Invitation to prioritize issues for Cohort Builder and share UI improvements ideas

Hi all, we would love to invite anyone interested to a discussion which focuses on prioritizing issues in the Cohort Builder module and also share ideas on how to further improve the UI and UX.

Date and time for the event has been chosen based on the result from the doodle poll here and the details are stated below:

Time: 1:00PM GMT

Date: 19-05-2017

Venue/Link to video call:

cc @darius @dkayiwa @ssmusoke


The date and time for the event will be 1:00PM GMT on 19-05-2017.

Link to the video call:

cc: @darius @dkayiwa @ssmusoke

@aolaniran Can you share a link to the current demo version of the Cohort builder

@ssmusoke Here is the link to the latest version of the cohort builder:

What is the username and password - can’t seem to login with the default

Link to the latest version of the cohort builder:

username: admin

password : sup3rS3cr3tPassw0rd

cc: @ssmusoke @darius @dkayiwa

Update. Link to the video call: cc: @ssmusoke