Maintenance Release of OpenMRS Platform 2.0.4

Bahmni Team has a blocker with ObsValidator restricting observations with value text greater than 1000 characters. The fix for the issue is recently merged and the corresponding ticket is closed. Therefore, we would like to release new OpenMRS Platform Version 2.0.4. Please raise if there are any concerns. @dkayiwa @darius @bharatak

No concerns from me. :slight_smile:

We are starting the process of release. We will keep you updated.

No concerns.

Since you’re doing this, please make sure we include the just-released 2.17 version of in the platform. (I have already updated this pom.xml file if you use this project to build the platform distro.)

Update on the Release

I was able to do the below steps as part of the release process

  1. Trigger the build for openmrs-core 2.0.4
  2. Released FHIR as 1.6.1
  3. Upgrade dependencies in openmrs-distro-platform pom to point to released versions.
  4. Triggered build for openmrs-distro-platform

I am stuck after this and couldn’t finish the release due to the openmrs infrastructure crash. I am out of office for the rest of the week, can some one help me with the last steps…

Thanks, Sravanthi

@sravanthi17, hopefully you haven’t left yet!

Does this mean that on you are halfway through step 10 (created war but didn’t upload to sourceforge yet)? And steps 11-21 are still to-do?

Yes @darius… the process has to resumed from uploading the war to sourceforge.

I am continuing with this release process.

@dkayiwa I’m confused by the Standalone documentation. In the readme it says:

QUICK SUMMARY FOR BUILDING THE STANDALONE … mvn clean package -Dopenmrs.version=1.9.0 … Download the latest version of MVP CIEL dictionary (see the wiki for instructions on obtaining it) Update the value of the path attribute of the sqlPath tag in liquibase-mvp-data.xml file to match the name of the mvp data file just downloaded …

Should we be downloading the latest CIEL dictionary before doing a clean package?

Strangely, when I download the latest CIEL and run the build again, the generated ZIP is 40MB smaller. Also, when I try running the generated standalone, it seems that the module is not running.

I went and explored further and realized that the instructions on the openmrs-distro-properties repo are incomplete, so the released 2.0.4 war doesn’t include OWA or FHIR. I’m going to go back and fix this, and then try working through this again. :frowning:

I was able to work through this (with some manual moving of files that feels wrong), with the approach at the bottom of this post: What is our Platform Release Process supposed to be?

(Hopefully it’s right!)