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169435|AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma of gastrointestinal tract|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169434|AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma of soft tissue|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169433|AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma of lymph nodes|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169432|AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma of palate|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169431|AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma of skin|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169430|AIDS with Kaposi's sarcoma of lung|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169429|HIV disease resulting in extrapulmonary tuberculosis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169428|HIV disease resulting in Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169427|Partner Notification Services referral approach|Question|Coded|Partner Notification Services (PNS), a strategy in HIV testing where the healthcare provider and the patient collaborate to notify sexual or needle-sharing partners about potential HIV exposure.|
|169426|Provider referral approach|Procedure|N/A|The Provider Referral Approach in HIV testing is a partner notification strategy where the healthcare provider takes full responsibility for notifying the patient&#39;s sexual or needle-sharing partners about potential HIV exposure, with the patient&#39;s consent.|
|169425|Passive referral approach|Procedure|N/A|The Passive Referral Approach in HIV testing is a method of partner notification where the responsibility of informing sexual or needle-sharing partners about potential HIV exposure is placed solely on the patient. The healthcare provider informs the patient about the importance of notifying their partners but does not take an active role in the process.|
|169424|Dual referral approach|Procedure|N/A|The Dual Referral Approach in HIV testing is a method of partner notification where both the healthcare provider and the patient collaborate to notify the patient&#39;s sexual or needle-sharing partners about potential HIV exposure.|
|169423|Contract referral approach|Procedure|N/A|In HIV testing, the Contract Referral Approach refers to a method of partner notification in which a healthcare provider, after diagnosing an individual with HIV, works collaboratively with the patient to notify their sexual or needle-sharing partners about potential exposure to the virus. The approach involves creating an agreement (or &quot;contract&quot;) between the healthcare provider and the patient, in which the patient agrees to notify their partners within a certain period of time.|
|169422|Stage of HIV disclosure|Question|Coded|Child/adolescent stage of disclosure.|
|169421|HIV pre-disclosure|Finding|N/A|Pre-disclosure: The child has not yet been told about their HIV status.|
|169421|Pre-disclosure|Finding|N/A|Pre-disclosure: The child has not yet been told about their HIV status.|
|169420|Partial disclosure|Finding|N/A|Partial disclosure: Telling the child the truth, but not the whole truth; usually withholding the name of HIV (can be a step in the full disclosure process).|
|169420|Partial HIV disclosure|Finding|N/A|Partial disclosure: Telling the child the truth, but not the whole truth; usually withholding the name of HIV (can be a step in the full disclosure process).|
|169419|Full HIV disclosure, stage four|Finding|N/A|Stage 4: Tell the child about their HIV status. Support parents to disclose to the child and clarify the mode of infection. Address immediate reactions and concerns a child might have.|
|169419|Full HIV disclosure, stage 4|Finding|N/A|Stage 4: Tell the child about their HIV status. Support parents to disclose to the child and clarify the mode of infection. Address immediate reactions and concerns a child might have.|
|169419|Full disclosure, stage 4|Finding|N/A|Stage 4: Tell the child about their HIV status. Support parents to disclose to the child and clarify the mode of infection. Address immediate reactions and concerns a child might have.|
|169418|Full HIV disclosure, stage 3|Finding|N/A|Stage 3:Use an imaginary exercise or story to assess child reaction to disclosure of HIV status.|
|169418|Full HIV disclosure, stage three|Finding|N/A|Stage 3:Use an imaginary exercise or story to assess child reaction to disclosure of HIV status.|
|169418|Full disclosure, stage 3|Finding|N/A|Stage 3:Use an imaginary exercise or story to assess child reaction to disclosure of HIV status.|
|169417|Full HIV disclosure, stage 2|Finding|N/A|Stage 2: Assess the child prior knowledge about HIV including information given at school, any myths and misconceptions. Offer or reinforce accurate information.|
|169417|Full HIV disclosure, stage two|Finding|N/A|Stage 2: Assess the child prior knowledge about HIV including information given at school, any myths and misconceptions. Offer or reinforce accurate information.|
|169417|Full disclosure, stage 2|Finding|N/A|Stage 2: Assess the child prior knowledge about HIV including information given at school, any myths and misconceptions. Offer or reinforce accurate information.|
|169416|Full HIV disclosure, stage 1|Finding|N/A|Stage 1: Assessing the child social support system to ensure availability of sufficient support once disclosure is completed.|
|169416|Full HIV disclosure, stage one|Finding|N/A|Stage 1: Assessing the child social support system to ensure availability of sufficient support once disclosure is completed.|
|169416|Full disclosure, stage 1|Finding|N/A|Stage 1: Assessing the child social support system to ensure availability of sufficient support once disclosure is completed.|
|169415|Isoniazide + Rifapentine prophylaxis - three months (3HP)|Misc|N/A|Isoniazide + rifapentine prophylaxis for TB for three months|
|169415|3HP regimen|Misc|N/A|Isoniazide + rifapentine prophylaxis for TB for three months|
|169414|Rifampicin monotherapy prophylaxis - four months (4R)|Misc|N/A|Rifampicin monotherapy prophylaxis for TB for four months|
|169414|4R regimen|Misc|N/A|Rifampicin monotherapy prophylaxis for TB for four months|
|169413|Isoniazid + rifapentine prophylaxis - one month (1HP)|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid + rifapentine prophylaxis for TB for one month|
|169413|1HP regimen|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid + rifapentine prophylaxis for TB for one month|
|169412|Isoniazid + rifampicin prophylaxis - three months (3HR)|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid + rifampicin prophylaxis for TB three month regimen|
|169412|Isoniazid + rifampicin prophylaxis - three months (3HR)|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid+Rifampicin prophylaxis for TB three month regimen|
|169412|3HR regimen|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid + rifampicin prophylaxis for TB three month regimen|
|169412|3HR regimen|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid+Rifampicin prophylaxis for TB three month regimen|
|169411|Isoniazid prophylaxis - six months (6H)|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid prophylaxis for TB six month regimen|
|169411|6H regimen|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid prophylaxis for TB six month regimen|
|169410|Isoniazid prophylaxis - nine months (9H)|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid prophylaxis for TB 9 month regimen|
|169410|9H regimen|Misc|N/A|Isoniazid prophylaxis for TB 9 month regimen|
|169409|Migrant worker|Misc|N/A||
|169408|Admission to hospital decision|Question|Coded||
|169407|Patient on waiting list|Finding|N/A||
|169406|Admission denied|Finding|N/A||
|169405|Inpatient disposition construct|ConvSet|N/A||
|169404|Internal transfer location (text/code)|Question|Text||
|169403|Admitted to location (text/code)|Question|Text||
|169402|Inpatient patient disposition|Question|Coded||
|169401|Discharge from hospital|Procedure|N/A||
|169400|Psychosocial assessment|Procedure|N/A||
|169399|Experienced traumatic event|Question|Coded||
|169398|Timing of hospital prescription|Question|Coded||
|169394|Wild rodent|Misc|N/A||
|169393|Wild animal|Misc|N/A||
|169392|Rodent pet|Misc|N/A||
|169391|Household pets|Misc|N/A||
|169390|Type of animal exposed to|Question|Coded||
|169389|Exposure to animal in past three weeks|Question|Coded||
|169389|Exposure to animal in last 21 days|Question|Coded||
|169388|Disorder of sleep-wake cycle due to drug/medication|Diagnosis|N/A||
|169387|Was maternal partner treated for syphilis|Question|Coded||
|169386|Maternal partner treated for syphilis construct|ConvSet|N/A||