New version of CIEL concept dictionary added to dropbox

Hi all, and especially @akanter and @raff, I can’t seem to get the concepts into my instance of OpenMRS. I have ref app 2.9.0 (platform 2.2.0 with the addons), MySQL 5.7, Tomcat 8.5 and Java 8. I downloaded the sql dump for 2.1 and followed the instructions in the readme (increase max_allowed_packet, import into the right database) and got notification that database had been changed after a fairly large output which made me think the import was successful despite it taking much less time (about a minute and a half compared to the 10 minutes or so that Andy says it would take). However, when I check my OpenMRS (even after rebuilding the search index), there are only a few concepts that come by default. What am I doing wrong? TIA