I’m complectly new to OpenMRS. I have installed openmrs 1.12 and build(8f283e) in Windows OS.
I need to add following custom new fields in Patient Registration Form.
Mother’s Name(Text field and Required field)
Emergency Contact Name(Text field)
Emergency Contact Phone Number(numeric field & validation)
Marital Status(Drop down and Required field)
and many more fields I need to add.
I have install the XFORM module and overwrite the existing Patient registration form & I created the custom fields as I mentioned above filed.
I’m able to create/save the Patient record but new custom filed values are not stored in the DB level.
Some one please help me to , How to save custom fields in Patient Registration?
@pascal :: I’m able to render fields in the UI while creating new patient.
Where should I view the data for custom fields and How can I check the thous fields are saved into the DB?
You may try our fork of Core Apps, please checkout the ‘master’ branch after cloning, alternatively here is a link to a valid OMOD carrying the feature. It extends the patient header so that further sections of the registration become available for viewing and editing.
We just never had the chance to submit a pull request for this, but otherwise this is just still Core Apps as the one compatible with the Ref App distro 2.3.