New JIRA instance available for tests

After way-too-many hours, I finally got the new JIRA instance to work!!!

Please test it. You should be able to login with your regular openmrsID credentials.

Emails are not going to be sent.

Next weekend, I will migrate JIRA to this instance, so let me know if you find any problems.


I could login :slight_smile:

This is not the same version as the one on JIRA Cloud, is it not available yet for server installations?

We are a minor version behind only, but the cloud versions tends to move much faster than the server installations. Also, it has plugins and configurations which do not apply to server.

Thanks, really great that you went through the upgrade, that’s cool.

This is AWESOME @cintiadr! I was easily able to log in and so far it appears to be behaving normally.

I hope this new JIRA is installed in a way that we can take advantage of Atlassian’s installer for upgrading, scheduling them 2-3 times per year to avoid falling too far behind again.

You rock!

I was able to login too. So cool! Thanks @cintiadr :bouquet:

It could be better, but it’s ok. It requires a change to ansible to upgrade, stop the service manually, delete/rename the /opt/jira folder, and run ansible.

I will create a ticket to the role we are using to see if it will avoid us the manual tasks :slight_smile: