(pi shetshotisak)
June 11, 2017, 1:01pm
I’m implementing bahmni in Thailand and I have issue with concept name local language.
I’m not whether I did something wrong.
for example
I change concept name(“teaspoon”) and short name(“teaspoon”) in local language like this
but when i enter medication tab in unit dropdown field there are no “ช้อนชา” instead of teaspoon.
I don’t know what did i do wrong.
Thanks for your help
(pi shetshotisak)
June 14, 2017, 9:54am
anyone have any idea?
I tried to find document in wiki but none describe this problem.
It’s like I have to configure somewhere else(other than login page) to let it displays concept in local language.
Have you set the language settings for the user in openmrs?
(pi shetshotisak)
June 15, 2017, 7:08am
not sure whether you mean this
but i still get the same result
(Himabindu Akkinepalli)
June 15, 2017, 9:46am
Hi @zacrify ,
Please follow the below steps to see the concepts in Thai Language in Bahmni
Login to OpenMRS -> Admin -> Manage Locales And Themes
Enter Thai in Default Locale field and Save.
Now Refresh the Medication page in Bahmni and check you can see the teaspoon
concept in Thai Language.
As per my understanding Manage Locales And Themes option is different from the defaultLocale option
defaultLocale lets you view the openMRS UI in the language of your choice and its specific to user.
Manage Locales And Themes option is not specific to user and it lets you see the concepts in Bahmni in the language of your choice.
(pi shetshotisak)
June 18, 2017, 3:05pm
Hi @binduak
after I change locales and themes to “th” as your suggest. nothing happened
the teaspoon unit is still in english not thai.
(pi shetshotisak)
June 18, 2017, 3:26pm
also I tried steps from
but many field(in yellow rectangle) seem have no value in Thai.
Where should i add those values?
(pi shetshotisak)
June 19, 2017, 3:41am
I just found out that registration/locale_en.json in pre-installed v0.89 are not contained all of the keys (there are around 22 keys but I found that in github ( ) contain around 80 keys
so even you copied locale_en.json and change to locale_your_language.json , it won’t cover all of keys and let some button untranslated.
I didn’t try with other modules than registration yet but quite sure they have the same problem.
I’m not sure where can I get the real locale_en.json since the one in github was removed
Please help
(Himabindu Akkinepalli)
June 20, 2017, 6:38am
Can you share the screenshots of both Admin → Settings → Locale page and Admin->Settings page.
(pi shetshotisak)
June 20, 2017, 8:17am
I’m not sure you mean this (there is no Settings in Admin)
(pi shetshotisak)
June 20, 2017, 8:49am
not sure if it’s related. but after i followed the step from
Hi @zacrify ,
There is 1 important aspect of Bahmni Localization i.e All the Internationalized labels from Bahmni Product are localized in /var/www/bahmniapps/app/i18n/modulesname/locale_en.json and the labels introduced in config are localized in /var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/i18n/modulesname/locale_en.json.
Hence please get the product locales and config locales for this.
suddenly I can change to teaspoon to Thai
But there is an error when I enter dashboard (no observation form was revealed)
and when I went to Concept Dictionary in Admin UI there are no search box for concept
but I still can download concept.csv from here
not sure what happening?