2021-06-11: Interesting dev webinar on how DHIS2 is using cucumber + cypress

Personally I strongly I agree with the title you embedded to the post, it was an interesting live session on Test Automation. I mentioned out learning areas in respect to our community

The session did not cover DHIS2 integration with cucmber+cypress, however it was an intro to how cypress can be integrated in Test Automation. Deborah the session coordinator mentioned of the forth coming conference which I guess may include the referred caption of DHIS2.

Having live (practical) sessions within our Squad calls could be a good idea as it may help those new squad members to get them started with the technical work, and also learning from each other as technical squad members. Have seen @mksd with other colleagues having this approach in MF-Squad where they do Live Sessions and silently has increased their technical team. Though it may not be applicable on weekly basis in squad calls due to arrays of activities to handle within the (60min=1hr) call , but at least once in a month .@k.joseph @christine it may be a good idea to starting thinking in this direction as QA Squad as well.