Okay, likely my final 2015 post on this topic…
I went ahead and re-ran this analysis looking at all code repos owned by openmrs (which is more reflective of the effort put in, but maybe less reflective of real-world utility):
Top line numbers:
- 169 committers
- 49 committers who averaged at least 1 commit per month
Detailed findings:
We peaked at 190 committers last year, and had 169 this year (to date). On “big committers” we peaked at 74 in 2013, and we are down to 49 this year. (It’s worth exploring how much this is a actual bad trend vs whether this reflects us not including all GSoC repos under our github org).
Breaking down by the number of commits we see that this year 50% of committers had 1-4 commits. It is alarming that this has continued to grow, while the number of committers with 5-24 commits is falling:
Our top 20 committers of 2015 were (along with the repos the made >=24 commits to):
696 dkayiwa core(259), legacyui(75), webservices.rest(73), xforms(36), adminui(34)
516 mogoodrich registrationapp(110), coreapps(60), uicommons(58), htmlformentry(29), appointmentschedulingui(27), registrationcore(24)
509 rkorytkowski distro-referenceapplication(70), core(69), openconceptlab(63), contrib-sdk-maven-plugin(43), contrib-uitestframework(39), webservices.rest(30), contrib-maven-archetype-module(24)
367 approce registrationcore(314), registrationapp(49)
335 djazayeri ebolaexample(146), uicommons(24)
321 wluyima adminui(101), core(28), legacyui(28), appointmentschedulingui(27)
249 k-joseph chartsearch(199), core(36)
246 Ch3ck dataimporttool(246)
195 tomaszmueller distro-referenceapplication(147), core(24)
188 harsha89 fhir(178)
144 mseaton reporting(34)
127 diospark contrib-sdk-maven-plugin(120)
125 teleivo radiologydcm4chee(124)
114 sunbiz radiologydcm4chee(100)
111 Plypy contrib-id(104)
105 robbyoconnor contrib-id(82)
102 qszhuan ebolaexample(101)
96 nataliaplonka distro-referenceapplication(96)
66 deluan ebolaexample(65)
60 sashrika fhir(59)
Details about who we gained and lost: From 2014 to 2015 we… gained 26 (approce, Ch3ck, tomaszmueller, diospark, teleivo, sunbiz, robbyoconnor, qszhuan, nataliaplonka, deluan, sashrika, milankarunarathne, michaelpai, bgeVam, kristopherschmidt, jdegraft, tharunya, lluismf, maimoona.kausar@ihsinformatics.com, HemanthGowda, sravanthi17, kwitczak, suniala, enymuss, preethisadagopan, yulia-kh)
lost 39 (elliottwilliams, alexisduque, glauberramos, mario-areias, vaibhav-hp, pamcdm, luizasouza, rowanseymour, elixdlol, bmamlin, pmori@pmori.local, tallevi12, ningosi, endeepak, milinda-ruk@github.com, orhemi, lnball, marcioviegas, kkaczmarczyk, Izaron, jlkeiper, mihirk, dkithmal, ujjwalarora, geoff-wasilwa, superkey, albertsaave, lsouza@amplify.com, downeym, mlennon3, arathyjan, ehaligowska, fbiedrzycki@soldevelo.com, mhawila, romulobr, indraneelr, madawas, raigons, vinkesh)
kept 23 (mogoodrich, dkayiwa, djazayeri, wluyima, rkorytkowski, mseaton, Plypy, cintiadr, kkalfas@soldevelo.com, vineetv2821993, yatesr, andreweskeclarke, k-joseph, surangak, smalecki, harsha89, jkondrat, vinayvenu, rpuzdrowski, cioan, pmuchowski, shruthidipali, jobasiimwe)
…taking a closer look at those we lost as big committers from 2014 to 2015
- 2 longtimers who moved on (rowanseymour, jlkeiper)
- 3 from Soldevelo (kkaczmarczyk, ehaligowska, fbiedrzycki@soldevelo.com)
- 9 from TW completed Mirebalais and Ebola projects (glauberramos, luizasouza, pmori@pmori.local, lsouza@amplify.com, pamcdm, mario-areias, marcioviegas, romulobr, raigons), actually some duplicate users here
- 5 from Bahmni team rollover (endeepak, mihirk, indraneelr, arathyjan, vinkesh)
- 3 not regular coders, so I am not bothered by them dropping (bmamlin, downeym, lnball)
- 17 others (elliottwilliams, alexisduque, vaibhav-hp, elixdlol, tallevi12, ningosi, milinda-ruk@github.com, orhemi, Izaron, dkithmal, ujjwalarora, geoff-wasilwa, superkey, albertsaave, mlennon3, mhawila, madawas)