(Ramashish Joshi)
January 3, 2018, 1:14am
Environment: Bahmni 0.90, vBox
Create OPD Visit->Order->ERP Sync->Quotation shows Care Settings = “OPD” as expected. Close Visit.
Create IPD Visit->Order->ERP Sync->Quotation shows Care Settings = “OPD” Possible bug?
Could this be because getVisitType bahmni-erp-connect (atomfeed services) gets attribute value of attributetype “Visit Status” which is not getting set to “IPD” as shown in the image below:
Instead should it not read VisitType?
(Dimitri R)
January 5, 2018, 6:38am
Thanks @ramashish for providing this troubleshooting info. That’s always very helpful.
It looks like the actual bug is that the ‘Visit Status’ attribute type seems to be out of sync with the visit type. Aka it stills holds OPD characteristics when the visit type is in fact ‘IPD’.
Could you dig further and see how this attribute type isn’t set the right way in the first place?
(Nahabwe Brian)
March 20, 2018, 2:03pm
Hello Everyone… Was this issue fiexd… If yes…Plse share how it can be solved
(Ramashish Joshi)
March 21, 2018, 9:56pm
I could not debug this further to identify the root cause of this.
In the mean time you may fetch
by providing getter setter for display in OpenMRSVisit class
(Dimitri R)
March 22, 2018, 10:22am
@ramashish or @bryan , would it be possible for either of you to raise a ticket for this? With as much details as possible and linking to this thread?
(Nahabwe Brian)
March 22, 2018, 12:01pm
Hey @ramashish …
Added setter and getter methods for display
Returned the getDisplay()
But it is complaining about the return statement in OpenMRSVisit.java on line 25 which is on the setter method…
Thank you
(Laxman Manandhar)
January 5, 2021, 8:09am
Is there any update for this issue?,
We are still getting OPD visit for IPD or ER visits.
cc: @utsavdeshar | @deepakneupane
on the patient dashboard what does it show? Does it show IPD/ER as active visit?
IMO, it should not be anything to do with the visit attribute, rather should just expose the visit type itself.
@laxman can you check the event that is being exposed and check the content? and also check in the openmrs database (or rest api), what is the type of the visit, with the visit uuid that is returned.
(Laxman Manandhar)
January 6, 2021, 11:20am
Yes I checked the api data for visit, and in db as well,
Looking into code I think this code in MapERPOrders.java can be replaced
private String getVisitType() {
for (VisitAttributes visitAttribute : openMRSVisit.getAttributes()) {
if (visitAttribute.getAttributeType().getDisplay().equals(“Visit Status”)) {
return visitAttribute.getValue();
return null;
private String getVisitType() {
return openMRSVisit.getVisitType().getDisplay();
as I see the visit attribute is not in sync with visittype and visit type display is correct.
@Laxman . I agree … in Bahmni, you will always have a Visit.
Do you want to create a JIRA card, and a PR for this?
(Laxman Manandhar)
January 11, 2021, 4:18am
Sure @angshuonline , we will QA the solution first on our side then will raise PR.