New version of CIEL concept dictionary added to dropbox

New version of CIEL dictionary added to dropbox AND updated on Open Concept Lab for August 14, 2022!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.6.6, 1.7.4, 1.8.3, 1.9.12, 1.10.2, 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes many new concepts for The WHO ANC DTK, PIH, COVID-19, and several important concepts for documenting Monkeypox (disease and exposure) and vaccination. Please update your dictionaries.

It also includes a separate drug table which contains all of the WHO essential medication list drugs linked to the concept table. The plan is to integrate these two more closely providing concept sets of drugs which parallel the WHO classifications. The drug table may eventually become a superset of international RxNorm encoded medications from which you can select from. For now, it is just the WHO EML. We will keep the SQL separate for now so that you don’t have to overwrite your local drug table when importing the CIEL concept dictionary.

The drug table was updated for this release, but will be distributed separately

concept_id name Class Datatype description
167440 Exposure to suspected case of monkeypox Finding N/A \N
167439 Suspected monkeypox Diagnosis N/A \N
167438 Administration of ACAM 2000 smallpox vaccine for monkeypox Procedure N/A \N
167438 Administration of ACAM 2000 smallpox vaccine Procedure N/A \N
167437 At increased risk of exposure to monkeypox virus Finding N/A \N
167436 Close exposure to monkeypox virus Finding N/A \N
167435 Administration of Jynneos smallpox and monkeypox vaccine Procedure N/A \N
167434 Monkeypox confirmed using clinical diagnostic criteria Diagnosis N/A \N
167433 Monkeypox excluded by laboratory test Finding N/A \N
167432 Monkeypox excluded using clinical diagnostic criteria Finding N/A \N
167431 Laboratory confirmed diagnosis of monkeypox Diagnosis N/A \N
167430 Worse stage of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) Question Coded \N
167429 Perinatal intraventricular haemorrhage grade Question Coded \N
167429 Perinatal intraventricular hemorrhage grade Question Coded \N
167428 Perinatal intraventricular haemorrhage, grade 4 Diagnosis N/A \N
167428 Perinatal intraventricular hemorrhage, grade IV Diagnosis N/A \N
167427 Anticonvulsant therapy Procedure N/A \N
167426 Interventions received in newborn unit ConvSet N/A \N
167425 Therapeutic hypothermia Procedure N/A \N
167424 Cranial ultrasound Test N/A \N
167423 Neonatal exchange transfusion Procedure N/A \N
167422 Light therapy Procedure N/A \N
167422 Phototherapy Procedure N/A \N
167421 Screening for retinopathy of prematurity Procedure N/A \N
167421 ROP screen Procedure N/A \N
167420 Administration of methylxanthine for neonatal apnea Procedure N/A \N
167419 Pulmonary surfactant replacement Procedure N/A \N
167419 Pulmonary surfactant therapy Procedure N/A \N
167418 Administration of delayed kangaroo mother care Procedure N/A \N
167417 Administration of epinephrine for resuscitation Procedure N/A \N
167416 Delivery room interventions performed Test N/A \N
167415 CPR Procedure Coded \N
167415 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Procedure Coded \N
167414 Delivery room interventions Question Coded \N
167413 Date of previous admission Question Datetime \N
167413 Date of prior admission Question Datetime \N
167412 History of hospitalization for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 disease (SARS-COV-2) Finding Coded \N
167412 History of hospitalization for COVID-19 Finding Coded \N
167411 Triage Misc N/A \N
167411 Triage service Misc N/A \N
167410 Clinical consultation Misc N/A \N
167410 Clinician-provided service Misc N/A \N
167409 Service completed Misc N/A \N
167409 Finished service Misc N/A \N
167408 In service Misc N/A Currently being cared for by service
167407 Waiting Misc N/A \N
167406 Patient care administration status Question Coded \N
167405 Presence of gram-positive bacilli in gram stain Test Coded \N
167404 Arrangement of gram-positive cocci on gram stain Test Coded \N
167403 Presence of gram-positive cocci on gram stain Test Coded \N
167402 Finding of gram-positive cocci in chains Finding N/A \N
167401 Finding of gram-positive cocci in clusters Finding N/A \N
167400 Finding of gram-positive cocci in pairs Finding N/A \N
167399 Arrangement of bacteria in specimen Test Coded \N
167398 Yeast presence in specimen by gram stain Test Coded \N
167397 Source of vaccination history information Question Coded \N
167397 Source of immunization history information Question Coded \N
167396 Stepdown unit Misc N/A \N
167396 High dependency unit (HDU) Misc N/A \N
167395 Admitted to location Question Coded \N
167395 Admission to department location Question Coded \N
167394 History of HIV-related opportunistic infections Question Coded A field to capture history of HIV-related opportunistic infections experienced by patient.
167393 Isoniazid + Rifapentine Misc N/A Drug regimen containing Isoniazid and Rifapentine
167393 Isoniazid / Rifapentine regimen Misc N/A Drug regimen containing Isoniazid and Rifapentine
167392 Nutritional status Question Coded \N
167391 Routine viral load Procedure N/A \N
167390 Baseline viral load Procedure N/A \N
167389 Recency assay Procedure N/A Viral load testing is strongly recommended among those who test recent on TRI as part of recent infection testing algorithm (RITA).
167388 Confirmation of treatment failure Procedure N/A \N
167387 Treatment failure Finding N/A \N
167386 Early-onset neonatal sepsis Finding N/A \N
167385 Sample rejected Finding N/A \N
167384 Stimulation of newborn Procedure N/A \N
167384 Neonatal stimulation Procedure N/A \N
167383 Bag valve mask ventilation Procedure N/A \N
167383 BVM Procedure N/A \N
167382 Airway suctioning Procedure N/A \N
167381 Patient meets trial/protocol criteria Question Coded \N
167380 Treatment(s) dispensed or prescribed this encounter Question Coded \N
167379 PLLV Finding N/A A detectable viral load (above the LDL value) but < 1,000 copies/ml on two or more consecutive measures
167379 Persistent low-level viremia Finding N/A A detectable viral load (above the LDL value) but < 1,000 copies/ml on two or more consecutive measures
167378 Low-level viremia Finding N/A A detectable viral load (above the LDL value) but < 1,000 copies/ml
167378 LLV Finding N/A A detectable viral load (above the LDL value) but < 1,000 copies/ml
167377 Studded epithelial cells, presence in body fluid Test Coded \N
167376 Epithelial cells, presence in body fluid Test Coded \N
167375 Urine drug screen positive in past 30 days Finding N/A \N
167374 Religious faith healer Misc N/A \N
167373 Duration of transfer/referral of care Question Coded \N
167372 Temporary transfer of care Procedure N/A \N
167371 Permanent transfer of care Procedure N/A \N
167370 Current buprenorphine dose (mg) Question Numeric \N
167369 Current dose of methadone (mg) Question Numeric \N
167368 Type of memory loss Question Coded \N
167367 Hemostatic hysterectomy postpartum Procedure N/A \N
167367 Hysterectomy for postpartum hemorrhage Procedure N/A \N
167367 Hysterectomy for postpartum haemorrhage Procedure N/A \N
167366 Partial hysterectomy Procedure N/A \N
167366 Subtotal hysterectomy Procedure N/A \N
167365 Vibrio cholerae in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167364 Giardia lamblia in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167363 Entamoeba histolytica in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167362 Trichomonas intestinalis in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167361 Impairment of immediate recall Finding N/A \N
167361 Impairment of registration (recall) Finding N/A \N
167360 Dientamoeba fragilis in stool by iight microscopy Test Coded \N
167359 Chilomastix mesnili in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167358 Entamoeba coli in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167357 Balantidium coli in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167356 Enterobius vermicularis in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167355 Strongyloide stercoralis in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167354 Beef tapeworm in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167354 Taenia saginata in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167353 Pork tapeworm in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167353 Taenia solium in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167352 Endolimax nana in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167351 Hymenolepis nana in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167350 Trichuris trichiura in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167349 Ancylostoma duodenale in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167348 Ascaris lumbricoides in stool by light microscopy Test Coded \N
167347 Trichomonas intestinalis Organism N/A
167346 Dientamoeba fragilis Organism N/A \N
167345 Chilomastix mesnili Organism N/A \N
167344 Entamoeba coli Organism N/A \N
167343 Balantidium coli Organism N/A \N
167342 Pinworm Organism N/A \N
167342 Threadworm Organism N/A \N
167342 Enterobius vermicularis Organism N/A \N
167341 Strongyloide stercoralis Organism N/A \N
167340 Beef tapeworm Organism N/A \N
167340 Taenia saginata Organism N/A \N
167339 Pork tapeworm Organism N/A \N
167339 Taenia solium Organism N/A \N
167338 Endolimax nana Organism N/A \N
167337 Hymenolepis nana Organism N/A \N
167336 Trichuris trichiura Organism N/A \N
167335 Ancylostoma duodenale Organism N/A \N
167334 Stool examination for Ova and Parasite result ConvSet N/A \N
167333 Quantity found on examination Question Coded \N
167332 Many Misc N/A \N
167332 Numerous Misc N/A \N
167331 Ascaris lumbricoides Organism N/A \N
167330 Stool for ova and parasites with concentration Test Coded \N
167329 Ready to taper off opioid maintenance medication Question Coded \N
167328 Remained on the same opioid maintenance dose for the past three months Question Coded \N
167328 Remained on the same opioid maintenance dose for the last 3 months Question Coded \N
167327 Stable income Finding Coded \N
167326 Stopped engaging in criminal behavior Question Coded \N
167326 Stopped engaging in criminal behaviour Question Coded \N
167325 Comfortably resides in area away from drug-using sites Question Coded \N
167324 Staying away from drug-using friends Question Coded \N
167323 Able to cope with stressful situations without using drugs Question Coded \N
167322 Employed Finding N/A \N
167321 Patient memory ability Question Coded \N
167321 Memory recall Question Coded \N
167320 Logical thinking Finding N/A \N
167319 Illogical thinking Finding N/A \N
167318 Pressured thought Finding N/A \N
167318 Pressure of thought Finding N/A \N
167317 Elated Finding N/A \N
167316 No involuntary movements Finding N/A \N
167315 Uncooperative behavior Finding N/A \N
167315 Uncooperative behaviour Finding N/A \N
167315 Uncooperative Finding N/A \N
167314 Withdrawal method of contraception Finding N/A \N
167313 Fraud/Forgery Finding N/A \N
167312 Robbery Finding N/A \N
167311 Burglary/Larceny Finding N/A \N
167310 Weapons offense Finding N/A \N
167309 Drug possession Finding N/A \N
167308 Drunk and disorderly conduct Finding N/A \N
167307 History of violent behaviour Finding N/A \N
167307 History of violent behavior Finding N/A \N
167306 Education about possible consequences of non-compliance to Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT) agreements Procedure N/A \N
167305 Education about dangers of continued use of substances while on Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT) Procedure N/A \N
167304 BA.2.75 variant Misc N/A \N
167304 Centaurus variant Misc N/A \N
167303 Dependent drug detoxification therapy Procedure N/A \N
167302 Population prevalence of hepatitis C Question Numeric \N
167301 Population prevalence of hepatitis B Question Numeric \N
167300 Population prevalence of syphilis in pregnant women Question Numeric \N
167299 Population prevalence of HIV in pregnant women Question Numeric \N
167298 Population prevalence of HIV in key populations Question Numeric Population prevalence of HIV in key populations (men who have sex with men, people in prison or other closed settings, people who inject drugs, sex workers and transgender people)
167297 Population incidence of HIV (/100 person*years) Question Numeric Population incidence of HIV in the absence of PrEP
167296 Population prevalence of soil-transmitted helminth infection Question Numeric \N
167295 Population prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) Question Numeric \N
167294 Population prevalence of anaemia Question Numeric \N
167294 Population prevalence of anemia Question Numeric \N
167293 Population prevalence of malnourishment Question Numeric \N
167293 Population prevalence of undernourishment Question Numeric \N
167292 BA.5 variant Misc N/A \N
167291 BA.4 variant Misc N/A \N
167290 BA.2.12.1 variant Misc N/A \N
167289 BA.3 variant Misc N/A \N
167288 BA.2 variant Misc N/A \N
167287 Family medication required Question Coded \N
167287 Family medication needed Question Coded \N
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New version of CIEL dictionary added to dropbox AND updated on Open Concept Lab for October 12, 2022! Sorry that I forgot to notify of the September release!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in version prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes many new concepts for Oncology (drug ingredients) and a few new concepts for COVID. Please update your dictionaries.

It also includes a separate drug table which contains all of the WHO essential medication list drugs linked to the concept table. The plan is to integrate these two more closely providing concept sets of drugs which parallel the WHO classifications. The drug table may eventually become a superset of international RxNorm encoded medications from which you can select from. For now, it is just the WHO EML. We will keep the SQL separate for now so that you don’t have to overwrite your local drug table when importing the CIEL concept dictionary.

The drug table was updated for this release, but will be distributed separately

concept_id	name	Class	Datatype	description
167619	Erismodegib	Drug	N/A	
167619	Odomzo	Drug	N/A	
167619	Sonidegib	Drug	N/A	
167618	Provenge	Drug	N/A	
167618	Sipuleucel-T	Drug	N/A	
167617	Retsevmo	Drug	N/A	
167617	Selpercatinib	Drug	N/A	
167617	Retevmo	Drug	N/A	
167616	Selinexor	Drug	N/A	
167616	Xpovio	Drug	N/A	
167615	Sacituzumab govitecan	Drug	N/A	
167615	Trodelvy	Drug	N/A	
167614	Jakavi	Drug	N/A	
167614	Opzelura	Drug	N/A	
167614	Jakafi	Drug	N/A	
167614	Ruxolitinib	Drug	N/A	
167613	Rubraca	Drug	N/A	
167613	Rucaparib	Drug	N/A	
167612	Romidepsin	Drug	N/A	
167612	Istodax	Drug	N/A	
167611	Rituxan Hycela	Drug	N/A	
167611	Hyaluronidase / rituximab	Drug	N/A	
167610	Ruxience	Drug	N/A	
167610	Rituximab-pvvr	Drug	N/A	
167609	Riabni	Drug	N/A	
167609	Rituximab-arrx	Drug	N/A	
167608	Truxima	Drug	N/A	
167608	Rituximab-abbs	Drug	N/A	
167607	Ripretinib	Drug	N/A	
167607	Qinlock	Drug	N/A	
167606	Ribociclib	Drug	N/A	
167606	Kisqali	Drug	N/A	
167606	Kryxana	Drug	N/A	
167605	Myfembree	Drug	N/A	
167605	Estradiol / norethindrone / relugolix	Drug	N/A	
167604	Relugolix	Drug	N/A	
167604	Relumina	Drug	N/A	
167604	Orgovyx	Drug	N/A	
167603	Regonix	Drug	N/A	
167603	Regorafenib	Drug	N/A	
167603	Renib	Drug	N/A	
167603	Resihance	Drug	N/A	
167603	Stivarga	Drug	N/A	
167603	Nublexa	Drug	N/A	
167602	Ravulizumab	Drug	N/A	
167602	Ultomiris	Drug	N/A	
167602	ravulizumab-cwvz	Drug	N/A	
167601	Ramucirumab	Drug	N/A	
167601	Cyramza	Drug	N/A	
167600	Radium chloride RA-223	Drug	N/A	
167600	Alpharadin	Drug	N/A	
167600	Xofigo	Drug	N/A	
167599	Gavreto	Drug	N/A	
167599	Pralsetinib	Drug	N/A	
167598	Folotyn	Drug	N/A	
167598	Pralatrexate	Drug	N/A	
167597	Iclusig	Drug	N/A	
167597	Ponatinib	Drug	N/A	
167596	3-amino-thalidomide	Drug	N/A	
167596	Pomalid	Drug	N/A	
167596	Pomalidomide	Drug	N/A	
167596	Ibipolid	Drug	N/A	
167596	Imnovid	Drug	N/A	
167596	Actimid	Drug	N/A	
167596	Pomalyst	Drug	N/A	
167595	Polatuzumab vedotin-piiq	Drug	N/A	
167595	Polatuzumab vedotin	Drug	N/A	
167595	Polivy	Drug	N/A	
167594	Phesgo	Drug	N/A	
167594	Hyaluronidase / pertuzumab / trastuzumab	Drug	N/A	
167593	Perjeta	Drug	N/A	
167593	Omnitarg	Drug	N/A	
167593	Pertuzumab	Drug	N/A	
167592	Turalio	Drug	N/A	
167592	Pexidartinib	Drug	N/A	
167591	Pemigatinib	Drug	N/A	
167591	Pemazyre	Drug	N/A	
167590	Pembrolizumab	Drug	N/A	
167590	Keytruda	Drug	N/A	
167590	Lambrolizumab	Drug	N/A	
167589	Pazopanib	Drug	N/A	
167589	Votrient	Drug	N/A	
167589	Pazopater	Drug	N/A	
167588	Panobinostat lactate anhydrous	Drug	N/A	
167588	Farydak	Drug	N/A	
167588	Faridak	Drug	N/A	
167588	Panobinostat	Drug	N/A	
167587	Panitumumab	Drug	N/A	
167587	Vectibix	Drug	N/A	
167586	Pacritinib	Drug	N/A	
167586	Vonjo	Drug	N/A	
167585	Osimert	Drug	N/A	
167585	Osimertinib	Drug	N/A	
167585	Tagrisso	Drug	N/A	
167585	Tagrix	Drug	N/A	
167584	Synribo	Drug	N/A	
167584	Omapro	Drug	N/A	
167584	Omacetaxine mepesuccinate	Drug	N/A	
167583	Olaparix	Drug	N/A	
167583	Olanib	Drug	N/A	
167583	Lynparza	Drug	N/A	
167583	Olaparib	Drug	N/A	
167582	Afutuzumab	Drug	N/A	
167582	Gazyva	Drug	N/A	
167582	Obinutuzumab	Drug	N/A	
167581	Nivolumab / relatlimab	Drug	N/A	
167581	Opdualag	Drug	N/A	
167580	Nivolumab	Drug	N/A	
167580	Opdivo	Drug	N/A	
167579	Zejula	Drug	N/A	
167579	Niranib	Drug	N/A	
167579	Niraparib	Drug	N/A	
167578	Ofev	Drug	N/A	
167578	Nintenib	Drug	N/A	
167578	Idofnib	Drug	N/A	
167578	Nifev	Drug	N/A	
167578	Nintena	Drug	N/A	
167578	Nintib	Drug	N/A	
167578	Vargatef	Drug	N/A	
167578	Nindanib	Drug	N/A	
167578	Nintedanib	Drug	N/A	
167578	Cyendiv	Drug	N/A	
167577	Neratinib	Drug	N/A	
167577	Nerlynx	Drug	N/A	
167576	Ebola Sudan virus disease	Diagnosis	N/A	
167576	Ebola infection, Sudan virus	Diagnosis	N/A	
167575	Necitumumab	Drug	N/A	
167575	Portrazza	Drug	N/A	
167574	Danyelza	Drug	N/A	
167574	Naxitamab-gqgk	Drug	N/A	
167574	Naxitamab	Drug	N/A	
167573	Moxetumomab pasudotox	Drug	N/A	
167573	Lumoxiti	Drug	N/A	
167573	Moxetumomab pasudotox-tdfk	Drug	N/A	
167572	Mogamulizumab-kpkc	Drug	N/A	
167572	Mogamulizumab	Drug	N/A	
167572	Poteligeo	Drug	N/A	
167571	Exkivity	Drug	N/A	
167571	Mobocertinib	Drug	N/A	
167570	Tauritmo	Drug	N/A	
167570	Midostaurin	Drug	N/A	
167570	Rydapt	Drug	N/A	
167569	Mepolizumab	Drug	N/A	
167569	Nucala	Drug	N/A	
167568	Margetuximab	Drug	N/A	
167568	Margenza	Drug	N/A	
167568	Margetuximab-cmkb	Drug	N/A	
167567	Pluvicto	Drug	N/A	
167567	Lutetium Lu 177 vipivotide tetraxetan	Drug	N/A	
167566	Lutathera	Drug	N/A	
167566	Lutetium Lu 177 dotatate	Drug	N/A	
167565	Zepzelca	Drug	N/A	
167565	Lurbinectedin	Drug	N/A	
167564	Lorlatinib	Drug	N/A	
167564	Lorbrena	Drug	N/A	
167563	Loncastuximab tesirine-lpyl	Drug	N/A	
167563	Zynlonta	Drug	N/A	
167563	Loncastuximab tesirine	Drug	N/A	
167562	Lisocabtagene maraleucel	Drug	N/A	
167562	Liso-cel	Drug	N/A	
167562	Breyanzi	Drug	N/A	
167561	Levoleucovorin	Drug	N/A	
167561	Fusilev	Drug	N/A	
167561	Khapzory	Drug	N/A	
167560	Lenvatinib	Drug	N/A	
167560	Lenvima	Drug	N/A	
167559	Larotrectinib	Drug	N/A	
167559	Vitrakvi	Drug	N/A	
167558	Herlapsa	Drug	N/A	
167558	Abnib	Drug	N/A	
167558	Hertab	Drug	N/A	
167558	Lapanix	Drug	N/A	
167558	Combinib	Drug	N/A	
167558	Lapatem	Drug	N/A	
167558	Etibo	Drug	N/A	
167558	Tykerb	Drug	N/A	
167558	Herduo	Drug	N/A	
167558	Lapatinib	Drug	N/A	
167558	Tyverb	Drug	N/A	
167557	Ixazomib	Drug	N/A	
167557	Ninlaro	Drug	N/A	
167556	Ivosidenib	Drug	N/A	
167556	Tibsovo	Drug	N/A	
167555	Isatuximab	Drug	N/A	
167555	Sarclisa	Drug	N/A	
167554	Interpretation of major crossmatch results	Test	Text	
167553	Irinotecan liposomal	Drug	N/A	
167553	Onivyde	Drug	N/A	
167553	Irinotecan liposome	Drug	N/A	
167552	Ipilimumab	Drug	N/A	
167552	Yervoy	Drug	N/A	
167551	Besponsa	Drug	N/A	
167551	Inotuzumab ozogamicin	Drug	N/A	
167550	Infigratinib	Drug	N/A	
167550	Truseltiq	Drug	N/A	
167549	Idecabtagene vicleucel	Drug	N/A	
167549	Abecma	Drug	N/A	
167548	Ibrutinib	Drug	N/A	
167548	Lucibru	Drug	N/A	
167548	Ibrutix	Drug	N/A	
167548	Ibrunib	Drug	N/A	
167548	Imbruvica	Drug	N/A	
167547	Glasdegib	Drug	N/A	
167547	Daurismo	Drug	N/A	
167546	Gilteritinib	Drug	N/A	
167546	Xospata	Drug	N/A	
167545	Gemtuzumab ozogamicin	Drug	N/A	
167545	Mylotarg	Drug	N/A	
167544	Locametz	Drug	N/A	
167544	Gallium ga-68 gozetotide	Drug	N/A	
167543	Lytgobi	Drug	N/A	
167543	Futibatinib	Drug	N/A	
167542	Tavalisse	Drug	N/A	
167542	Fostamatinib	Drug	N/A	
167541	Fedratinib	Drug	N/A	
167541	Inrebic	Drug	N/A	
167540	Trastuzumab deruxtecan	Drug	N/A	
167540	Enhertu	Drug	N/A	
167539	Eltrom	Drug	N/A	
167539	Eltrombopag	Drug	N/A	
167539	Revolade	Drug	N/A	
167539	Promacta	Drug	N/A

New version of CIEL dictionary added to dropbox AND updated on Open Concept Lab for November 4, 2022!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for Oncology (drug ingredients) and new concepts for MSF, the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR including reasons for COVID vaccine rejection and new COVID-19 variants. The COVID-19 starter collection was also updated.

It also includes a separate drug table which contains all of the WHO essential medication list drugs linked to the concept table. The plan is to integrate these two more closely providing concept sets of drugs which parallel the WHO classifications. The drug table may eventually become a superset of international RxNorm encoded medications from which you can select from. For now, it is just the WHO EML. We will keep the SQL separate for now so that you don’t have to overwrite your local drug table when importing the CIEL concept dictionary.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

concept_id	name	Class	Datatype	description
167715	Class of psychotropic medication initiated	Question	Coded	
167714	Ligament of pelvic girdle	Anatomy	N/A	
167714	Ligament of pelvis	Anatomy	N/A	
167713	Sofosbuvir / Daclatasvir	Drug	N/A	
167713	Daclatasvir / Sofosbuvir	Drug	N/A	
167713	Sovodak	Drug	N/A	
167712	Prior drug treatment program participation	Question	Coded	
167711	&gt; 1 yr	Misc	N/A	
167711	Greater than one year	Misc	N/A	
167711	> 1 yr	Misc	N/A	
167710	&lt; 1 yr	Misc	N/A	
167710	Less than one year	Misc	N/A	
167710	< 1 yr	Misc	N/A	
167709	One year	Misc	N/A	
167709	1 yr	Misc	N/A	
167708	Positive COVID-19 protocol	Question	Coded	
167708	Positive SARS-CoV-2 protocol	Question	Coded	
167707	United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East	Misc	N/A	
167707	UNRWA	Misc	N/A	
167706	Médecins Sans Frontières West and Central Africa	Misc	N/A	
167706	MSF WaCA	Misc	N/A	
167705	Médecins Sans Frontières Paris	Misc	N/A	
167705	MSF OCP	Misc	N/A	
167704	MSF OCBA	Misc	N/A	
167704	Médecins Sans Frontières Barcelona-Athens	Misc	N/A	
167703	Médecins Sans Frontières Geneva	Misc	N/A	
167703	M&eacute;decins Sans Fronti&egrave;res Geneva	Misc	N/A	
167703	MSF OCG	Misc	N/A	
167703	Médecins Sans Frontières Geneva	Misc	N/A	
167702	Médecins Sans Frontières Brussels	Misc	N/A	
167702	M&eacute;decins Sans Fronti&egrave;res Brussels	Misc	N/A	
167702	Médecins Sans Frontières Brussels	Misc	N/A	
167702	MSF OCB	Misc	N/A	
167701	Delusion that vaccine is combined with contraceptive	Finding	N/A	
167700	Delusion that vaccines will kill them	Finding	N/A	
167699	Delusion that antiretrovirals can cure/prevent COVID-19	Finding	N/A	
167698	Delusion that vaccine replicates DNA	Finding	N/A	
167698	Delusion that vaccine replicates one&amp;#39;s DNA	Finding	N/A	
167698	Delusion that vaccine replicates one&#39;s DNA	Finding	N/A	
167698	Delusion that vaccine replicates one's DNA	Finding	N/A	
167697	Concerned about safety in immunocompromised people	Finding	N/A	For example, in PLHIV or HIV-infected people
167696	Individual therapy	Procedure	N/A	
167696	Individual psychotherapy	Procedure	N/A	
167695	Group therapy	Procedure	N/A	
167695	Group psychotherapy	Procedure	N/A	
167694	Session type	Question	Coded	The type of therapy session attended
167693	Session attended	ConvSet	N/A	
167692	Isoniazid / Rifapentine	Drug	N/A	Fixed combination medication with INH and Rifapentine
167691	Detained by authorities	Finding	N/A	
167690	Significant change in social role/position	Finding	N/A	
167689	Witness to violence	Finding	N/A	
167688	Sickness in family	Finding	N/A	
167688	Relative/family member sick	Finding	N/A	
167687	Loss of relative/family member	Finding	N/A	Relative or family member has died, been detained, is missing, etc.
167686	Relational problem with family member	Finding	N/A	
167685	Non-governmental organisation	Misc	N/A	
167685	Non-governmental organization	Misc	N/A	
167685	Non-governmental organization	Misc	N/A	
167685	Nongovernmental organization	Misc	N/A	
167685	NGO	Misc	N/A	
167684	Sofobuvir / velpatasvir	Drug	N/A	
167684	Sofosbuvir / velpatasvir	Drug	N/A	
167684	Epclusa	Drug	N/A	
167683	Aware of conditions that could lead to involuntary discharge from Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT)	Question	Coded	
167682	History of complications related to injecting drug use	Question	Coded	
167682	History of complications related to intravenous drug use	Question	Coded	
167681	IVDU reason	Question	Coded	
167681	Reason for using intravenous drugs	Question	Coded	
167680	Theft/Property damage of clinic/instituation	Finding	N/A	
167679	Diversion of buprenorphine	Finding	N/A	
167679	Stealing buprenorphine	Finding	N/A	
167678	Diversion of methadone	Finding	N/A	
167678	Stealing methadone	Finding	N/A	
167677	Wearing guns/weapons	Finding	N/A	
167677	Weapons possession	Finding	N/A	
167676	Delusion about being immune to disease	Finding	N/A	
167675	Fear of drug class interaction with vaccine	Question	Coded	
167674	Media-induced fear of vaccination	Finding	N/A	
167674	Media-induced fear of immunization	Finding	N/A	
167673	Insufficient vaccine testing/study	Finding	N/A	
167673	Concerned about insufficient vaccine testing/study	Finding	N/A	
167673	Insufficient vaccine testing/study	Finding	N/A	
167672	Flashblood user	Question	Coded	
167672	Flushblood user	Question	Coded	
167671	Number of missed appointments	Question	Numeric	
167670	Involuntary discharge from program	Procedure	N/A	
167669	Reason for no show	Question	Coded	
167669	Reason for defaulting	Question	Coded	
167668	Date enrolled in substance abuse program	Question	Datetime	
167667	Court system	Misc	N/A	
167667	Criminal justice system	Misc	N/A	
167666	Previous referral for Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT) services	Question	Coded	
167665	Recommended for immediate enrollment for Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT)	Question	Coded	
167664	Ceritinib	Drug	N/A	
167664	Zykadia	Drug	N/A	
167664	Lucicer	Drug	N/A	
167664	Spexib	Drug	N/A	
167664	Noxalk	Drug	N/A	
167663	Libtayo	Drug	N/A	
167663	Cemiplimab	Drug	N/A	
167662	Carfilnat	Drug	N/A	
167662	Carfilzomib	Drug	N/A	
167662	Kyprolis	Drug	N/A	
167661	Mannerisms	Finding	N/A	
167660	Zirabev	Drug	N/A	
167660	Bevacizumab-bvzr	Drug	N/A	
167659	Mvasi	Drug	N/A	
167659	Bevacizumab-awwb	Drug	N/A	
167658	Bevacizumab-adcd	Drug	N/A	
167658	Vegzelga	Drug	N/A	
167657	Fasenra	Drug	N/A	
167657	Benralizumab	Drug	N/A	
167656	In good standing	Misc	N/A	Program status where patient/enrollee is still enrolled and in good standing.
167655	Cost of vaccination	Misc	N/A	Potential reason for not receiving care
167655	Cost of immunization	Misc	N/A	Potential reason for not receiving care
167654	Delay time for results	Misc	N/A	
167654	Waiting time for results	Misc	N/A	
167653	Wait time for procedure	Misc	N/A	
167653	Delay time for procedure	Misc	N/A	
167653	Wait time	Misc	N/A	
167653	Delay time	Misc	N/A	
167652	Vaccine-related death	Finding	N/A	
167652	Death due to immunization	Finding	N/A	
167652	Death due to vaccination	Finding	N/A	
167651	At risk for clots	Finding	N/A	
167651	At risk of venous thromboembolism	Finding	N/A	
167650	Type of fear regarding vaccination	Question	Coded	
167650	Fears about vaccination	Question	Coded	
167649	XBB variant	Misc	N/A	SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
167648	BQ.1.1 variant	Misc	N/A	SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
167647	Zaltrap	Drug	N/A	
167647	Ziv-aflibercept	Drug	N/A	
167646	Brukinsa	Drug	N/A	
167646	Zanubrutinib	Drug	N/A	
167645	Voxelotor	Drug	N/A	
167645	Oxbryta	Drug	N/A	
167644	Vorinostat	Drug	N/A	
167644	Zolinza	Drug	N/A	
167643	Erivedge	Drug	N/A	
167643	Vismodegib	Drug	N/A	
167642	Javlor	Drug	N/A	
167642	Vinflunine	Drug	N/A	
167641	Vincristine liposomal	Drug	N/A	
167641	Vincristine liposome	Drug	N/A	
167641	Marqibo	Drug	N/A	
167640	Venclexta	Drug	N/A	
167640	Venetoclax	Drug	N/A	
167639	Vemurafenib	Drug	N/A	
167639	Zelboraf	Drug	N/A	
167638	Caprelsa	Drug	N/A	
167638	Zactima	Drug	N/A	
167638	Lucivand	Drug	N/A	
167638	Vandetanib	Drug	N/A	
167637	Ukoniq	Drug	N/A	
167637	Umbralisib	Drug	N/A	
167636	Tucatinib	Drug	N/A	
167636	Irbinitinib	Drug	N/A	
167636	Tukysa	Drug	N/A	
167635	trastuzumab-oysk and hyaluronidase-oysk	Drug	N/A	
167635	Herceptin hylecta	Drug	N/A	
167635	Hyaluronidase / trastuzumab	Drug	N/A	
167634	Trastuzumab-qyyp	Drug	N/A	
167634	Trazimera	Drug	N/A	
167633	Herzuma	Drug	N/A	
167633	Trastuzumab-pkrb	Drug	N/A	
167632	Ontruzant	Drug	N/A	
167632	Trastuzumab-dttb	Drug	N/A	
167631	Ogivri	Drug	N/A	
167631	Trastuzumab-dkst	Drug	N/A	
167630	Kanjinti	Drug	N/A	
167630	Trastuzumab-anns	Drug	N/A	
167629	Mekinist	Drug	N/A	
167629	Trametinib	Drug	N/A	
167629	Meqsel	Drug	N/A	
167628	Trabectedin	Drug	N/A	
167628	Yondelis	Drug	N/A	
167627	Kymriah	Drug	N/A	
167627	Tisagenlecleucel	Drug	N/A	
167626	Tepmetko	Drug	N/A	
167626	Tepotinib	Drug	N/A	
167625	Telotristat ethyl	Drug	N/A	
167625	Xermelo	Drug	N/A	
167624	Tazemetostat	Drug	N/A	
167624	Tazverik	Drug	N/A	
167623	Talzenna	Drug	N/A	
167623	Talazoparib	Drug	N/A	
167622	Tagraxofusp	Drug	N/A	
167622	Elzonris	Drug	N/A	
167622	Tagraxofusp-erzs	Drug	N/A	
167621	Tafasitamab-cxix	Drug	N/A	
167621	Monjuvi	Drug	N/A	
167621	Tafasitamab	Drug	N/A	
167620	Sotorasib	Drug	N/A	
167620	Lumakras	Drug	N/A

New version of CIEL dictionary added to dropbox AND soon to be updated on Open Concept Lab for December 21, 2022!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for Oncology (drug ingredients) and new concepts for MSF, the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR, coded HIV ART regimens, and updated normal ranges for vitals for OMRS 3.0 .

It also includes a separate drug table which contains all of the WHO essential medication list drugs linked to the concept table. The plan is to integrate these two more closely providing concept sets of drugs which parallel the WHO classifications. The drug table may eventually become a superset of international RxNorm encoded medications from which you can select from. For now, it is just the WHO EML. We will keep the SQL separate for now so that you don’t have to overwrite your local drug table when importing the CIEL concept dictionary.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

|167825|Severe pregnancy-induced hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|167825|Severe gestational hypertension|Diagnosis|N/A||
|167824|Host|Misc|N/A|A person living within a host community which is hosting internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the homes of community members and/or in spontaneous or formal camps nearby.|
|167823|Legal status|Question|Coded||
|167822|Occupational exposure to risk factor|Finding|N/A||
|167822|Occupational exposure|Finding|N/A||
|167821|Number of disease exacerbations|Question|Numeric||
|167820|Number of disease exacerbations construct|ConvSet|N/A||
|167819|Missed medication doses in past seven days|Question|Coded||
|167819|Missed medication doses in seven days|Question|Coded||
|167819|Missed medication doses in last week|Question|Coded||
|167819|Number of missed medication doses in seven days|Question|Coded||
|167819|Number of missed medication doses in last week|Question|Coded||
|167818|Last date of discharge from hospital|Question|Date||
|167818|Most recent date of discharge from hospital|Question|Date||
|167817|Hypoglycemic event since last visit|Question|Coded|Whether the patient has experienced a hypoglycemic event since the last visit.|
|167817|Hypoglycaemia since last visit|Question|Coded|Whether the patient has experienced a hypoglycemic event since the last visit.|
|167816|Previous mental health treatment|Question|Coded|What mental health care and services the patient had previously received.|
|167816|History of mental health treatment|Question|Coded|What mental health care and services the patient had previously received.|
|167815|Protective services|Misc|N/A||
|167815|Protection services|Misc|N/A||
|167814|Legal services|Misc|N/A||
|167813|Sexual/reproductive health service|Misc|N/A||
|167812|Recommendations to clinician/department|Procedure|Coded||
|167811|Vaginal cancer|Diagnosis|N/A||
|167811|Malignant neoplasm of vagina|Diagnosis|N/A||
|167810|HCV Ag|Test|Coded||
|167810|Hepatitis C viral antigen measurement|Test|Coded||
|167809|Patient education|Procedure|N/A||
|167808|24 weeks|Misc|N/A|Generic answer to a question.|
|167808|Twenty-four weeks|Misc|N/A|Generic answer to a question.|
|167807|Twelve weeks|Misc|N/A|Generic answer to a question|
|167807|12 weeks|Misc|N/A|Generic answer to a question|
|167806|Very much worse|Misc|N/A|Severe exacerbation of symptoms and loss of functioning|
|167805|Much worse|Misc|N/A|Clinically significant increase in symptoms and diminished functioning|
|167804|Minimally worse|Misc|N/A|Slightly worse but may not be clinically meaningful; may represent very little change in basic clinical status or functional capacity|
|167803|Minimally improved|Finding|N/A|Slightly better with little or no clinically meaningful reduction of symptoms. Represents very little change in basic clinical status, level of care, or functional capacity|
|167802|Much improved|Finding|N/A|Notably better with significant reduction of symptoms; increase in the level of functioning but some symptoms remain|
|167801|Very much improved|Finding|N/A|Nearly all better; good level of functioning; minimal symptoms; represents a very substantial change|
|167800|Clinical Global Impression Severity Set|ConvSet|N/A||
|167800|CGI-S set|ConvSet|N/A||
|167799|Extremely ill|Finding|N/A|Among the most extremely ill patients&amp;mdash;pathology drastically interferes in many life functions; may be hospitalized|
|167798|Severely ill|Finding|N/A|Disruptive pathology, behavior and function are frequently influenced by symptoms, may require assistance from others|
|167797|Markedly ill|Finding|N/A|Intrusive symptoms that distinctly impair social/occupational function or cause intrusive levels of distress|
|167796|Moderately ill|Finding|N/A|Overt symptoms causing noticeable, but modest, functional impairment or distress; symptom level may warrant medication|
|167795|Mildly ill|Finding|N/A|Clearly established symptoms with minimal, if any, distress or difficulty in social and occupational function|
|167794|Borderline ill|Finding|N/A|Subtle or suspected pathology|
|167793|Sofosbuvir / Velpatasvir / Voxilaprevir|Drug|N/A||
|167792|DRV/r+ABC+EFV+3TC child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167792|Abacavir / Darunavir / Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Ritonavir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167792|6G - DRV/r+ABC+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167791|6F - DRV/r+DTG+ABC+3TC child|Misc|N/A||
|167791|Abacavir / Darunavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167791|DRV/r+ABC+3TC+DTG child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167790|Antiretroviral treatment started|Question|Coded||
|167790|ARV treatment started|Question|Coded||
|167790|ART started|Question|Coded||
|167789|Case confirmed bacteriologically|Question|Coded||
|167789|Diagnosis confirmed bacteriologically|Question|Coded||
|167788|Reason for visit (coded)|Question|Coded||
|167787|hepatitis C virus RNA viral load by probe and target amplification method (IU/ml)|Test|Numeric||
|167787|Hepatitis C virus RNA PCR quantitative (IU/ml)|Test|Numeric||
|167787|HCV RNA PCR quantitative (IU/ml)|Test|Numeric||
|167787|HCV PCR quant|Test|Numeric||
|167786|HCV PCR qualitative|Test|Coded||
|167786|Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nucleic acid detection by PCR in serum/plasma|Test|Coded||
|167785|HBV e Ag|Test|Coded|Presence of Hepatitis B viral e antigen in serum/plasma|
|167785|Hepatitis B virus e antigen assay|Test|Coded|Presence of Hepatitis B viral e antigen in serum/plasma|
|167784|Was procedure performed/carried out|Question|Coded||
|167783|Willing to participate in methadone maintenance treatment|Question|Coded||
|167782|6H - DRV/r+AZT+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167782|Darunavir / Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167782|3TC/AZT/EFV/DRV/r child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167781|Darunavir / Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167781|3F - DRV/r+AZT+3TC+EFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167781|3TC/AZT/EFV/DRV/r adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167780|Darunavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Tenofovir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167780|3TC/DRV/DTG/RTV/TDF child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167780|6D - DRVr+DTG+TDF+3TC child|Misc|N/A||
|167779|6C - DRVr+DTG+AZT+3TC child|Misc|N/A||
|167779|Darunavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167778|3E - DRV/r+TDF+3TC+EFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167778|Darunavir / Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167778|DRV/r+TDF+3TC+EFV adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167777|DRV/r+ABC+3TC+DTG adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167777|3C - DRV/r+ABC+3TC+DTG adult|Misc|N/A||
|167777|Abacavir / Darunavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167776|3B - DRVr+DTG+TDF/3TC adult|Misc|N/A||
|167776|3TC/DRV/DTG/RTV/TDF adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167776|Darunavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167775|3A - DRVr+DTG+AZT/3TC adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167775|Darunavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167774|3TC/ABC/RAL child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167774|Abacavir / Lamivudine / Raltegravir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167774|5L - RAL+ABC+3TC child|Misc|N/A||
|167773|Lamivudine / Raltegravir / Zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167773|3TC/AZT/RAL child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167773|5K - RAL+AZT+3TC child|Misc|N/A||
|167772|3TC/ABC/LPV/r adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167772|Abacavir / Lamivudine / Lopinavir / Ritonavir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167772|2I - ABC+3TC+LPVr adult|Misc|N/A||
|167771|2H - TDF+3TC+ATVr adult|Misc|N/A||
|167771|Atazanavir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167771|TDF/3TC/ATV/r adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167770|5I - TDF+3TC+LPVr child|Misc|N/A||
|167770|Lamivudine / Lopinavir / Ritonavir / Tenofovir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167770|3TC/LPV/r/TDF child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167769|2G - TDF+3TC+LPVr adult|Misc|N/A||
|167769|Lamivudine / Lopinavir / Ritonavir / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167769|3TC/LPV/r/TDF adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167768|2F - AZT+3TC+ATVr adult|Misc|N/A||
|167768|AZT-3TC-ATV/r adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167768|Atazanavir / Lamivudine / Ritonavir / Zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167767|Lamivudine / Lopinavir / Ritonavir / Zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167767|3TC/AZT/LPV/r adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167767|2E - AZT+3TC+LPVr adult|Misc|N/A||
|167766|TDF/DDI/NFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167766|Didanosine / Nelfinavir / Tenofovir child regiment|Misc|N/A||
|167766|5D - TDF+DDI+NFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167765|TDF/DDI/NFV adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167765|2D - TDF+DDI+NFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167765|Didanosine / Nelfinavir / Tenofovir adult regiment|Misc|N/A||
|167764|5C - TDF+DDI+LPV child|Misc|N/A||
|167764|DDI/LPV/TDF child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167764|Didanosine / Lopinavir / Tenofovir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167763|2C - TDF+DDI+LPV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167763|Didanosine / Lopinavir / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167763|2C - TDF+DDI+LPV|Misc|N/A||
|167763|DDI/LPV/TDF adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167762|5B - ABC+DDI+NFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167762|Abacavir / Didanosine / Nelfinavir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167762|ABC/DDI/NFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167762|5B - ABC+DDL+NFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167761|2B - ABC+DDI+NFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167761|2B - ABC+DDL+NFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167761|Abacavir / Didanosine / Nelfinavir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167761|ABC/DDI/NFV adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167760|5A - ABC+DDI+LPV child|Misc|N/A||
|167760|Abacavir / Didanosine / Lopinavir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167760|ABC/DDI/LPV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167759|Abacavir / Didanosine / Lopinavir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167759|2A - ABC+DDI+LPV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167759|ABC/DDI/LPV adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167758|Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Stavudine 40 mg child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167758|d4T(40)/3TC/EFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167758|1B40 - D4T(40)+3TC+EFV|Misc|N/A||
|167757|Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Stavudine 30 mg child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167757|1B30 - D4T(30)+3TC+EFV|Misc|N/A||
|167757|d4T(30)/3TC/EFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167756|5M - ABC+3TC+DTG child|Misc|N/A||
|167756|Abacavir / Dolutegravir / Lamivudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167756|4J - ABC+3TC+DTG child|Misc|N/A||
|167756|ABC/3TC/DTG child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167755|5E - ABC+3TC+LPVr child|Misc|N/A||
|167755|3TC/ABC/LPV/r child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167755|4G - ABC+3TC+LPVr child|Misc|N/A||
|167755|Abacavir / Lamivudine / Lopinavir / Ritonavir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167754|5F - AZT+3TC+LPVr child|Misc|N/A||
|167754|4F - AZT+3TC+LPVr child|Misc|N/A||
|167754|Lamivudine / Lopinavir / Ritonavir / Zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167754|3TC/AZT/LPV/r child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167753|d4T/3TC/EFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167753|4B - D4T+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167753|Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Stavudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167752|Lamivudine / Nevirapine / Stavudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167752|4A - D4T+3TC+NVP child|Misc|N/A||
|167752|d4T/3TC/NVP child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167751|5N - AZT+3TC+DTG child|Misc|N/A||
|167751|DTG/3TC/AZT child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167751|Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167751|4K - AZT+3TC+DTG child|Misc|N/A||
|167750|2K - AZT+3TC+DTG adult|Misc|N/A||
|167750|1K - AZT+3TC+DTG adult|Misc|N/A||
|167750|DTG/3TC/AZT adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167750|Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167749|5O - TDF+3TC+DTG child|Misc|N/A||
|167749|Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Tenofovir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167749|TDF/3TC/DTG child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167749|4I - TDF+3TC+DTG child|Misc|N/A||
|167748|2J - TDF+3TC+DTG adult|Misc|N/A||
|167748|Dolutegravir / Lamivudine / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167748|1J - TDF+3TC+DTG adult|Misc|N/A||
|167748|TDF/3TC/DTG adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167747|ABC/NVP/3TC adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167747|Abacavir / Nevirapine / Lamivudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167747|1H - ABC+3TC+NVP adult|Misc|N/A||
|167746|1F - TDF+3TC+NVP adult|Misc|N/A||
|167746|3TC/NVP/TDF adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167746|Lamivudine / Nevirapine / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167745|5G - TDF+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167745|4E - TDF+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167745|3TC/EFV/TDF child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167745|Lamivudine / Efavirenz / Tenofovir child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167744|3TC/EFV/TDF adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167744|1E - TDF+3TC+EFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167744|Lamivudine / Efavirenz / Tenofovir adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167743|3TC/AZT/EFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167743|4D - AZT+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167743|Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167742|Efavirenz / Lamivudine / Zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167742|3TC/AZT/EFV adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167742|1D - AZT+3TC+EFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167741|4C - AZT+3TC+NVP child|Misc|N/A||
|167741|Lamivudine / nevirapine / zidovudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167741|3TC/AZT/NVP child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167740|3TC/AZT/NVP adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167740|Lamivudine / nevirapine / zidovudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167740|1C - AZT+3TC+NVP adult|Misc|N/A||
|167739|5H - ABC+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167739|4L - ABC+3TC+EFV child|Misc|N/A||
|167739|4L - ABC+3TC+EFV|Misc|N/A||
|167739|3TC/ABC/EFV child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167739|Abacavir / Efavirenz / Lamivudine child regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167738|1G - ABC+3TC+EFV adult|Misc|N/A||
|167738|1g - ABC+3TC+EFV|Misc|N/A||
|167738|1g - ABC+3TC+EFV regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167738|3TC/ABC/EFV adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167738|Abacavir / Efavirenz / Lamivudine adult regimen|Misc|N/A||
|167737|Violence condition as stressor|Question|Coded||
|167736|Family condition as stressor|Question|Coded||
|167735|Social condition as stressor|Question|Coded||
|167734|Medical condition as stressor|Question|Coded||
|167733|Follow-up patient|Question|Coded||
|167733|Returning patient|Question|Coded||
|167732|Transfer to other health care facility|Procedure|N/A||
|167731|Internal facility transfer/referral|Procedure|N/A||
|167731|Intra-facility transfer/referral|Procedure|N/A||
|167730|Intentional delayed separation of umbilical cord|Procedure|N/A||
|167730|Delayed cord clamping|Procedure|N/A||
|167730|Delayed separation of umbilical cord|Procedure|N/A||
|167729|Respiratory assessment score|Question|Numeric||
|167728|Silverman-Anderson respiratory assessment|Procedure|N/A||
|167727|Downes respiratory assessment|Procedure|N/A||
|167726|History of administration of maternal corticosteroid administration for fetal lung maturation|Question|Coded||
|167725|Newborn received HIV post-exposure prophylaxis|Question|Coded||
|167724|Radiant warming of newborn|Procedure|N/A||
|167724|Active radiant warming of infant|Procedure|N/A||
|167723|> 6 wks|Misc|N/A||
|167723|> 6 wks|Misc|N/A||
|167723|Greater than 6 weeks|Misc|N/A||
|167722|Six weeks|Misc|N/A||
|167722|6 weeks|Misc|N/A||
|167722|6 wks|Misc|N/A||
|167721|< 6 wks|Misc|N/A||
|167721|< 6 wks|Misc|N/A||
|167721|Less than 6 weeks|Misc|N/A||
|167720|Late-onset neonatal sepsis|Diagnosis|N/A||
|167719|MDA|Misc|N/A|Country in Eastern Europe|
|167719|Republic of Moldova|Misc|N/A|Country in Eastern Europe|
|167718|CD4 count result (qualitative)|Question|Coded||
|167717|CD4 count <=200 cells/uL|Finding|N/A||
|167717|CD4 count <=200 cells/mm3|Finding|N/A||
|167717|CD4 count <=200 cells/uL|Finding|N/A||
|167717|CD4 count less than or equal to 200|Finding|N/A||
|167717|CD4 count <=200 cells/uL|Finding|N/A||
|167716|Sofosbuvir / Velpatasvir + Ribavirin|Misc|N/A|Medication regimen containing three drugs|

Hello @jwnasambu , This is the latest version of CIEL that you should import. Hope you have access to the Dropbox.

1 Like

@akanter send me the dropbox already and am past the step already. Thanks

1 Like

You should already have the link, Juliet. It is always the same…

Sure! Thanks for the help and follow up.

1 Like

@akanter may I access the Drop box folder? Thanks

Samuel, did you get what you need? If not, please email me directly. Thanks.

1 Like

@akanter it was very helpful. Thanks alot

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox AND updated on Open Concept Lab for January 26, 2022!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for FHIR value set support and new concepts for MSF, the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR and improved concepts for transsexual gender identity.

It also includes a separate drug table which contains all of the WHO essential medication list drugs linked to the concept table. The plan is to integrate these two more closely providing concept sets of drugs which parallel the WHO classifications. The drug table may eventually become a superset of international RxNorm encoded medications from which you can select from. For now, it is just the WHO EML. We will keep the SQL separate for now so that you don’t have to overwrite your local drug table when importing the CIEL concept dictionary.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

COVID-19 Starter Set and MPX collections were also re-released to include new variants and Mpox synonyms.

concept_id name Class Datatype description
167871 Status of developmental milestones Question Coded
167870 Achieved appropriate developmental milestones Finding N/A
167869 Identifies as non-binary gender Finding N/A
167868 Female to male transsexual Finding N/A
167867 Male to female transsexual Finding N/A
167866 Identifies as female gender Finding N/A
167866 Female Finding N/A
167865 Identifies as male gender Finding N/A
167865 Male Finding N/A
167864 Gender identity Question Coded
167863 Antibiotic class Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
167863 Antibacterials Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
167862 SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason ConvSet N/A REF: <status value="active"/> <experimental value="false"/> <date value="2014-03-26"/> <description value="***No description***"/> <compose> <include> <system value=""/> <filter> <property value="concept"/> <op value="is-a"/> <value value="_SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason"/> </filter> </include> <exclude> <system value=""/> <concept> <code value="_SubstanceAdminSubstitutionReason"/> </concept> </exclude> </compose> </ValueSet>
167861 Regulatory requirement Misc N/A Reason for decision. For substitution, indicates that the decision to substitute or to not substitute was driven by a jurisdictional regulatory requirement mandating or prohibiting substitution.
167860 Formulary policy Misc N/A Reason for decision. For substitution, indicates that the decision to substitute or to not substitute was driven by a policy expressed within the formulary.
167859 ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode ConvSet N/A REF: <status value="active"/> <experimental value="false"/> <date value="2014-03-26"/> <description value="***No description***"/> <compose> <include> <system value=""/> <filter> <property value="concept"/> <op value="is-a"/> <value value="_ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode"/> </filter> </include> <exclude> <system value=""/> <concept> <code value="_ActSubstanceAdminSubstitutionCode"/> </concept> </exclude> </compose> </ValueSet>
167858 Formulary substitution Misc N/A This substitution was performed or is permitted based on formulary guidelines.
167858 Formulary Misc N/A This substitution was performed or is permitted based on formulary guidelines.
167857 Therapeutic generic substitution Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between therapeutically equivalent Generics but not Brands.
167857 Therapeutic generic Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between therapeutically equivalent Generics but not Brands.
167856 Therapeutic brand substitution Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between therapeutically equivalent Brands but not Generics.
167856 Therapeutic brand Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between therapeutically equivalent Brands but not Generics.
167855 Therapeutic alternative substitution Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another product having the same therapeutic objective and safety profile.
167855 Therapeutic alternative Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another product having the same therapeutic objective and safety profile.
167854 Generic composition substitution Misc N/A
167854 generic composition Misc N/A
167853 Brand composition substitution Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between equivalent Brands but not Generics.
167853 Brand composition Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between equivalent Brands but not Generics.
167853 Brand composition Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted between equivalent Brands but not Generics.
167852 Equivalent composition substitution Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another product that is a: pharmaceutical alternative containing the same active ingredient but is formulated with different salt, ester pharmaceutical equivalent that has the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form and route of administration.
167852 Equivalent composition Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another product that is a: pharmaceutical alternative containing the same active ingredient but is formulated with different salt, ester pharmaceutical equivalent that has the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form and route of administration.
167852 Equivalent composition Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another product that is a: pharmaceutical alternative containing the same active ingredient but is formulated with different salt, ester pharmaceutical equivalent that has the same active ingredient, strength, dosage form and route of administration.
167851 Equivalent substitution Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another bioequivalent and therapeutically equivalent product.
167851 Equivalent Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another bioequivalent and therapeutically equivalent product.
167851 Equivalent medication Misc N/A Substitution occurred or is permitted with another bioequivalent and therapeutically equivalent product.
167850 Antimalarials Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
167850 Antimalarial Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
167849 Antiretrovirals Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
167848 CKD, stage 3B Diagnosis N/A
167848 Chronic kidney disease, stage IIIB (moderate) Diagnosis N/A
167848 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3B (GFR 30-44) Diagnosis N/A
167847 CKD, stage 3A Diagnosis N/A
167847 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3A (GFR 45-59) Diagnosis N/A
167847 Chronic kidney disease, stage 3A (moderate) Diagnosis N/A
167847 Chronic kidney disease, stage IIIA (moderate) Diagnosis N/A
167846 Human papillomavirus, mixed subtype Organism N/A
167846 HPV, mixed subtype Organism N/A
167845 HPV, subtype 18 Organism N/A
167845 Human papillomavirus, subtype 18 Organism N/A
167844 Human papillomavirus, subtype 16 Organism N/A
167844 HPV, subtype 16 Organism N/A
167843 Human papillomavirus subtype Question Coded
167843 Human papilloma virus subtype Question Coded
167843 HPV subtype Question Coded
167842 Replacement of left hip Procedure N/A
167842 Total arthroplasty of left hip Procedure N/A
167841 Total arthroplasty of right hip Procedure N/A
167841 Replacement of right hip Procedure N/A
167840 Being legally monitored Question Coded Client is on probation, awaiting trial, or otherwise being legally monitored.
167839 Evidence for suicide risk Question Coded
167838 Procedure site Question Coded
167837 Alcohol Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test Misc N/A
167837 ASSIST Misc N/A
167836 Alcohol use disorders identification test Misc N/A
167836 AUDIT Misc N/A
167835 WHODAS 2.0 Misc N/A
167835 World Health Organization Disability Assessment 2.0 Misc N/A
167834 CAGE Misc N/A
167834 CAGE questionnaire Misc N/A
167833 GAF Misc N/A The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) is a numeric scale used by mental health clinicians and physicians to rate subjectively the social, occupational, and psychological functioning of an individual, e.g., how well one is meeting various problems in living. Scores range from 100 (extremely high functioning) to 1 (severely impaired).

The scale was included in DSM-IV, but replaced in DSM-5 with the WHODAS (WHO Disability Assessment Schedule), a survey or interview with detailed items. The WHODAS is supposed to be more detailed and objective than a single global impression. The main advantage of the GAF would be its brevity.[1]
REF: Global Assessment of Functioning - Wikipedia
167833 Global assessment of functioning Misc N/A The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) is a numeric scale used by mental health clinicians and physicians to rate subjectively the social, occupational, and psychological functioning of an individual, e.g., how well one is meeting various problems in living. Scores range from 100 (extremely high functioning) to 1 (severely impaired).

The scale was included in DSM-IV, but replaced in DSM-5 with the WHODAS (WHO Disability Assessment Schedule), a survey or interview with detailed items. The WHODAS is supposed to be more detailed and objective than a single global impression. The main advantage of the GAF would be its brevity.[1]
REF: Global Assessment of Functioning - Wikipedia
167832 GAD-7 Misc N/A The GAD-7 is useful in primary care and mental health settings as a screening tool and measure of symptom severity for the four most common anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
167832 Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 assessment tool Misc N/A The GAD-7 is useful in primary care and mental health settings as a screening tool and measure of symptom severity for the four most common anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
167831 PHQ-A Misc N/A
167831 Patient Health Questionnaire for adolescents Misc N/A
167830 Patient Health Questionnaire-9 Misc N/A An assessment tool
167830 PHQ-9 Misc N/A An assessment tool
167829 Number of hospitalizations since last visit Question Numeric
167829 Number of hospitalisations since last visit Question Numeric
167828 Local non-health-related authority Misc N/A The organizations or individuals in charge of the public services for a community, such as police, national guard, etc.
167827 BF.7 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
167826 XBB.1.5 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox AND updated on Open Concept Lab for February 27, 2023!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for PIH, the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR and improved concepts for drug treatment of mental health disorders, diabetes and other NCD usually part of quality reporting.

It also includes a separate drug table which contains all of the WHO essential medication list drugs linked to the concept table. The plan is to integrate these two more closely providing concept sets of drugs which parallel the WHO classifications. The drug table may eventually become a superset of international RxNorm encoded medications from which you can select from. For now, it is just the WHO EML. We will keep the SQL separate for now so that you don’t have to overwrite your local drug table when importing the CIEL concept dictionary.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

|167968|Amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / nebivolol|Drug|N/A||
|167965|Ezetimibe / rosuvastatin|Drug|N/A||
|167963|Treatment not indicated|Finding|N/A||
|167962|Diabetic on insulin and oral therapy|Finding|N/A||
|167961|Diabetic on oral therapy only|Finding|N/A||
|167960|Diabetic on insulin therapy|Finding|N/A||
|167959|Diabetic on diet control only|Finding|N/A||
|167958|Diabetes treatment monitoring status|Question|Coded||
|167958|Diabetes treatment plan|Question|Coded||
|167957|Hypoglycaemia in past 30 days|Question|Coded||
|167957|Hypoglycemic episode in past month|Question|Coded||
|167956|Has glucose meter at home|Question|Coded||
|167956|Has glucometer at home|Question|Coded||
|167956|Possesses home glucometer|Question|Coded||
|167955|Objective narrative|Question|Text||
|167955|Objective note|Question|Text||
|167954|Subjective narrative|Question|Text||
|167954|Subjective note|Question|Text||
|167945|Azilsartan / chlorthalidone|Drug|N/A||
|167931|Insulin regular inhaled|Drug|N/A||
|167930|Insulin glargine / lixisenatide|Drug|N/A||
|167929|Insulin degludec / liraglutide|Drug|N/A||
|167928|Insulin degludec|Drug|N/A||
|167927|Metformin / saxagliptin|Drug|N/A||
|167926|Metformin / repaglinide|Drug|N/A||
|167925|Ertugliflozin / sitagliptin|Drug|N/A||
|167924|Ertugliflozin / metformin|Drug|N/A||
|167923|Empagliflozin / metformin|Drug|N/A||
|167922|Empagliflozin / linagliptin / metformin|Drug|N/A||
|167921|Empagliflozin / linagliptin|Drug|N/A||
|167920|Dapagliflozin / saxagliptin|Drug|N/A||
|167919|Ability to read and manage home glucometer|Question|Coded||
|167919|Has knowledge of how to operate home glucometer|Question|Coded||
|167918|Number of missed medication doses in past week|Question|Numeric||
|167918|Number of missed medication doses in past seven days|Question|Numeric||
|167917|Fundoscopy exam findings|Question|Coded||
|167917|Ophthalmoscopy exam findings|Question|Coded||
|167917|Fundoscopic exam findings|Question|Coded||
|167916|Fundoscopy exam performance status|Question|Coded||
|167916|Fundoscopic exam performance status|Question|Coded||
|167915|Oral hypoglycemic class|Pharmacologic Drug Class|N/A||
|167915|Oral blood glucose lowering medication class|Pharmacologic Drug Class|N/A||
|167915|Oral anti-diabetic medication class|Pharmacologic Drug Class|N/A||
|167914|Patient understands their treatment|Question|Coded||
|167913|Patient's condition/problem/disease controlled|Question|Coded||
|167912|Canagliflozin / metformin|Drug|N/A||
|167911|Alogliptin / pioglitazone|Drug|N/A||
|167910|Alogliptin / metformin|Drug|N/A||
|167909|Donepezil / memantine|Drug|N/A||
|167908|Left eye|Anatomy|N/A||
|167907|Right eye|Anatomy|N/A||
|167906|Passport number|Question|Text||
|167905|Estimated hemoglobin A1c from continuous glucose monitoring|Test|Numeric||
|167905|Glucose management indicator|Test|Numeric||
|167904|Cerebral four vessel angiogram|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167904|Cerebral four vessel arteriogram|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167903|Galactogram|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167903|Mammary ductogram|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167902|X-ray of bilateral wrists|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167902|Xray of both wrists|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167901|Plain x-ray of right sacroiliac joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167901|Plain xray of right sacroiliac joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167900|Plain xray of left sacroiliac joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167900|Plain x-ray of left sacroiliac joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167900|X-ray of left sacroiliac joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167900|Xray of left sacroiliac joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167899|X-ray of right sternoclavicular joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167899|Xray of right sternoclavicular joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167898|X-ray of left sternoclavicular joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167898|Xray of left sternoclavicular joint|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167897|Ultrasound obstetric doppler|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167896|Doppler ultrasound of renal artery|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167895|X-ray of both sacroiliac joints|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167895|Xray of bilateral sacroiliac joints|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167894|Free PSA measurement|Test|Numeric||
|167894|Free prostate specific antigen (PSA) measurement (ng/mL)|Test|Numeric||
|167893|Endorectal US|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167893|Endorectal ultrasound|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167892|Ultrasound of prostate|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167892|Prostate US|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167891|Ultrasound of thyroid|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167891|Thyroid US|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167890|Carotid arteriography, bilateral|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167890|Carotid angiography, bilateral|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167889|Carotid angiography, unilateral|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167889|Carotid arteriography, unilateral|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167888|Administration of medication by nebulizer|Procedure|N/A||
|167887|Gastric lavage|Procedure|N/A||
|167887|Irrigation of stomach|Procedure|N/A||
|167886|Insertion of catheter into urinary bladder|Procedure|N/A||
|167886|Catheterization of urinary bladder|Procedure|N/A||
|167886|Catheterisation of urinary bladder|Procedure|N/A||
|167885|Removal of urinary bladder catheter|Procedure|N/A||
|167884|Perform triage|Procedure|N/A||
|167883|Taking patient vital signs|Procedure|N/A||
|167883|Evaluation of vital signs|Procedure|N/A||
|167882|First aid|Procedure|N/A||
|167882|Administer first aid|Procedure|N/A||
|167881|Preoperative care|Procedure|N/A||
|167881|Provide preoperative care|Procedure|N/A||
|167880|Postop care|Procedure|N/A||
|167880|Provide post-operative care|Procedure|N/A||
|167879|Computed tomography of heart|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167879|Cardiac CT|Radiology/Imaging Procedure|N/A||
|167878|Maggi seasoning intake|Question|Coded|Intake of soy sauce or other salty seasoning|
|167878|Maggi sauce intake?|Question|Coded|Intake of soy sauce or other salty seasoning|
|167878|Soy sauce-like seasoning intake|Question|Coded|Intake of soy sauce or other salty seasoning|
|167877|Excessive table salt intake|Question|Coded||
|167877|Excess salt intake|Question|Coded||
|167876|Chemotherapy detail|ConvSet|N/A||
|167875|Total number of planned chemotherapy cycles|Question|Numeric||
|167874|Chemotherapy cycle number|Test|Numeric||
|167873|Dried blood spot specimen|Misc|N/A||
|167873|Dried blood spot|Misc|N/A||
|167872|Dried plasma spot specimen|Misc|N/A||
|167872|Dried plasma|Misc|N/A||
|167872|Dried plasma specimen|Misc|N/A||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox AND will be soon available on Open Concept Lab for April 1, 2023! This is not a trick, or Fool’s Gold :slight_smile: Lots of new content added!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.4, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes a significant number of Spanish concept names where SAME-AS SNOMED content was previously available, new concepts for PIH, MSF, Cambodia and lots of new medication concepts for the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR among others.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

concept_id name Class Datatype description
168058 Pabal Drug N/A
168058 Ecbosure Drug N/A
168058 Lonactene Drug N/A
168058 Riligol Drug N/A
168058 Carbetocin Drug N/A
168058 Caritec Drug N/A
168058 Cinomac Drug N/A
168058 Duratocin Drug N/A
168057 Diabetic foot ulcer risk level Question Coded
168056 Diabetic foot risk factor Question Coded
168055 History of foot amputation Finding N/A
168054 History of foot ulcer Finding N/A
168053 Foot pulse absent Diagnosis N/A
168052 Monofilament foot sensitivity test Procedure Coded
168051 Edurant Drug N/A
168051 Rilpivirine Drug N/A
168050 Vocabria Drug N/A
168050 Cabotegravir Drug N/A
168050 Apretude Drug N/A
168049 Dapivirine Drug N/A
168048 Vidala Drug N/A
168048 Vildader Drug N/A
168048 Vildalog Drug N/A
168048 Vinsorin Drug N/A
168048 Vilnip Drug N/A
168048 Vil-G Drug N/A
168048 Viglida Drug N/A
168048 Vildaphage Drug N/A
168048 Vildanat Drug N/A
168048 Vilshine Drug N/A
168048 Vildagliptin Drug N/A
168047 Agoviz Drug N/A
168047 Agotine Drug N/A
168047 Simelatin Drug N/A
168047 Noveltin Drug N/A
168047 Agodep Drug N/A
168047 Circaltin Drug N/A
168047 Agomelatine Drug N/A
168047 Agoprex Drug N/A
168047 Agopose Drug N/A
168047 Agosan Drug N/A
168047 Lupibliss Drug N/A
168046 Tuberculosis symptoms Question Coded
168045 OGTT, result Question Coded
168045 GTT, result Question Coded
168045 Oral glucose tolerance test, overall interpretation Question Coded
168044 Vortioxetine hydrobromide Drug N/A
168043 Vorsero Drug N/A
168043 Torvox Drug N/A
168043 Vortiray Drug N/A
168043 Vipca Drug N/A
168043 Trivoxetin Drug N/A
168043 Brintellix Drug N/A
168043 Vdep Drug N/A
168043 Vortica Drug N/A
168043 Vortioxetine Drug N/A
168043 Trintellix Drug N/A
168043 Voxitin Drug N/A
168043 Vortidif Drug N/A
168042 Gabapentin / mecobalamin Drug N/A
168042 Gabapentin / methylcobalamin Drug N/A
168041 Left ventricle depressed Finding N/A
168041 Depressed left ventricular ejection fraction Finding N/A
168040 Lulimac Drug N/A
168040 Emluz Drug N/A
168040 Lulizol Drug N/A
168040 L-Sys Drug N/A
168040 Lilituf Drug N/A
168040 Luliderm Drug N/A
168040 Lulibet Drug N/A
168040 Luzu Drug N/A
168040 Luly Drug N/A
168040 Luligee Drug N/A
168040 Lulifin Drug N/A
168040 Luliconazole Drug N/A
168039 Bimat-T Drug N/A
168039 Sightim Drug N/A
168039 Bimaton T Drug N/A
168039 Bimatoprost / timolol Drug N/A
168039 Intaprost T Drug N/A
168039 Careprost Plus Drug N/A
168039 Ganfort Drug N/A
168039 Xyprost TM Drug N/A
168039 Senzopt T Drug N/A
168039 Bimat LS TM Drug N/A
168039 Synoprost-T Drug N/A
168038 Fenceta Novo Drug N/A
168038 Aceclofenac / paracetamol Drug N/A
168038 Dolowin-Plus Drug N/A
168038 Anaflam XP Drug N/A
168038 Hifenac-P Drug N/A
168038 Aceclo Plus Drug N/A
168038 Parafast Drug N/A
168038 Jusgo Drug N/A
168038 Ark-AP Drug N/A
168038 Zerodol-P Drug N/A
168038 Acenac-P Drug N/A
168037 Completely dependent Misc N/A
168037 Unable to perform without assistance Misc N/A
168036 Independent with severe difficulties Misc N/A
168035 Independent with mild difficulties Misc N/A
168034 Independent Misc N/A
168034 Requires no assistance Misc N/A
168033 Aldigesic Drug N/A
168033 Aceclo-MR Drug N/A
168033 Dolofresh MR Drug N/A
168033 Acenext MR Drug N/A
168033 Acemiz-MR Drug N/A
168033 Dolokind-MR Drug N/A
168033 Hifenac-MR Drug N/A
168033 Movexx MR Drug N/A
168033 Dolowin-MR Drug N/A
168033 Acimol MR Drug N/A
168033 Facer-MR Drug N/A
168033 Aceclofenac / chlorzoxazone / paracetamol Drug N/A
168033 Aceclofenac / acetaminophen / chlorzoxazone Drug N/A
168032 Nadoxin Drug N/A
168032 Acuatim Drug N/A
168032 Nadifloxacin Drug N/A
168032 Nadiflox Drug N/A
168032 Nadixa Drug N/A
168032 Activon Drug N/A
168031 Follow-up evaluation Procedure N/A
168031 Re-evaluation procedure Procedure N/A
168030 SOAP note Question Text
168029 Hepatitis C genotype 6 Organism N/A
168028 Hepatitis C genotype 5 Organism N/A
168027 Hepatitis C genotype 4 Organism N/A
168026 Hepatitis C genotype 3 Organism N/A
168025 Hepatitis C genotype 2 Organism N/A
168024 Hepatitis C genotype 1 Organism N/A
168023 HCV genotype Test Coded Blood test that analyzes the strain of the hepatitis C virus and classify in one of the 6 most common categories
168023 Hepatitis C virus genotype Test Coded Blood test that analyzes the strain of the hepatitis C virus and classify in one of the 6 most common categories
168022 XBB.1.16 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168022 XBB.1.16 Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168021 XBB.1.9 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168020 Motivational interviewing Procedure N/A
168019 Schistosoma species identification in stool by concentration method Test Coded
168019 Schistosomiasis seen on light microscopy Test Coded
168019 S. mansoni identified in stool Test Coded
168018 Administration of Prevnar Procedure N/A
168018 Administration of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Procedure N/A
168017 HPV vaccination Procedure N/A
168017 Administration of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine Procedure N/A
168016 Shingrix Drug N/A
168016 Varicella zoster virus glycoprotein E vaccine, recombinant Drug N/A
168015 Varivax Drug N/A
168015 Zostavax Drug N/A
168015 Varicella virus vaccine, live Drug N/A
168014 Polio vaccine, bivalent, oral Drug N/A
168014 replace Drug N/A
168014 ipv Drug N/A
168013 Hemophilus influenza B immunization Procedure N/A
168013 Haemophilus influenzae B vaccination Procedure N/A
168013 Administration of conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine Procedure N/A
168012 Polio vaccine, oral Drug N/A
168011 Administration of live, attenuated measles, mumps and rubella vaccine Procedure N/A
168011 MMR vaccination Procedure N/A
168010 Administration of influenza vaccine Procedure N/A
168010 Influenza vaccination Procedure N/A
concept_id name Class Datatype description
168009 Aberin-M Drug N/A
168009 Gemer Drug N/A
168009 Azulix MF Drug N/A
168009 Glimisave M Drug N/A
168009 Glucoryl-M Drug N/A
168009 Geminor M Drug N/A
168009 Glycomet-GP Drug N/A
168009 Glimy M Drug N/A
168009 Glimestar-M Drug N/A
168009 Glimepiride / metformin Drug N/A
168009 Diapride M Drug N/A
168009 Gluconorm-G Drug N/A
168008 Bisolvon Drug N/A
168008 Pridin Drug N/A
168008 Duro-Tuss Chesty Cough Liquid Plus Nasal Decongestant Drug N/A
168008 Brex Drug N/A
168008 Brex S Drug N/A
168008 Solvin Expt Drug N/A
168008 Solkuf Drug N/A
168008 Bromhexine / pseudoephedrine Drug N/A
168008 Cofvyn Drug N/A
168007 Oricitral Drug N/A
168007 Alkel Drug N/A
168007 Disodium hydrogen citrate Drug N/A
168007 Alkasol Drug N/A
168007 Alkarate Drug N/A
168007 Adlizer Drug N/A
168007 Alkorina Drug N/A
168007 Cital Drug N/A
168007 Citralka Drug N/A
168007 Urosol Drug N/A
168007 Alkadip Drug N/A
168006 Ordent Drug N/A
168006 Orni-O Drug N/A
168006 Normet Drug N/A
168006 Oflomac OZ Drug N/A
168006 Zanocin OZ Drug N/A
168006 Zenflox-OZ Drug N/A
168006 O2H Drug N/A
168006 Onoff OZ Drug N/A
168006 O2 Tablet Drug N/A
168006 Saril Drug N/A
168006 Ornof Drug N/A
168006 Horn O Drug N/A
168006 Zorno Drug N/A
168006 Oflox OZ Drug N/A
168006 Oflokem OZ Drug N/A
168006 Ofloxacin / ornidazole Drug N/A
168006 Brakke Drug N/A
168006 Mahacef OZ Drug N/A
168006 Oflotas-OZ Drug N/A
168006 Nflox-TZ Drug N/A
168005 Amoxicillin / floxacillin Drug N/A
168005 Amoxicillin / flucloxacillin Drug N/A
168004 Rabifast-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Superia DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rekool D Drug N/A
168004 Rabicer DSR Drug N/A
168004 Cyra-D Drug N/A
168004 Mac-RD Drug N/A
168004 Veloz D Drug N/A
168004 Rabez D Drug N/A
168004 Bravia-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabalkem-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rantac RD Drug N/A
168004 Rebozen-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rablet D Drug N/A
168004 Rebez DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabekind-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Peptard-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabicip D Drug N/A
168004 Pepcia-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabeloc RD Drug N/A
168004 Rzole DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabezol DSR Drug N/A
168004 Acera-D Drug N/A
168004 Rapeed D Drug N/A
168004 Happi-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabium-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabesec-D Drug N/A
168004 Drego-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabonik DSR Drug N/A
168004 Razo-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabemac-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Domperidon / rabeprazole Drug N/A
168003 Methylcobalamin / pregabalin Drug N/A
168003 Mecobalamin / pregabalin Drug N/A
168002 Intacoxia P Drug N/A
168002 Etorvel-P Drug N/A
168002 Etowin P Drug N/A
168002 Etoford P Drug N/A
168002 Nucoxia P Drug N/A
168002 Etrik P Drug N/A
168002 Brutaflam-Plus Drug N/A
168002 Etoricoxib / paracetamol Drug N/A
168002 Etos P Drug N/A
168002 Acetaminophen / etoricoxib Drug N/A
168002 Etoril P Drug N/A
168002 Etoriday P Drug N/A
168001 Bladmir Drug N/A
168001 Lupin Mira Drug N/A
168001 Mirabig Drug N/A
168001 Mirasmart Drug N/A
168001 VesiBeta Drug N/A
168001 Mirbeg Drug N/A
168001 Miranix Drug N/A
168001 Myrbetriq Drug N/A
168001 Mirakem Drug N/A
168001 Mirabegron Drug N/A
168001 Mirago Drug N/A
168001 Miratas Drug N/A
168000 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor indication present Question Coded
168000 Presence of indications for use of ACE inhibitor Question Coded
167999 Automated blood large platelet/platelet ratio Test Numeric
167999 Platelet-large cell ratio (P-LCR) Test Numeric
167998 On angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Finding Coded
167997 Adapalene / clindamycin Drug N/A
167997 Deriva-Cms Drug N/A
167997 Nilac A Drug N/A
167997 Femcinol-ADP Drug N/A
167997 Adaple-C Drug N/A
167997 Faceclin AT Drug N/A
167997 Acnesol A Drug N/A
167997 Adalene Drug N/A
167997 Acnovate Drug N/A
167997 Acnetor AD Drug N/A
167997 Nioclean AD Drug N/A
167997 167972 Drug N/A
167996 Zesunate kit Drug N/A
167996 Arh plus kit Drug N/A
167996 Endomal SP Drug N/A
167996 Falciden kit Drug N/A
167996 Rtrit-SP combikit Drug N/A
167996 Artesunate + Pyrimethamine / sulfadoxine combination kit Drug N/A
167996 Falcynate kit Drug N/A
167996 Larinate kit Drug N/A
167996 Falciout kit Drug N/A
167996 Rtsunate SP Drug N/A
167996 Altinate kit Drug N/A
167995 Amoxicillin / clarithromycin / esomeprazole combination kit Drug N/A
167995 Sompraz HP combipack Drug N/A
167995 Pylokit-AC kit Drug N/A
167995 Esium-HP kit Drug N/A
167995 Nexpro HP combipack Drug N/A
167995 ESP-HP kit Drug N/A
167995 Esomac HP combo kit Drug N/A
167994 Clotrimazole / metronidazole Drug N/A
167994 Infa-V Drug N/A
167993 Fungin V Drug N/A
167993 Emplus-V Drug N/A
167993 Metronidazole / miconazole Drug N/A
167992 State (location) Question Text
167992 State Question Text
167991 Frequency of nursing observation required per hour Question Numeric
167990 Amlodipine / indapamide / perindopril Drug N/A
167990 Triplixam Drug N/A
167989 Hydrochlorothiazide / ramipril Drug N/A
167989 Ramihart-H Drug N/A
167989 Ramistar-H Drug N/A
167989 Ramcor-H Drug N/A
167989 Macpril H Drug N/A
167989 Cardace H Drug N/A
167989 Ramisave H Drug N/A
167989 Hopace-H Drug N/A
167988 Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate / piracetam Drug N/A
167988 Ceremax Plus Drug N/A
167988 Cerebrain Plus Drug N/A
167987 Cerebroprotein hydrolysate Drug N/A
167987 Stropin Drug N/A
167987 Cognifast Drug N/A
167987 Neurobrosin Drug N/A
167987 Cognistar Drug N/A
167987 Cerevate Drug N/A
167987 Zyneu Drug N/A
167987 Cerebrolysin Drug N/A
167987 Cerevion Drug N/A
167987 Cognitrac Drug N/A
167987 Cogniza Drug N/A
167986 Ostivestin Drug N/A
167986 Macvestin Drug N/A
167986 Rediflex Drug N/A
167986 Dolestin Drug N/A
167986 Corvestin Drug N/A
167986 Uniwin Drug N/A
167986 Univestin Drug N/A
167986 Lupivestin Drug N/A
167986 Flavestin Drug N/A
167986 Uniortho Drug N/A
167986 Visentin Drug N/A
167985 Cyonase-TH Drug N/A
167985 Loxifast Drug N/A
167985 Flexispaz Drug N/A
167985 Lorqrs T Drug N/A
167985 Lornoxicam / thiocolchicoside Drug N/A
167985 Lortag MR Drug N/A
167985 Relor-T Drug N/A
167985 Zenlong T Drug N/A
167985 Noxica-TH Drug N/A
167985 Ostiflex MR Drug N/A
167984 Betamethasone / chlorpheniramine Drug N/A
167984 Betomin Drug N/A
167984 Saccortin Drug N/A
167984 Celestamine Drug N/A
167984 Emperacin Drug N/A
167984 Celestana Drug N/A
167984 Histablock Drug N/A
167984 Puradesmin Drug N/A
167984 Almetamine Drug N/A
167984 Bedaramine Drug N/A
167984 Betaselemin Drug N/A
167983 Vaginobact Drug N/A
167983 Azithromycin / fluconazole / ornidazole Drug N/A
167982 Refozi MV Drug N/A
167982 Remo-Zen MV Drug N/A
167982 Remo MV Drug N/A
167982 Metformin / remogliflozin etabonate / vildagliptin Drug N/A
167981 Vildamac M Drug N/A
167981 Torglip M Drug N/A
167981 Vildapride M Drug N/A
167981 Abvida-M Drug N/A
167981 Gliptagreat M Drug N/A
167981 Metformin / vildagliptin Drug N/A
167981 Vylda-M Drug N/A
167981 Galvus Met Drug N/A
167981 Zavamet Drug N/A
167981 Jalra-M Drug N/A
167981 Encelin M Drug N/A
167981 Verifica-M Drug N/A
167980 Alduet Drug N/A
167980 Cetirizine / montelukast Drug N/A
167980 Aleut Drug N/A
167979 Synriam Drug N/A
167979 Synriam DT Drug N/A
167979 Arterolane / Piperaquine Drug N/A
167978 Esium-HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Espentral-HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Clariday-kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Sign kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Nexiken kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Nulogut HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Nexpro HP Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Esogrot-HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Sompraz HP Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Esmostrum HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Clarithromycin / Esomeprazole / Levofloxacin combination kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Pylokit-AC Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167977 Laekit h-pylori kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167977 Esose HP Kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167977 Amoxicillin / Esomeprazole / Levofloxacin combination kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167976 Exospas Plus Drug N/A
167976 Buscodac P Drug N/A
167976 Belic Drug N/A
167976 Buscopan Plus Drug N/A
167976 Hyoscine butylbromide / Paracetamol Drug N/A
167976 Buscomide Drug N/A
167976 Gastreco P Drug N/A
167976 Hyocimax Plus Drug N/A
167976 Dolokind Spas Drug N/A
167976 Acetaminophen / hyoscine butylbromide Drug N/A
167976 Dolokind Spas RF Drug N/A
167975 Natrilam Drug N/A
167975 Amlodipine / indapamide Drug N/A
167975 Amlodac-D Drug N/A
167974 Nebifid AM Drug N/A
167974 Nebifast A Drug N/A
167974 Nebycare AM Drug N/A
167974 Nebivol SA Drug N/A
167974 Amlodipine / nebivolol Drug N/A
167974 Nebipil SA Drug N/A
167974 Nebilong-AM Drug N/A
167974 Nebula AM Drug N/A
167974 Nodon AM Drug N/A
167974 Nevy A Drug N/A
167974 Nebi-AM Drug N/A
167973 Late Misc N/A General qualifier for something that occurred after the middle or expected time.
167972 On time Misc N/A
167972 Punctual Misc N/A
167971 Early Misc N/A General qualifier that something occurred before the middle or expected time.
167970 Patient arrival timing Question Coded
167970 Patient arrival timing Question Coded
167970 Visit punctuality Question Coded
167969 Insurance number Question Text

The new version is now on OCL as well!

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for July 12, 2023!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for COVID variants, PIH, Oncology outcomes, Cambodia and lots of new medication concepts for the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR among others.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

concept_id name Class Datatype description
168164 Cilogard Drug N/A
168164 Atelec Drug N/A
168164 Cilnidipine Drug N/A
168164 Cilacar Drug N/A
168164 Nulong Drug N/A
168164 Rancil Drug N/A
168164 Torcilin Drug N/A
168164 Cilaheart Drug N/A
168164 Twincal Drug N/A
168164 Dilnip Drug N/A
168164 Ciladuo Drug N/A
168164 Cilnikem Drug N/A
168164 Nexovas Drug N/A
168163 Overall RECIST Question Coded
168163 Solid tumour overall response to therapy Question Coded
168163 Solid tumor overall response to treatment Question Coded
168162 Not all lesions evaluated Finding N/A
168161 RECIST tumor response set ConvSet N/A
168161 RECIST ConvSet N/A
168161 Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours response set ConvSet N/A
168161 Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors response set ConvSet N/A
168160 non-CR/non-PD Finding N/A
168160 Non-complete response / non-progressive disease Finding N/A
168160 No complete response / no progressive disease Finding N/A
168159 Not evaluatable Finding N/A
168159 Inevaluable Finding N/A
168159 Not evaluable (NE) Finding N/A
168158 Disease progressing on treatment Finding N/A
168158 Progressive disease on therapy (PD) Finding N/A
168157 Disease condition stable Finding N/A
168157 Disease stable (DS) Finding N/A
168157 Disease stable Finding N/A
168156 Partial response to therapy (PR) Finding N/A
168156 Partial therapeutic response Finding N/A
168155 Complete therapeutic response Finding N/A
168155 Complete response to therapy (CR) Finding N/A
168154 Placental growth factor, serum (pg/mL) Test Numeric
168154 PIGF Test Numeric
168153 sFlt-1 Test Numeric
168153 Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, serum (pg/mL) Test Numeric
168152 sFlt-1/PIGF panel LabSet N/A Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and placental growth factor panel used for predicting pre-eclampsia.
168152 Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and placental growth factor panel LabSet N/A Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 and placental growth factor panel used for predicting pre-eclampsia.
168151 Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1/placental growth factor, serum Test Numeric
168151 pre-eclampsia test Test Numeric
168151 sFlt-1/PIGF ratio Test Numeric
168150 Discharge treatment plan Question Coded
168149 Patient able to self-titrate diuretics Question Coded
168148 Referred for surgical evaluation Question Coded
168148 Referred to surgical service Question Coded
168147 Vulnerable women and/or girls (VWG) Misc N/A
168146 Type of service provided Question Coded
168145 Quarterly Frequency N/A
168145 Trimonthly Frequency N/A
168144 Docker/freight handler Misc N/A
168143 Blood smear morphology panel Test Coded
168142 Biochemical nutritional assessment Procedure N/A
168141 Anthropometric nutritional assessment Procedure N/A
168141 Anthropometrics Procedure N/A
168140 Hormone therapy Procedure N/A
168140 Endocrine therapy Procedure N/A
168139 Chemoradiation therapy Procedure N/A
168139 Combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy Procedure N/A
168139 Concurrent chemotherapy Procedure N/A
168138 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modality Radiology/Imaging Procedure N/A
168137 Diagnosis requiring palliative treatment Question Coded
168136 C-peptide in serum/plasma (ng/mL) Test Numeric
168135 Refractory heart failure Diagnosis N/A
168134 Long-acting morphine Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A Subclass of morphine drug class
168133 Short acting morphine Misc N/A Subclass of products containing morphine
168133 Short-acting morphine Misc N/A Subclass of products containing morphine
168132 Nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis Diagnosis N/A
168131 Improvement seen on echocardiogram Question Coded
168130 Personal email address Question Text
168130 Individual e-mail address Question Text
168129 Country of citizenship Question Coded
168129 Nationality Question Coded
168128 Chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy Diagnosis N/A
168128 Cardiomyopathy due to chemotherapy Diagnosis N/A
168127 Pericarditis due to human immunodeficiency virus Diagnosis N/A
168127 HIV pericarditis Diagnosis N/A
168126 Patient adjusted insulin based on glucometer results Question Coded
168126 Patient adjusted insulin dose based on personal glucometer result Question Coded
168125 Number of episodes of hypoglycaemia in past 30 days Question Numeric
168125 Number of hypoglycemic episode(s) in past month Question Numeric
168124 Hematoma at injection site Diagnosis N/A
168123 Complications at injection site Question Coded
168122 Lipohypertrophy Diagnosis N/A
168121 Skin tenting Finding N/A
168121 Loss of skin turgor Finding N/A
168121 Slow skin pinch Finding N/A
168121 Decreased skin turgor Finding N/A
168120 Never been homeless Finding N/A
168119 History of homelessness Finding N/A
168118 Homelessness status Question Coded
168117 Immunohistochemistry test needed Question Coded
168116 Cardiomyopathy due to hypertension Diagnosis N/A
168116 Hypertensive cardiomyopathy Diagnosis N/A
168115 Adherence to low salt diet Question Coded
168114 Rotavirus antigen presence in stool Test Coded
168113 Tecovirimat Drug N/A
168113 Tpoxx Drug N/A
168112 Amtas Prp Drug N/A
168112 Rindopril AM Drug N/A
168112 Prestalia Drug N/A
168112 Coveril-AM Drug N/A
168112 Cardiomart AP Drug N/A
168112 Coversyl-AM Drug N/A
168112 Perindosyl AM Drug N/A
168112 Amlodipine / perindopril Drug N/A
168111 Vincent’s gingivitis Diagnosis N/A
168111 Vincent's gingivitis Diagnosis N/A
168111 ANUG (acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) Diagnosis N/A
168111 Vincent disease Diagnosis N/A
168111 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Diagnosis N/A
168111 Vincent’s gingivitis Diagnosis N/A
168111 Trench mouth Diagnosis N/A
168110 ANUS (acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis) Diagnosis Text
168110 ANUG (acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis) Diagnosis Text
168110 Acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis Diagnosis Text
168109 TSQ (Trauma Screening Questionnaire) score Question Numeric
168109 TSQ score Question Numeric
168109 Trauma Screening Questionnaire score Question Numeric
168108 HIV viral load detail ConvSet N/A
168107 Hemoglobin SC genotype Finding N/A
168107 HbSC Finding N/A
168107 Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease Finding N/A
168107 Haemoglobin SC genotype Finding N/A
168107 Sickle cell-haemoglobin C disease Finding N/A
168106 HbAA (normal) Finding N/A
168106 HbAA Finding N/A
168106 Hemoglobin AA genotype Finding N/A
168106 Haemoglobin AA genotype Finding N/A
168105 Sickle cell rapid screening test Test Coded
168105 Sickle SCAN Test Coded
168104 Total current lifetime dose of drug received detail ConvSet N/A
168103 Total current lifetime dose of drug received Question Numeric
168102 Momisoft-F Drug N/A
168102 Mfsudif Drug N/A
168102 Hhfudic Drug N/A
168102 Fuzi M Drug N/A
168102 Momoz F Drug N/A
168102 Mometasone / fusidic acid Drug N/A
168102 Momalin Drug N/A
168102 Metasone F Drug N/A
168102 Etaze-ID Drug N/A
168102 Fusiwal M Drug N/A
168102 Motimesh SF Drug N/A
168101 Levocet M Drug N/A
168101 Laveta M Drug N/A
168101 Odimont-LC Drug N/A
168101 Lecope-M Drug N/A
168101 Montek LC Drug N/A
168101 Montemac-L Drug N/A
168101 Montina-L Drug N/A
168101 Levocetirizine / montelukast Drug N/A
168101 Monticope Drug N/A
168101 Montair LC Drug N/A
168101 L Montus Drug N/A
168100 Lower limit of detection Question Numeric A generic concept for a limit. One example of use, an instrument reports Viral load is less than a value (ie. > 500).
168099 Medication dispense status reason ConvSet N/A
168098 Washout period Misc N/A The period of time when a drug or medication is still present in the system after it has been stopped.
168097 Surgical procedure scheduled Misc N/A
168097 Surgery upcoming Misc N/A
168097 Surgery planned Misc N/A
168096 Suspected intolerance to drug Finding N/A The patient is believed to have an intolerance to a substance that is part of the therapy and the therapy is being temporarily withdrawn to confirm.
168095 Duplicate therapy Misc N/A
168094 Mother pregnant or currently breastfeeding Finding N/A
168093 Drug would interfere with upcoming laboratory testing Misc N/A The therapy would interfere with a planned lab test and the therapy is being withdrawn until the test is completed.
168093 Lab interference Misc N/A The therapy would interfere with a planned lab test and the therapy is being withdrawn until the test is completed.
168092 Drug level too high to continue treatment Finding N/A
168091 Prescription/request requires clarification Misc N/A
168090 Try another treatment first Misc N/A This therapy has been ordered as a backup to a preferred therapy. This order will be released when and if the preferred therapy is unsuccessful.
168089 Unable to provide necessary care Misc N/A Fulfiller not able to provide appropriate care associated with fulfilling the order. Example: Therapy requires ongoing monitoring by fulfiller and fulfiller will be ending practice, leaving town, unable to schedule necessary time, etc.
168088 Religious/ethical objection Misc N/A The provider has ethical, religious or moral objections to fulfilling a task such as dispensing a medication.
168087 Insufficient information Misc N/A
168087 Incomplete data Misc N/A
168086 Order too old to accept Misc N/A Order has not been fulfilled within a reasonable amount of time, and might not be current.
168086 Stale-dated order Misc N/A Order has not been fulfilled within a reasonable amount of time, and might not be current.
168085 Ordered stopped Misc N/A The order has been stopped by the prescriber but this fact has not necessarily captured electronically. Example: A verbal stop, a fax, etc.
168085 Order discontinued Misc N/A The order has been stopped by the prescriber but this fact has not necessarily captured electronically. Example: A verbal stop, a fax, etc.
168084 MedicationDispense Status Reason ConvSet N/A
168083 XBC.1.6 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168082 Ability to apply perfume Question Coded
168081 Ability to brush teeth Question Coded
168080 Ability to use nail clippers Question Coded
168079 Ability to brush/comb/braid hair Question Coded
168079 Ability to manage hair Question Coded
168079 Ability to take care of hair Question Coded
168078 Ability to turn operate faucets Question Coded
168078 Ability to turn on/off faucets Question Coded
168078 Ability to turn on/off taps Question Coded
168077 Ability to dry oneself after washing/bathing Question Coded
168076 Ability to manage clothing before and after toileting Question Coded
168075 Ability to obtain and use toileting supplies Question Coded
168074 History of therapy with nephrotoxic drug Finding N/A
168074 History of therapy with nephrotoxic medication Finding N/A
168073 Spirometry results set ConvSet N/A
168072 Response to bronchodilator Question Coded
168071 FEV1/FVC Test Numeric
168071 Forced expiratory volume in one second / forced vital capacity ratio Test Numeric
168070 Forced vital capacity (FVC) (liters) Test Numeric
168070 FVC Test Numeric
168069 Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) (liters) Test Numeric
168069 FEV1 Test Numeric
168068 Amino acids, electrolytes, dextrose and lipid injectable emulsion Drug N/A
168068 Kabiven Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Drug N/A
168067 History of long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Finding N/A
168066 Minimal change glomerulopathy Diagnosis N/A
168065 Treatment for chronic lung disease Question Coded
168064 LAMA Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168064 Long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMAs) Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168064 Long-acting muscarinic antagonists Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168063 LABA Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168063 Long-acting beta agonists (LABAs) Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168063 Long-acting beta agonists Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168062 SAMA Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168062 Short-acting muscarinic antagonists (SAMAs) Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168062 Short-acting muscarinic antagonists Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168061 Short-acting beta agonists (SABAs) Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168061 SABA Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168061 Short-acting beta agonists Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168060 Oral glucocorticoids Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168060 Oral steroids Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168059 Inhaled glucocorticoids Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168059 Inhaled steroids Pharmacologic Drug Class N/A
168058 Pabal Drug N/A
168058 Ecbosure Drug N/A
168058 Lonactene Drug N/A
168058 Riligol Drug N/A
168058 Carbetocin Drug N/A
168058 Caritec Drug N/A
168058 Cinomac Drug N/A
168058 Duratocin Drug N/A
168057 Diabetic foot ulcer risk level Question Coded
168056 Diabetic foot risk factor Question Coded
168055 History of foot amputation Finding N/A
168054 History of foot ulcer Finding N/A
168053 Foot pulse absent Diagnosis N/A
168052 Monofilament foot sensitivity test Procedure Coded
168051 Edurant Drug N/A
168051 Rilpivirine Drug N/A
168050 Vocabria Drug N/A
168050 Cabotegravir Drug N/A
168050 Apretude Drug N/A
168049 Dapivirine Drug N/A
168048 Vidala Drug N/A
168048 Vildader Drug N/A
168048 Vildalog Drug N/A
168048 Vinsorin Drug N/A
168048 Vilnip Drug N/A
168048 Vil-G Drug N/A
168048 Viglida Drug N/A
168048 Vildaphage Drug N/A
168048 Vildanat Drug N/A
168048 Vilshine Drug N/A
168048 Vildagliptin Drug N/A
168047 Agoviz Drug N/A
168047 Agotine Drug N/A
168047 Simelatin Drug N/A
168047 Noveltin Drug N/A
168047 Agodep Drug N/A
168047 Circaltin Drug N/A
168047 Agomelatine Drug N/A
168047 Agoprex Drug N/A
168047 Agopose Drug N/A
168047 Agosan Drug N/A
168047 Lupibliss Drug N/A
168046 Tuberculosis symptoms Question Coded
168045 OGTT, result Question Coded
168045 GTT, result Question Coded
168045 Oral glucose tolerance test, overall interpretation Question Coded
168044 Vortioxetine hydrobromide Drug N/A
168043 Vorsero Drug N/A
168043 Torvox Drug N/A
168043 Vortiray Drug N/A
168043 Vipca Drug N/A
168043 Trivoxetin Drug N/A
168043 Brintellix Drug N/A
168043 Vdep Drug N/A
168043 Vortica Drug N/A
168043 Vortioxetine Drug N/A
168043 Trintellix Drug N/A
168043 Voxitin Drug N/A
168043 Vortidif Drug N/A
168042 Gabapentin / mecobalamin Drug N/A
168042 Gabapentin / methylcobalamin Drug N/A
168041 Left ventricle depressed Finding N/A
168041 Depressed left ventricular ejection fraction Finding N/A
168040 Lulimac Drug N/A
168040 Emluz Drug N/A
168040 Lulizol Drug N/A
168040 L-Sys Drug N/A
168040 Lilituf Drug N/A
168040 Luliderm Drug N/A
168040 Lulibet Drug N/A
168040 Luzu Drug N/A
168040 Luly Drug N/A
168040 Luligee Drug N/A
168040 Lulifin Drug N/A
168040 Luliconazole Drug N/A
168039 Bimat-T Drug N/A
168039 Sightim Drug N/A
168039 Bimaton T Drug N/A
168039 Bimatoprost / timolol Drug N/A
168039 Intaprost T Drug N/A
168039 Careprost Plus Drug N/A
168039 Ganfort Drug N/A
168039 Xyprost TM Drug N/A
168039 Senzopt T Drug N/A
168039 Bimat LS TM Drug N/A
168039 Synoprost-T Drug N/A
168038 Fenceta Novo Drug N/A
168038 Aceclofenac / paracetamol Drug N/A
168038 Dolowin-Plus Drug N/A
168038 Anaflam XP Drug N/A
168038 Hifenac-P Drug N/A
168038 Aceclo Plus Drug N/A
168038 Parafast Drug N/A
168038 Jusgo Drug N/A
168038 Ark-AP Drug N/A
168038 Zerodol-P Drug N/A
168038 Acenac-P Drug N/A
168037 Completely dependent Misc N/A
168037 Unable to perform without assistance Misc N/A
168036 Independent with severe difficulties Misc N/A
168035 Independent with mild difficulties Misc N/A
168034 Independent Misc N/A
168034 Requires no assistance Misc N/A
168033 Aldigesic Drug N/A
168033 Aceclo-MR Drug N/A
168033 Dolofresh MR Drug N/A
168033 Acenext MR Drug N/A
168033 Acemiz-MR Drug N/A
168033 Dolokind-MR Drug N/A
168033 Hifenac-MR Drug N/A
168033 Movexx MR Drug N/A
168033 Dolowin-MR Drug N/A
168033 Acimol MR Drug N/A
168033 Facer-MR Drug N/A
168033 Aceclofenac / chlorzoxazone / paracetamol Drug N/A
168033 Aceclofenac / acetaminophen / chlorzoxazone Drug N/A
168032 Nadoxin Drug N/A
168032 Acuatim Drug N/A
168032 Nadifloxacin Drug N/A
168032 Nadiflox Drug N/A
168032 Nadixa Drug N/A
168032 Activon Drug N/A
168031 Follow-up evaluation Procedure N/A
168031 Re-evaluation procedure Procedure N/A
168030 SOAP note Question Text
168029 Hepatitis C genotype 6 Organism N/A
168028 Hepatitis C genotype 5 Organism N/A
168027 Hepatitis C genotype 4 Organism N/A
168026 Hepatitis C genotype 3 Organism N/A
168025 Hepatitis C genotype 2 Organism N/A
168024 Hepatitis C genotype 1 Organism N/A
168023 HCV genotype Test Coded Blood test that analyzes the strain of the hepatitis C virus and classify in one of the 6 most common categories
168023 Hepatitis C virus genotype Test Coded Blood test that analyzes the strain of the hepatitis C virus and classify in one of the 6 most common categories
168022 Arcturus variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168022 XBB.1.16 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168022 XBB.1.16 Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168021 XBB.1.9 variant Misc N/A SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168020 Motivational interviewing Procedure N/A
168019 Schistosoma species identification in stool by concentration method Test Coded
168019 Schistosomiasis seen on light microscopy Test Coded
168019 S. mansoni identified in stool Test Coded
168018 Administration of Prevnar Procedure N/A
168018 Administration of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine Procedure N/A
168017 HPV vaccination Procedure N/A
168017 Administration of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine Procedure N/A
168016 Shingrix Drug N/A
168016 Varicella zoster virus glycoprotein E vaccine, recombinant Drug N/A
168015 Varivax Drug N/A
168015 Zostavax Drug N/A
168015 Varicella virus vaccine, live Drug N/A
168014 Polio vaccine, bivalent, oral Drug N/A
168014 replace Drug N/A
168014 ipv Drug N/A
168013 Hemophilus influenza B immunization Procedure N/A
168013 Haemophilus influenzae B vaccination Procedure N/A
168013 Administration of conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine Procedure N/A
168012 Polio vaccine, oral Drug N/A
168011 Administration of live, attenuated measles, mumps and rubella vaccine Procedure N/A
168011 MMR vaccination Procedure N/A
168010 Administration of influenza vaccine Procedure N/A
168010 Influenza vaccination Procedure N/A
168009 Aberin-M Drug N/A
168009 Gemer Drug N/A
168009 Azulix MF Drug N/A
168009 Glimisave M Drug N/A
168009 Glucoryl-M Drug N/A
168009 Geminor M Drug N/A
168009 Glycomet-GP Drug N/A
168009 Glimy M Drug N/A
168009 Glimestar-M Drug N/A
168009 Glimepiride / metformin Drug N/A
168009 Diapride M Drug N/A
168009 Gluconorm-G Drug N/A
168008 Bisolvon Drug N/A
168008 Pridin Drug N/A
168008 Duro-Tuss Chesty Cough Liquid Plus Nasal Decongestant Drug N/A
168008 Brex Drug N/A
168008 Brex S Drug N/A
168008 Solvin Expt Drug N/A
168008 Solkuf Drug N/A
168008 Bromhexine / pseudoephedrine Drug N/A
168008 Cofvyn Drug N/A
168007 Oricitral Drug N/A
168007 Alkel Drug N/A
168007 Disodium hydrogen citrate Drug N/A
168007 Alkasol Drug N/A
168007 Alkarate Drug N/A
168007 Adlizer Drug N/A
168007 Alkorina Drug N/A
168007 Cital Drug N/A
168007 Citralka Drug N/A
168007 Urosol Drug N/A
168007 Alkadip Drug N/A
168006 Ordent Drug N/A
168006 Orni-O Drug N/A
168006 Normet Drug N/A
168006 Oflomac OZ Drug N/A
168006 Zanocin OZ Drug N/A
168006 Zenflox-OZ Drug N/A
168006 O2H Drug N/A
168006 Onoff OZ Drug N/A
168006 O2 Tablet Drug N/A
168006 Saril Drug N/A
168006 Ornof Drug N/A
168006 Horn O Drug N/A
168006 Zorno Drug N/A
168006 Oflox OZ Drug N/A
168006 Oflokem OZ Drug N/A
168006 Ofloxacin / ornidazole Drug N/A
168006 Brakke Drug N/A
168006 Mahacef OZ Drug N/A
168006 Oflotas-OZ Drug N/A
168006 Nflox-TZ Drug N/A
168005 Amoxicillin / floxacillin Drug N/A
168005 Amoxicillin / flucloxacillin Drug N/A
168004 Rabifast-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Superia DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rekool D Drug N/A
168004 Rabicer DSR Drug N/A
168004 Cyra-D Drug N/A
168004 Mac-RD Drug N/A
168004 Veloz D Drug N/A
168004 Rabez D Drug N/A
168004 Bravia-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabalkem-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rantac RD Drug N/A
168004 Rebozen-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rablet D Drug N/A
168004 Rebez DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabekind-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Peptard-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabicip D Drug N/A
168004 Pepcia-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabeloc RD Drug N/A
168004 Rzole DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabezol DSR Drug N/A
168004 Acera-D Drug N/A
168004 Rapeed D Drug N/A
168004 Happi-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabium-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Rabesec-D Drug N/A
168004 Drego-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabonik DSR Drug N/A
168004 Razo-D Drug N/A
168004 Rabemac-DSR Drug N/A
168004 Domperidon / rabeprazole Drug N/A
168003 Methylcobalamin / pregabalin Drug N/A
168003 Mecobalamin / pregabalin Drug N/A
168002 Intacoxia P Drug N/A
168002 Etorvel-P Drug N/A
168002 Etowin P Drug N/A
168002 Etoford P Drug N/A
168002 Nucoxia P Drug N/A
168002 Etrik P Drug N/A
168002 Brutaflam-Plus Drug N/A
168002 Etoricoxib / paracetamol Drug N/A
168002 Etos P Drug N/A
168002 Acetaminophen / etoricoxib Drug N/A
168002 Etoril P Drug N/A
168002 Etoriday P Drug N/A
168001 Bladmir Drug N/A
168001 Lupin Mira Drug N/A
168001 Mirabig Drug N/A
168001 Mirasmart Drug N/A
168001 VesiBeta Drug N/A
168001 Mirbeg Drug N/A
168001 Miranix Drug N/A
168001 Myrbetriq Drug N/A
168001 Mirakem Drug N/A
168001 Mirabegron Drug N/A
168001 Mirago Drug N/A
168001 Miratas Drug N/A
168000 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor indication present Question Coded
168000 Presence of indications for use of ACE inhibitor Question Coded
167999 Automated blood large platelet/platelet ratio Test Numeric
167999 Platelet-large cell ratio (P-LCR) Test Numeric
167998 On angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Finding Coded
167997 Adapalene / clindamycin Drug N/A
167997 Deriva-Cms Drug N/A
167997 Nilac A Drug N/A
167997 Femcinol-ADP Drug N/A
167997 Adaple-C Drug N/A
167997 Faceclin AT Drug N/A
167997 Acnesol A Drug N/A
167997 Adalene Drug N/A
167997 Acnovate Drug N/A
167997 Acnetor AD Drug N/A
167997 Nioclean AD Drug N/A
167997 167972 Drug N/A
167996 Zesunate kit Drug N/A
167996 Arh plus kit Drug N/A
167996 Endomal SP Drug N/A
167996 Falciden kit Drug N/A
167996 Rtrit-SP combikit Drug N/A
167996 Artesunate + Pyrimethamine / sulfadoxine combination kit Drug N/A
167996 Falcynate kit Drug N/A
167996 Larinate kit Drug N/A
167996 Falciout kit Drug N/A
167996 Rtsunate SP Drug N/A
167996 Altinate kit Drug N/A
167995 Amoxicillin / clarithromycin / esomeprazole combination kit Drug N/A
167995 Sompraz HP combipack Drug N/A
167995 Pylokit-AC kit Drug N/A
167995 Esium-HP kit Drug N/A
167995 Nexpro HP combipack Drug N/A
167995 ESP-HP kit Drug N/A
167995 Esomac HP combo kit Drug N/A
167994 Clotrimazole / metronidazole Drug N/A
167994 Infa-V Drug N/A
167993 Fungin V Drug N/A
167993 Emplus-V Drug N/A
167993 Metronidazole / miconazole Drug N/A
167992 State (location) Question Text
167992 State Question Text
167991 Frequency of nursing observation required per hour Question Numeric
167990 Amlodipine / indapamide / perindopril Drug N/A
167990 Triplixam Drug N/A
167989 Hydrochlorothiazide / ramipril Drug N/A
167989 Ramihart-H Drug N/A
167989 Ramistar-H Drug N/A
167989 Ramcor-H Drug N/A
167989 Macpril H Drug N/A
167989 Cardace H Drug N/A
167989 Ramisave H Drug N/A
167989 Hopace-H Drug N/A
167988 Cerebroprotein Hydrolysate / piracetam Drug N/A
167988 Ceremax Plus Drug N/A
167988 Cerebrain Plus Drug N/A
167987 Cerebroprotein hydrolysate Drug N/A
167987 Stropin Drug N/A
167987 Cognifast Drug N/A
167987 Neurobrosin Drug N/A
167987 Cognistar Drug N/A
167987 Cerevate Drug N/A
167987 Zyneu Drug N/A
167987 Cerebrolysin Drug N/A
167987 Cerevion Drug N/A
167987 Cognitrac Drug N/A
167987 Cogniza Drug N/A
167986 Ostivestin Drug N/A
167986 Macvestin Drug N/A
167986 Rediflex Drug N/A
167986 Dolestin Drug N/A
167986 Corvestin Drug N/A
167986 Uniwin Drug N/A
167986 Univestin Drug N/A
167986 Lupivestin Drug N/A
167986 Flavestin Drug N/A
167986 Uniortho Drug N/A
167986 Visentin Drug N/A
167985 Cyonase-TH Drug N/A
167985 Loxifast Drug N/A
167985 Flexispaz Drug N/A
167985 Lorqrs T Drug N/A
167985 Lornoxicam / thiocolchicoside Drug N/A
167985 Lortag MR Drug N/A
167985 Relor-T Drug N/A
167985 Zenlong T Drug N/A
167985 Noxica-TH Drug N/A
167985 Ostiflex MR Drug N/A
167984 Betamethasone / chlorpheniramine Drug N/A
167984 Betomin Drug N/A
167984 Saccortin Drug N/A
167984 Celestamine Drug N/A
167984 Emperacin Drug N/A
167984 Celestana Drug N/A
167984 Histablock Drug N/A
167984 Puradesmin Drug N/A
167984 Almetamine Drug N/A
167984 Bedaramine Drug N/A
167984 Betaselemin Drug N/A
167983 Femiriv Drug N/A
167983 Orflaz Drug N/A
167983 Pid 3 Drug N/A
167983 Vaginobact Drug N/A
167983 Azithromycin / fluconazole / ornidazole Drug N/A
167982 Refozi MV Drug N/A
167982 Remo-Zen MV Drug N/A
167982 Remo MV Drug N/A
167982 Metformin / remogliflozin etabonate / vildagliptin Drug N/A
167981 Vildamac M Drug N/A
167981 Torglip M Drug N/A
167981 Vildapride M Drug N/A
167981 Abvida-M Drug N/A
167981 Gliptagreat M Drug N/A
167981 Metformin / vildagliptin Drug N/A
167981 Vylda-M Drug N/A
167981 Galvus Met Drug N/A
167981 Zavamet Drug N/A
167981 Jalra-M Drug N/A
167981 Encelin M Drug N/A
167981 Verifica-M Drug N/A
167980 Alduet Drug N/A
167980 Cetirizine / montelukast Drug N/A
167980 Aleut Drug N/A
167979 Synriam Drug N/A
167979 Synriam DT Drug N/A
167979 Arterolane / Piperaquine Drug N/A
167978 Esium-HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Espentral-HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Clariday-kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Sign kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Nexiken kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Nulogut HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Nexpro HP Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Esogrot-HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Sompraz HP Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Esmostrum HP kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Clarithromycin / Esomeprazole / Levofloxacin combination kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167978 Pylokit-AC Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167977 Laekit h-pylori kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167977 Esose HP Kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167977 Amoxicillin / Esomeprazole / Levofloxacin combination kit Drug N/A Dispensable package of three drugs used for H. pylori treatment
167976 Exospas Plus Drug N/A
167976 Buscodac P Drug N/A
167976 Belic Drug N/A
167976 Buscopan Plus Drug N/A
167976 Hyoscine butylbromide / Paracetamol Drug N/A
167976 Buscomide Drug N/A
167976 Gastreco P Drug N/A
167976 Hyocimax Plus Drug N/A
167976 Dolokind Spas Drug N/A
167976 Acetaminophen / hyoscine butylbromide Drug N/A
167976 Dolokind Spas RF Drug N/A
167975 Natrilam Drug N/A
|167975|Amlodipine / indapamide|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nebifid AM|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nebifast A|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nebycare AM|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nebivol SA|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Amlodipine / nebivolol|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nebipil SA|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nebula AM|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nodon AM|Drug|N/A||
|167974|Nevy A|Drug|N/A||
|167973|Late|Misc|N/A|General qualifier for something that occurred after the middle or expected time.|
|167972|On time|Misc|N/A||
|167971|Early|Misc|N/A|General qualifier that something occurred before the middle or expected time.|
|167970|Patient arrival timing|Question|Coded||
|167970|Patient arrival timing|Question|Coded||
|167970|Visit punctuality|Question|Coded||
|167969|Insurance number|Question|Text||

New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Sept 11, 2023!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for COVID variants, PIH, MSF and lots of new medication concepts for the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR among others.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

concept_id	name	Class	Datatype	description
168322	Mallampati class IV	Finding	N/A	
168322	Mallampati class 4	Finding	N/A	
168321	Mallampati class 3	Finding	N/A	
168321	Mallampati class III	Finding	N/A	
168320	Mallampati class 2	Finding	N/A	
168320	Mallampati class II	Finding	N/A	
168319	Mallampati class I	Finding	N/A	
168319	Mallampati class 1	Finding	N/A	
168318	Mallampati grade	Question	Coded	
168317	Surgical safety checklist performed	Question	Coded	
168316	Cormack and Lehane grade	Question	Coded	
168315	Cormack and Lehane grade 4	Finding	N/A	Epiglottis not visible at direct laryngoscopy.
168314	Cormack and Lehane grade 3	Finding	N/A	Epiglottis visible, vocal cords not visible at direct laryngoscopy.
168313	Cormack and Lehane grade 2	Finding	N/A	Arytenoid cartilages and posterior portion of vocal cords visible at direct laryngoscopy.
168312	Cormack and Lehane grade 1	Finding	N/A	Vocal cords visible at direct laryngoscopy.
168311	Intubated prior to arrival in operating theater	Finding	N/A	
168310	Rapid sequence induction of anesthesia	Procedure	N/A	
168309	Functional independence measure (FIM) lower limb	ConvSet	N/A	
168308	Functional independence measure (FIM) lower limb score	Question	Numeric	
168307	Functional independence measure (FIM) upper limb score	Question	Numeric	
168306	Functional independence measure (FIM) upper limb	ConvSet	N/A	
168305	Ability to walk more than fifty meters	Question	Coded	
168305	Ability to walk >50 meters	Question	Coded	
168304	Ability to walk <50 meters	Question	Coded	
168304	Ability to walk less than fifty meters	Question	Coded	
168303	Liver cirrhosis secondary to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)	Diagnosis	N/A	
168302	Hepatic cirrhosis due to schistosomiasis	Diagnosis	N/A	
168302	Liver cirrhosis secondary to schistosomiasis	Diagnosis	N/A	
168301	Liver cirrhosis due to Hepatitis C	Diagnosis	N/A	
168300	Liver cirrhosis secondary to Hepatitis B	Diagnosis	N/A	
168300	Liver cirrhosis due to Hepatitis B	Diagnosis	N/A	
168299	Need for blood transfusion	Question	Coded	
168299	Blood transfusion needed	Question	Coded	
168298	Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) due to Hepatitis C	Diagnosis	N/A	2C12.02/XN1EZ
168297	Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) due to Hepatitis B	Diagnosis	N/A	
168296	Disease requiring admission to hospital	Question	Coded	
168296	Disease causing hospitalization	Question	Coded	
168295	History of therapeutic abdominal paracentesis	Diagnosis	N/A	
168294	Partner infected	Finding	N/A	
168294	Partner has infectious disease	Finding	N/A	
168293	Family history of infection in sibling	Diagnosis	N/A	
168293	Sibling infection	Diagnosis	N/A	
168292	Maternal infection	Diagnosis	N/A	
168291	Risk factors for Hepatitis B	Question	Coded	Presence of risk factors for personal infection with Hepatitis B.
168290	Liver palpable	Finding	N/A	
168289	Asymptomatic liver disease	Diagnosis	N/A	
168288	Aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index, Serum+Blood	Test	Numeric	APRI formula = [AST /AST (ULN)]/platelet count (109/L) x 100
168288	AST to platelet ratio index (APRI), blood/serum	Test	Numeric	APRI formula = [AST /AST (ULN)]/platelet count (109/L) x 100
168287	Initial patient assessment	Procedure	N/A	
168286	injury of ureter during surgery	Diagnosis	N/A	
168286	Intra-operative injury to ureter	Diagnosis	N/A	
168285	Clinically decompensated cirrhosis of liver	Diagnosis	N/A	
168285	Clinically decompensated hepatic cirrhosis	Diagnosis	N/A	
168284	Ability to shop and carry grocery bags	Question	Coded	
168283	Ability to bake bread	Question	Coded	
168282	Visibility of squamocolumnar junction (SCJ) of uterine cervix	Question	Coded	
168281	Fully visible	Misc	N/A	
168281	Fully seen	Misc	N/A	
168280	Partially visible	Misc	N/A	
168279	History of long-term use of corticosteroids	Finding	N/A	
168278	Hand analytic mobility questions	ConvSet	N/A	
168277	Right active Kapandji clinical opposition and reposition test of thumb score	Question	Numeric	
168276	Left active Kapandji clinical opposition and reposition test of thumb score	Question	Numeric	
168275	Right passive Kapandji clinical opposition and reposition test of thumb score	Question	Numeric	Score Location achieved 1 Radial side of the proximal phalanx of the index finger 2 Radial side of the middle phalanx of the index finger 3 Tip of the index finger 4 Tip of the middle finger 5 Tip of the ring finger 6 Tip of the little finger 7 Distal interphalangeal joint crease of the little finger 8 Proximal interphalangeal joint crease of the little finger 9 Metacarpophalangeal joint crease of the little finger 10 Distal palmar crease
168274	Left passive Kapandji clinical opposition and reposition test of thumb score	Question	Numeric	"Score 	Location achieved
1 	Radial side of the proximal phalanx of the index finger
2 	Radial side of the middle phalanx of the index finger
3 	Tip of the index finger
4 	Tip of the middle finger
5 	Tip of the ring finger
6 	Tip of the little finger
7 	Distal interphalangeal joint crease of the little finger
8 	Proximal interphalangeal joint crease of the little finger
9 	Metacarpophalangeal joint crease of the little finger
10 	Distal palmar crease"
168273	Incorrect surgical count	Finding	N/A	
168272	Surgical count evaluation	Question	Coded	Whether count of instruments and sponges at the end of surgery was correct or incorrect.
168271	Incorrect	Misc	N/A	
168270	Correct	Misc	N/A	Good and proper descriptor
168269	Third finger of hand	Anatomy	N/A	
168269	Middle finger	Anatomy	N/A	
168268	Substance withdrawal syndrome	Diagnosis	N/A	
168267	Ability to eat food	Question	Coded	
168266	Ability to hold a pen	Question	Coded	
168266	Ability to hold a writing instrument	Question	Coded	
168265	Ability to oppose thumb and fifth finger	Question	Coded	
168264	Ability to unscrew a lid	Question	Coded	
168264	Ability to open a jar	Question	Coded	
168263	Ability to wash own back	Question	Coded	
168262	Ability to grab a cup of tea	Question	Coded	
168262	Ability to hold a cup of tea	Question	Coded	
168261	Functional independence measure (FIM) score	Question	Numeric	
168260	Functional independence measure (FIM)	ConvSet	N/A	
168259	Complication following amputation of limb	Question	Coded	
168259	Complication of amputation stump	Question	Coded	
168258	Phantom pain	Diagnosis	N/A	
168257	Bone spur	Diagnosis	N/A	
168257	Osteophyte	Diagnosis	N/A	
168256	Big/bulbous shape	Misc	N/A	General descriptor
168255	Small/conical shape	Misc	N/A	General descriptor
168254	Amputation stump shape	Question	Coded	Shape of amputation stump.
168253	Orthotic device	Medical supply	N/A	
168253	Orthosis	Medical supply	N/A	
168252	Ability to kneel	Question	Coded	
168251	Ability to squat	Question	Coded	
168250	Ability to lay down	Question	Coded	
168250	Ability to lie down	Question	Coded	
168249	Ability to stand up	Question	Coded	
168248	Ability to sit down	Question	Coded	
168247	Ability to sit up	Question	Coded	
168246	Ability to walk down stairs	Question	Coded	
168245	Ability to walk up stairs	Question	Coded	
168244	Description of scar	Question	Text	
168243	Complication of implantable port	Diagnosis	N/A	Any complication due to a totally implantable venous access device such as infection, mechanical failure, obstruction, thrombosis, etc.
168243	Complication of implantable venous access device	Diagnosis	N/A	Any complication due to a totally implantable venous access device such as infection, mechanical failure, obstruction, thrombosis, etc.
168242	Unanticipated admission to intensive care unit (ICU)	Procedure	N/A	
168241	Sollerman hand function test	Procedure	N/A	
168240	Sollerman hand function test score	Question	Numeric	
168239	Ability to perform household jobs	Question	Coded	
168238	Ability to engage in play/leisure activities	Question	Coded	
168237	Ability to drive a motorized vehicle	Question	Coded	
168236	Ability to use a computer keyboard and mouse	Question	Coded	
168235	Ability to operate domestic appliances	Question	Coded	
168234	Ability to operate door handle	Question	Coded	
168233	Ability to hold cutlery	Question	Coded	
168232	Ability to tie head scarf/cap	Question	Coded	
168231	Ability to put on shoes and tie laces	Question	Coded	
168230	Ability to fasten belt (for pants)	Question	Coded	
168230	Ability to fasten belt	Question	Coded	
168229	Ability to put on and take off shirt	Question	Coded	
168228	Ability to use a zipper	Question	Coded	
168227	Ability to fasten buttons	Question	Coded	
168226	Ability to shave (any body part)	Question	Coded	
168226	Ability to shave	Question	Coded	
168225	Handwashing ability	Question	Coded	
168225	Ability to wash hands	Question	Coded	
168224	Ivazine	Drug	N/A	
168224	Ivabratco	Drug	N/A	
168224	Coralan	Drug	N/A	
168224	Irban	Drug	N/A	
168224	Ivanode	Drug	N/A	
168224	Ivables	Drug	N/A	
168224	Inapure	Drug	N/A	
168224	Corlanor	Drug	N/A	
168224	Ivabrad	Drug	N/A	
168224	Ivabradine	Drug	N/A	
168224	Iverzac	Drug	N/A	
168224	Ivabeat	Drug	N/A	
168223	Bar owner	Misc	N/A	
168223	Pub owner	Misc	N/A	
168223	Publican	Misc	N/A	
168222	Pimp	Misc	N/A	
168222	Madam	Misc	N/A	
168222	Brothel keeper	Misc	N/A	
168221	Drug dealer	Misc	N/A	
168221	Drug pusher	Misc	N/A	
168221	Drug seller	Misc	N/A	
168220	Heterosexual	Finding	N/A	
168219	Sexual orientation	Question	Coded	
168218	Lornoxicam / paracetamol	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lorox P	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lornicam Plus	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lexicam	Drug	N/A	
168218	Flexilor P	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lorchek-P	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lorsaid-P	Drug	N/A	
168218	Trois	Drug	N/A	
168218	Topcam-P	Drug	N/A	
168218	Acetaminophen / lornoxicam	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lornoxi P	Drug	N/A	
168218	Lorna-P	Drug	N/A	
168217	Creatinine measurement, urine, random (mg/dL)	Test	Numeric	
168216	Ionized calcium, serum/plasma (mmol/L)	Test	Numeric	
168216	iCa2+, serum/plasma	Test	Numeric	
168215	Total thyroxine (T4), serum/plasma (nmol/L)	Test	Numeric	
168214	Total triiodothyronine (T3), serum/plasma (nmol/L)	Test	Numeric	
168213	TSH, serum/plasma	Test	Numeric	
168213	Thyrotropin, serum/plasma (uIU/mL) (mIU/L)	Test	Numeric	
168212	Serum lactate (mg/dL)	Test	Numeric	
168212	Lactate	Test	Numeric	
168211	Creatine kinase-MB measurement, blood (ng/mL)	Test	Numeric	
168211	CKMB	Test	Numeric	
168210	Free prostate specific antigen (PSA) measurement, serum/plasma (ng/mL)	Test	Numeric	
168210	f-PSA, serum/plasma	Test	Numeric	
168209	Total prostate specific antigen (PSA) measurement, serum/plasma (ng/mL)	Test	Numeric	
168209	t-PSA, serum/plasma	Test	Numeric	
168208	BA.2.86 variant	Misc	N/A	
168207	Smooth muscle Ab	Test	Coded	
168207	Smooth muscle antibody presence in blood/serum	Test	Coded	
168207	Anti-smooth muscle antibody test	Test	Coded	
168206	Dispersible oral tablet	Drug form	N/A	
168205	Eris variant	Misc	N/A	SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168205	EG.5 variant	Misc	N/A	SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus variant
168204	Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spine	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168204	MRI of cervical spine	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168203	Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbosacral spine	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168203	MRI of lumbosacral spine	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168202	Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracolumbar spine	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168202	MRI of thoracolumbar spine	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168201	CT of hip	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168201	Computed tomography of hip	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168200	CT of femur	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168200	Computed tomography of femur	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168199	Computed tomography of knee	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168199	CT of knee	Radiology/Imaging Procedure	N/A	
168198	Removal of intrauterine device (IUD)	Procedure	N/A	
168198	Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device	Procedure	N/A	
168197	Luspatercept	Drug	N/A	
168197	Reblozyl	Drug	N/A	
168196	Patient Health Questionnaire Nine Modified for Adolescents score	Test	Numeric	
168196	Patient Health Questionnaire Nine Modified for Teens score	Test	Numeric	
168196	PHQ-A score	Test	Numeric	
168196	PHQ-9M score	Test	Numeric	
168195	Chronic kidney disease secondary to hypertension	Diagnosis	N/A	
168195	CKD due to HTN	Diagnosis	N/A	
168195	Chronic kidney disease due to hypertension	Diagnosis	N/A	
168194	Pediatric emergency medical service	Misc	N/A	
168193	spironolactone	Question	Coded	
168193	Taking potassium-sparing diuretic	Question	Coded	
168192	Lung function status determined by spirometry	Question	Coded	
168191	Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)	Procedure	N/A	
168190	Subconjunctival injection	Procedure	N/A	
168189	Control of epistaxis by packing of posterior and anterior nose	Procedure	N/A	
168189	Treatment of nosebleed by packing front and back of nasal cavity	Procedure	N/A	
168188	Removal of foreign body from eye	Procedure	N/A	Removal of a foreign body from the eyeball without an incision.
168187	I&D of eyelid	Procedure	N/A	
168187	Incision and drainage of eyelid	Procedure	N/A	
168186	Irrigation of eye	Procedure	N/A	
168186	Eye washing	Procedure	N/A	
168185	Irrigation of ear	Procedure	N/A	
168185	Irrigation of external auditory canal	Procedure	N/A	
168184	Pressure ulcer assessment	Procedure	N/A	
168184	Pressure sore assessment	Procedure	N/A	
168183	Calcifediol measurement	Test	Numeric	
168183	Vitamin D3 (25-hydroxy) measurement	Test	Numeric	
168183	25-hydroxyvitamin D3 measurement	Test	Numeric	
168182	Cardiomyopathy due to viral infection	Diagnosis	N/A	
168182	Viral cardiomyopathy	Diagnosis	N/A	
168181	Tricyclic antidepressants screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168180	Propoxyphene screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168179	PCP screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168179	Phencyclidine screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168178	Oxycodone screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168177	Opiates screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168176	3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168176	Methylenedioxymethamphetamine screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168176	MDMA urine screen	Test	Coded	
168176	Ecstasy urine screen	Test	Coded	
168175	Methamphetamine screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168174	Methadone screening, urine	Test	Coded	
168173	Cannabinoids (marijuana) screening, urine	Test	Coded	
168172	Cocaine screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168171	Buprenorphine screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168170	Benzodiazepines screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168169	Barbiturates screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168168	AMP 1000	Test	Coded	
168168	AMP screen urine	Test	Coded	
168168	Amphetamines screen, urine	Test	Coded	
168167	Drugs of abuse panel, urine	LabSet	N/A	
168166	Quviviq	Drug	N/A	
168166	Daridorexant	Drug	N/A	
168165	Loud heart murmur	Finding	N/A
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New version of CIEL dictionary has been added to dropbox and on Open Concept Lab for Oct 27, 2023!

Just wanted to let folks know that I am posting a new version of the CIEL concept dictionary in the dropbox with versions including 1.11.6, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and 2.5. Note that I will no longer be releasing in versions prior to 1.11

Can I please remind everyone using the CIEL dictionary that this is a trust model. We are providing the service to the community and the community assists by providing concepts they require back to CIEL. This also includes translation of CIEL concepts into other languages. If you have added concepts to your dictionary and have not reported them back to CIEL, I strongly encourage you to do so (if guilt doesn’t work, then I will start to harass you :).

If this is the first time you are hearing about the MVP/CIEL concept dictionary which now comes as a standard option with the standalone appliance, you can get updates from the CIEL dropbox. You can send me an email describing your openmrs implementation, version number, country and project… and I will add you to the dropbox.

Be sure to read the wiki:


Each version includes the global property ciel.conceptsVersion which contains the date of the release in YYYYMMDD format. A new global property update was added for 1.11+ which will force recreation of the word index as this is no longer included as part of the CIEL upload.

The release includes new concepts for PIH, MSF and lots of new medication concepts for the new Kenya HDD/KenyaEMR. To support the documentation of climate change impacts on health, it now includes many climate hazards which cause morbidity and mortality. These concepts include references to online definitions in their descriptions.

The drug table was not updated for this release. We are working on getting a new version of the drug table out, but if you are interested, reach out to me separately.

The list of new concepts (English names):

|168549|Diagnosis clinical status|ConvSet|N/A||
|168549|Diagnosis status|ConvSet|N/A||
|168548|Gencin DM|Drug|N/A||
|168548|Biodexone G|Drug|N/A||
|168548|Gentyl DM|Drug|N/A||
|168548|Genta Swift D|Drug|N/A||
|168548|Dexamethasone / gentamicin|Drug|N/A||
|168548|Genticare D|Drug|N/A||
|168548|Gentapen D|Drug|N/A||
|168547|Excision of condyloma from female genitalia|Procedure|N/A||
|168546|Exploratory laparotomy with drainage of pelvic abscess|Procedure|N/A||
|168545|Laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy|Procedure|N/A||
|168545|Laparotomy for treatment of ectopic pregnancy|Procedure|N/A||
|168544|Repair of episiotomy|Procedure|N/A||
|168543|Severe nephrotic syndrome with peripheral edema|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168543|Decompensated nephrotic syndrome|Diagnosis|N/A||
|168542|History of gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)|Finding|N/A||
|168541|Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)|Procedure|N/A||
|168540|History of in vitro fertilisation (IVF)|Finding|N/A||
|168540|History of in vitro fertilization (IVF)|Finding|N/A||
|168540|History of in vitro fertilization (IVF)|Finding|N/A||
|168539|In vitro fertilisation (IVF)|Procedure|N/A||
|168539|In vitro fertilization (IVF)|Procedure|N/A||
|168539|In vitro fertilization (IVF)|Procedure|N/A||
|168538|History of fertility-enhancing medication use|Finding|N/A||
|168537|History of artificial insemination|Finding|N/A||
|168536|Vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery (VBAC) with use of vacuum|Procedure|N/A||
|168536|Vacuum delivery following previous cesarean delivery|Procedure|N/A||
|168535|Vaginal delivery after previous cesarean delivery (VBAC) with use of forceps|Procedure|N/A||
|168535|Forceps delivery after previous cesarean delivery|Procedure|N/A||
|168534|Failed external cephalic version|Finding|N/A||
|168533|History of tocolytic therapy|Finding|N/A||
|168532|Administration of tocolytics|Procedure|N/A||
|168531|Cervical cerclage|Procedure|N/A||
|168531|Cerclage of uterine cervix|Procedure|N/A||
|168530|Physical therapy consultation recommendation|Question|Coded||
|168530|Ncnorm p|Question|Coded||
|168529|Societal hazards and causes of injury|ConvSet|N/A||
|168528|Financial shock|Misc|N/A|A financial shock is an unexpected disturbance which originates from the financial sector and has a significant effect on an economy (e.g. national, regional, or global). The term is largely used to refer to events which have negative impacts (ECB, 2013).|
|168528|Economic shock|Misc|N/A|A financial shock is an unexpected disturbance which originates from the financial sector and has a significant effect on an economy (e.g. national, regional, or global). The term is largely used to refer to events which have negative impacts (ECB, 2013).|
|168527|Human stampede|Misc|N/A|Stampede or crushing is the surge of individuals in a crowd, in response to a perceived danger or loss of physical space. It often disrupts the orderly movement of crowds resulting in irrational and dangerous movement for self-protection leading to injuries and fatalities (Illiyas et al., 2013).|
|168526|Environmental degradation from conflict|Misc|N/A|Environmental degradation from conflict is defined as the reduction of the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological objectives and needs (UNISDR, 2009:6).<br>REF:|
|168525|Explosive remnants of war|Misc|N/A|Explosive remnants of war are unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance that are left by a party to an armed conflict following the cessation of warfare. Explosive ordnance is defined as conventional munitions containing explosives (United Nations, 2004:2).<br>REF:|
|168525|Abandoned explosive ordnance|Misc|N/A|Explosive remnants of war are unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance that are left by a party to an armed conflict following the cessation of warfare. Explosive ordnance is defined as conventional munitions containing explosives (United Nations, 2004:2).<br>REF:|
|168525|Unexploded ordnance|Misc|N/A|Explosive remnants of war are unexploded ordnance and abandoned explosive ordnance that are left by a party to an armed conflict following the cessation of warfare. Explosive ordnance is defined as conventional munitions containing explosives (United Nations, 2004:2).<br>REF:|
|168524|Civil unrest|Misc|N/A|&quot;Civil unrest&quot; is an umbrella term for a wide spectrum of phenomena, and although there is no commonly agreed United Nations definition the term is used widely among United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, particularly to describe violent and non-violent group acts.<br>A suggested definition for &quot;civil unrest&quot; is as follows: a term that includes limited political violence (such as acts of &lsquo;terrorism&rsquo;, individual assassinations, etc.), sporadic violent collective action (such as riots), or nonviolent and mildly violent collective action (such as protests, demonstrations, etc.) &ndash; all of which tend to take place in times of peace (Kalyvas, 2000:3).|
|168523|Internal armed conflict|Misc|N/A|Non-international armed conflict is defined as protracted armed confrontations occurring between governmental armed forces and the forces of one or more armed groups, or between such groups arising on the territory of a State. The armed confrontation must reach a minimum level of intensity, and the parties involved in the conflict must show a minimum of organisation (ICRC, 2008).|
|168523|Non-international armed conflict (NIAC)|Misc|N/A|Non-international armed conflict is defined as protracted armed confrontations occurring between governmental armed forces and the forces of one or more armed groups, or between such groups arising on the territory of a State. The armed confrontation must reach a minimum level of intensity, and the parties involved in the conflict must show a minimum of organisation (ICRC, 2008).|
|168523|Non-international war|Misc|N/A|Non-international armed conflict is defined as protracted armed confrontations occurring between governmental armed forces and the forces of one or more armed groups, or between such groups arising on the territory of a State. The armed confrontation must reach a minimum level of intensity, and the parties involved in the conflict must show a minimum of organisation (ICRC, 2008).|
|168522|International armed conflict (IAC)|Misc|N/A|International armed conflict covers all cases of declared war and other de facto armed conflict between two or more States, even if the state of war is not recognised by one of them and/or the use of armed force is unilateral (ICRC, 2016).|
|168522|International war|Misc|N/A|International armed conflict covers all cases of declared war and other de facto armed conflict between two or more States, even if the state of war is not recognised by one of them and/or the use of armed force is unilateral (ICRC, 2016).|
|168522|State-based armed conflict|Misc|N/A|International armed conflict covers all cases of declared war and other de facto armed conflict between two or more States, even if the state of war is not recognised by one of them and/or the use of armed force is unilateral (ICRC, 2016).|
|168522|Inter-state war|Misc|N/A|International armed conflict covers all cases of declared war and other de facto armed conflict between two or more States, even if the state of war is not recognised by one of them and/or the use of armed force is unilateral (ICRC, 2016).|
|168521|Environmental hazards and causes of injury|ConvSet|N/A||
|168520|Environmental eutrophication|Misc|N/A|Eutrophication is the overabundance of nutrients in a body of water that results in harmful algal blooms, fish kills, and in some cases ecosystem collapse. It is a process driven by enrichment of water by nutrients, particularly compounds of nitrogen and/or phosphorus, leading to increased growth, primary production and biomass of algae; changes in the balance of nutrients causing changes to the balance of organisms; and water quality degradation (NOAA, 2007; UNEP, 2015).|