Looking for the OpenMRS 2.6.0 Platform Release Manager

Hello @mherman22, I won’t be available for the platform call today , Could you take on the progress report within the call

CC: @dkayiwa

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Ok, I’ve actually fixed the permissions on the agents again, so hopefully things can be released now…


thanks for your efforts @ibacher .

@abertnamanya im pinging you when you free-up so that we have the release!

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Let’s have a meeting early morning today around 9:00AM.

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Release of platform-2.6.0-alpha to Maven is still failing with the following build logs.

Here is the failing plan → OpenMRS Platform - OpenMRS Platform 2.6.x 27: Build result summary - OpenMRS Bamboo

cc: @dkayiwa @ibacher @abertnamanya

I see this error in the log: Could not find artifact org.openmrs.contrib:ciel-dictionary:zip:2.6.0-20221104

Did you successfully deploy the CIEL dictionary? If yes, which exact version and how did you deploy it? What was the output message?

Hi @dkayiwa, This was the output from the deployment

Let me make a correction in the naming of the zip file then I can re-deploy, Hopeful everything will go smoothly.


I think there is a problem with the build scripts OpenMRS Platform - OpenMRS Platform 2.6.x - Release docker image 35: Job result summary - OpenMRS Bamboo

CC: @dkayiwa @ibacher @mherman22 @burke

@abertnamanya am talking about this command in the platform release process steps:

mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.openmrs.contrib -DartifactId=ciel-dictionary ..........

@dkayiwa Yeah I did redeploy the zip FILE to Jfrog Here is the new file link https://openmrs.jfrog.io/artifactory/contrib/org/openmrs/contrib/ciel-dictionary/2.6.0_20221104/


Dear @dkayiwa What could be the cause of this error Error thrown as a SAXException: <sqlfile path=openmrs_concepts_2.6.0_20221104.sq - Pastebin.com

CC: @mherman22

@raff do you happen to know why releasing the docker image is failing here? OpenMRS Platform - OpenMRS Platform 2.6.x - Release docker image 37: Build log - OpenMRS Bamboo

Failure in artifact preparation phase during processing of: Subscription for Non required shared artifact: [docker-compose], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [target/checkout/target/distro], destination:

The only hint I could find about this error in Google was an old Atlassian ticket: BAM-20498.

But it looks like @raff was able to fix the problem with the latest builds (#39 and #40) passing! :+1:


Thank you so much @raff , @burke and @dkayiwa for looking into this.

cc: @abertnamanya

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Thank you @raff and @burke , Something is coming up at the point of releasing to maven Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy ( - Pastebin.com From the previous conversion, Reference Application Release 2.7 - Module Owners' / Maintainers Notification - #80 by mogoodrich seems not conclusive on how to handle the issue.

CC: @dkayiwa @ibacher @mherman22

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@abertnamanya can you share a url to the exact build that has this error?

That was the failing build plan he was reporting → OpenMRS Platform - OpenMRS Platform 2.6.x - Release to maven 43: Job result summary - OpenMRS Bamboo

cc: @abertnamanya

Can you go by the latest CI build?

cc: @abertnamanya incase you’re available