Ideas for GSOC 2023

Hi all, This is regarding the project idea I suggested above. I updated this document by including my findings on O3 Unit and Integration Tests. Here is a summary:

These are some of my findings:

  1. The unit/integration test coverage is low. (Some O3 modules have no tests at all)
  2. We have been mocking the openmrsFetch function to mock the network calls in existing tests. We can replace it with MSW(Mock service worker) which is a better way of mocking the network calls.

Major suggestions which I made are:

  1. Rewrite the existing integration tests to work with MSW (Mock service worker)
  2. Improve the Unit and Integration test coverage
    • By Writing the missing tests
    • By Improving the existing tests

If we can add a GSoC project on this, the selected student can work on fulfilling the main requirements (suggestions) mentioned above.

At the end of the project, the OpenMRS3 modules will have a comprehensive set of unit and integration tests for the existing features. It will enable O3 developers to refer to them when developing new features in the future. It will also help us to move towards test-driven development, which is one of the goals of the QA squad.

What do you think? @jayasanka @kdaud @dkigen