June 25: Virtual Lightning Talks/Stand ups on Form Engines!

Recently, we’ve heard more and more talk about forms engine solutions as we begin to work through the OpenMRS 3.0 Framework and OHRI. We’ve heard about UCSF’s emerging form engine solution, AMPATH forms, and Bahmni Forms2.

We’d like to start diving into this through an Forms Engine Lightning Talk/Stand Up. As we saw with ETL/ELT, Lightning Talks are a great way to do this.

When is this happening? Friday, June 25 at at 6:30pm IST | 4pm Nairobi | 3pm Cape Town | 1pm UTC | 9am Boston | 6am Seattle

Where? https://om.rs/globalevents Meeting ID: 884 3813 8750

Click on this icon to add this event to your calendar.

Who? This is an opportunity for anyone in the community to share an idea or proposal, any work that you’ve done in the past or present, do a demo, or simply share your observations, opinions, and especially implementation needs. @dkayiwa @burke @grace @mksd @mseaton @mogoodrich @ibacher @k.joseph @angshuonline @eudson @mayanja @jdick @eachillah @ssmusoke @morrisng @brightoibe @ggomez @aojwang @ningosi @wanyee @moshon @christine

What can I do? Here are two ways you can help make this special round of virtual Lightning Talks a success:

  1. Sign up! If you are interested in doing a Lightning Talk, please include a title, a short description, who might be interested in the topic, what people should expect to get out presentation, and who would be presenting (can be yourself or may be others).

    Even if you don’t have Lightning Talk idea, let us know what you’re interested in hearing about. If we have more proposed Talks than time for this go around, we’ll schedule another round.

  2. Come to the Lightning Talk and join the conversation!


Are we expecting this to go 1 hour only?

@jennifer Very interested - thanks! Which Zoom URL will be used for this talk?

@akanter We’ve set aside 90 minutes for this Lightning Talk to accommodate discussion following the presentations.

@jteich To add the event (with Zoom information) to your calendar, click on the Google Calendar icon:

@jennifer we (@binduak & I) would like to volunteer for the Bahmni Forms2 talk.

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@jennifer Is there a sign-up “sheet” for a lightning talk? 5 minutes? I can represent Partners In Health to describe our needs based on past experience.


@ball, simply asking for a slot here is one way to sign up. I have this sign up/agenda going as well.

I think we can give each presenter 8 minutes tops. How does that sound?

Sounds perfect

This is much delayed, but here’s the slides from this talk: Form Tools lightning talk 2021-06-25 - Google Slides

The key proposal discussed at the end was that we’d like to align together on a shared form schema for 3.x:

Thanks @grace this is great.

If the proposal is to start by “re-purposing the Ampath schema”, can you point to documentation on that in it’s current form?


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@mseaton It’s here: https://ampath-forms.vercel.app/, though we need to document some of the newer stuff.

Hi @mseaton, so happy you’re interested :smiley: Check out the new post proposing that we formalize the use of the Ampath schema - in addition to the documentation which Ian has linked below, I’ve shown a few visual examples in that post as well. O3: Forms Schema Community Discussion