My name is Ederson, I’m from Brazil and I’m looking to implement OpenMRS in a Radiology clinic, so that this is possible, I need the best option for the radiology part of the system.
1- Is Bahmni integrated with openMRS?
2- Would you have a better option than Bahmni in openMRS?
3- Do you have a tutorial on how to integrate Bahmni?
4- Is Bahmni the best option?
Ederson, can you be a little more specific about your requirements? Do you have a RIS system that you need to integrate, or are you looking for primarily a patient record that you can tie to an imaging procedure history? Are you primarily general radiology, ultrasound, nuclear medicine, etc.?
That’s right, I would like an integrated RIS, and the clinic will be specialized in radiology, we will have X-rays, resonance, ultrasound and other exams.
Hello @ederson hello @akanter please could help let me know if you succeeded this? I am looking into implemeting a similar situation. Your ideas and implementation strategy can help. thanks