My OpenMRS Fellowship Journey: Daud

                              EPIC 1: JUNE

  Workflow Based Testing Framework For Reference Application

Unlike the old legacy ui test architecture, the new Workflow Based Testing Framework involves writing test cases that mimic the end user experience in a live environment. The framework ensures the tests are well documented through writing feature files that store the user stories written in a human readable language known as Gherkin language following a simple syntax of Given -> When -> Then and then these stories known as scenarios are wrapped into steps definition that performs the test automation magic on a feature.

Feature files hold scenarios which clearly explains what happens at every step of the feature’s interaction by the end user. One of the awesome feature among the many is that the framework supports customized tags in both feature files and definition steps providing technical implementers a free room to write tags that carry meta data on a test.

Working on new tools like cucumber studio is fun and easy for any one with interest in learning test automation. A lot can be said on the beauty of our new Workflow Based Testing Framework that was selected by the community But this video can tell it All.

                     Mentoring new Contributors

Besides being mentored by a great mentor, I have been able to acquire mentoring skills from @k.joseph. Apart from my technical work, I spend some time to mentor new contributors in the squad helping them get started with the technical work around QA. This is enlarging our technical squad working on the modules and as a result the old ignored legacy tests coverage has been raised to 75% and this paves a way for the upcoming Ref App 2.12 release.

               Interesting Live Session on Test Automation

Thanks @grace looking out for sessions like this which introduced me to Cypress tool. The session was very interesting encountering other QA Engineers elsewhere learning their technical skills and this triggered my interest in learning about Cypress in contrast to Selenium in which both tools inherit feature files. Though currently reading about the tool but soon will extend my technical support to OCL and MF modules in respect to automation.

A word of thanks to @k.joseph @christine @jennifer @grace @dkayiwa for your mentor-ship in my fellowship journey and regards to colleagues @sharif @gracebish @achilep @settix @irenyak1 @insookwa @jwnasambu and others working towards achieving quality software realizes to better end user experience.

Am driven by the community slogan Write Code :earth_africa: Save Lives!