My OpenMRS Fellowship Journey: Anjula Samarasinghe

While I was eagerly waiting for the migration issues to be fixed in ethiohri, I decided to work on adding some awesome E2E test coverage for the cohort builder. It was quite exciting! First, I carefully went through all the features and created an epic, and then I crafted a list of issues to tackle in order to add the test coverage.

After that, I got to work on setting up the initial tests and sent a PR. It felt great when it got merged and I could see my progress taking shape. But then, when I started working on the search by demographics E2E test, I ran into a little hiccup. Even though I wrote the test with all my dedication, it didn’t pass on github actions. Oh no!

I tried my best to figure out what went wrong, but it’s been a bit tricky. I couldn’t reproduce the error either on the local server or the dev server. I even played around with the settings like turning off the video tracing option and increasing the timeout, but the issue persists. It’s not just the search test, the patient registration is giving me a similar headache. I suspect it might be related to the resources or the webpack. I’m not giving up though, I’ll keep digging and spending more time until I find a solution.

On the bright side, my QA fellowship is heading towards its last month. Although my capstone project has faced some roadblocks, I’m staying positive and determined to overcome them. Fortunately, @jayasanka came to the rescue with a backup project suggestion - OpenMRS benchmarking. I’ve already informed @dkigen about it, and I’m eager to explore the tools available and see how they match our requirements.

Also, I’m thrilled about OMRS23 happening next week! I’ll be doing a 5-minute lightning talk about my amazing journey during the fellowship. It’s going to be an exciting opportunity, and I’m already gearing up to prepare for it in the upcoming days.

Overall, I’m grateful for all the learning experiences and support I’ve received so far, and I’m excited to see how things unfold in the coming weeks. Here’s to a successful finish to my fellowship and new adventures ahead! :star2::blush: