How to use the Address Hierarchy Module with the Reference Application

Hi James,

We finally have produced a version ( of coreapps that aims at being consistent with the registrationapp’s configuration on a given OpenMRS instance.

In our version, you can toggle ‘Show/Hide registration Info’:

Our version of coreapps analyses the registrationapp’s configuration and ensures that every section is displayed with its ‘Edit’ hyperlink (and not just the "contactInfo" section as it is done now).

We would love to get other people to test this and provide feedback, and hopefully encourage us to go for a pull request for all of this on coreapps!

There is a limitation though. You will notice on my screenshot that the ‘Edit’ link is missing for the last section: ‘Ethnicity’. This is because, in our registrationapp’s config, this section uses "obs"-type fields. And it turns out that registrationapp’s editSection.gsp (or rather its controller) does not handle that situation. It can handle PersonAddresses and PersonAttributes but not Obs. We prefer, altogether, to conceal the ‘Edit’ button as soon as obs are involved because, to make matters worse, if you leave it, it just behaves as if everything was fine, but nothing gets saved. For now those have to be edited through an HFE form, but at least they display in the patient header with every other sections.

Code here: mekomsolutions/openmrs-module-coreapps

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