See Ref App2.10 roadmap
The first idea was to have this in core apps, however we finally came to a conclusion to have this feature into a complete new module as core apps was becoming too bulky.
Note that we have an old Growth Chart module ,but only for the platform and very limited in features.
We still agreed to keep this new Growth chart module with the same artifact id .
Since the old growth chart module for platform had versions 1.0-1.7 ,
i have released the new module as version 2.0.0.
yes sure @ball it needs more testing , However its not yet on the demo server.
For now , my self , @k.joseph have done the testing locally.
I also did a demo with @c.antwi.
However ,from the discussions , since the Growth chart is too of an implementation Specific feature , it shouldn’t come out of the box with the reff app. So we shall not Bundle it into the Reff App distribution.
At PIH we have pulled in the growth chart module into one of our implementations and are taking a look at it. Great work! Thanks to everyone who made this happen (@mozzy, @dkayiwa, @k.joseph, the iSante team, others I’m sure)! It looks really good!
I’ve started to write up some items that would be nice to have improved. The first one listed seems to be a defect. I tested on both a PIH implementation and iSante demo server and couldn’t get 2 of the charts to work.
RA-1662 - 2 Growth Charts not working (weight for length/stature)
RA-1663 - Growth Chart data points are difficult to see
RA-1664 - Individual growth charts should be able to be hidden
@dkayiwa - maybe you can make sure these tickets are tagged appropriately for this work?
2 other points:
It would be great if the growth chart was available on a ref app test server. I think this is what ITSM-4238 is?
If I understand correctly, iSante-Plus is not using this new module? It would be great if we were all using the same thing so any improvements would benefit all of us. (fyi @janflowers, @ccwhite23)
It’s not widely used (yet), but I believe it has the potential to be widely used and especially if it was bundled in the RefApp. My opinion is that Growth Chart is a key part of any pediatric EMR. As always, I defer to the clinicians: @burke@jteich@akanter
It’s certainly a commonly used part of a pediatric record and a well understood application. It would be great to have it in the RefApp - both for itself and as an example of adding in higher level applications.
Isante-Plus have it as a feature ,part of their Isante-Plus core module. they dont have it as an independent module. So they’ll definately miss out on the improvements done here in this module.
@mozzy, thanks for working on RA-1662! I will try and test this over the next day or two.
I would say RA-1663 (Growth Chart data points are difficult to see) is the next highest priority for these. Any chance you (or someone else) could take a look at this?
When this one is resolved we will release them in production at some of our sites.