Alright @ddesimone , let me work on it
Thanks @mozzy for implementing those charts. I have merged them in. Would be possible to add the growth chart module to the openmrs test server ( THanks!
Yes , i was going to add to the reff app distribution , but we still have a few issues. We can probably add it to the at the moment
cc @dkayiwa
@mozzy you can add it from GitHub - dkayiwa/openmrs-distro-referenceapplication if you want it show up at modules-refapp
i have deployed the growth charts module to the modules-refapp server..
@dkayiwa , you can give the credental testers will use to login into the server.
Note , For better testing , whowever will have to test will add the Head Circumfrence Concept , and set growthchart.headCircumferenceConceptUuid
Global property to the right uuid.
@ddesimone , i have fixed that too.
i have made the data points solid , and also incresead their size.
@cioan , you can merge that in and i re-deploy the updated omod to the modules-refApp server
@mozzy I looked at growth chart on Login. Uncertain about this popup. Does it only appear if the head circumference concept is not available and configured? The popup appears for a moment, so not sure if that’s helpful. (You need to modify the with the English translation for growthchart.headCircumferenceG_P (?)).
Is it possible to only show the link+graph if the concept is available/configured?
innitially , if the Head Circumfrence Concept is not present (NOTE : it was not then part of the default concepts that came out of the box with tge reff app) , the chart would throw a NPE. So i handled it , and wanted to notify the user that its not present and the growthchart.headCircumference Global property needs to be confiured.
That pop up doesnt appear when that concept is present and the that global property is rightly configured
i was simply meaning growthchart.headCircumference Global property. I used a ui commons util component to flash that notification on the screen , on putting in alot of of text , it doesnt show properly.
What could be the most appropriate message for that notification ??
How’s this?
Add and configure head circumference concept. Growth Chart Module For Reference Application - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki
great @ball
I have re-deployed the growth charts with the latest changes on the modules-reffapp-server
Great work @mozzy. This is a great addition and harvested from iSantePlus (Haiti).
i have released version 2.1.0 , with the fixes i did.