how can we prevent login issues on jira/openmrs id

First, I’d like to thank you for the being kind and constructive. It’s really appreciated by me :slight_smile:

There are several different problems with the current versions of ID we have.

  • We need people to move components to different boxes. If you are willing to learn ansible/docker and help @chagara, that would be awesome.
  • We need atlassian suite to be upgraded. It requires some sysadmin skills, and patience.
  • We need someone to investigate how to identify spam users, and delete them.
  • We need someone to take over dashboard ID from @r0bby, understand all the problems we had with v 2.1.0 ID Dashboard 2.1.0 has been released!, fix it. From the 1st of March, after a couple of hours running, the sign-up button would stop answering (and modulus could not be accessed by a couple of uses too). It’s in node.
  • Before redeploying 2.1.0, I’d be quite happy if I have someone fixing the eternal timeout LDAP problem we have with our current ID version.

If you feel there’s anything you can help, please let me know.