How can RefApp 2.3.1 use Spanish language by default?

Show RA-992, RA-995, RA-997 and they combine to form my issue list. :grinning:

  1. Iā€™ve added the possible cause of the issue discussed in RA-992ā€¦
  2. Iā€™ve fixed RA-997 and Iā€™m able to see the language changes in effect on re-login.

Iā€™ve addressed/implemented some of the points mentioned on RA-995. The broken language setting workflow is fixed and also the user-default locale changes are applied instantly without forcing the user to perform a re-login to see the changes in effect.

@themoonraker13, it would be helpful if you can be more explicit in your messages here about whether you addressed/implemented this in your fork or on the master branch of development. When I read this I understood that you had made a pull request to fix RA-995, but when I looked I see this wasnā€™t the case.

:grimacing: Iā€™ve generated pull requests for the fixes Iā€™ve made in my code to get rid of some of the issues discussed under this topic.

So, now that code has been fixed, all we need to do is take the from transifex (which is 100% for spanish in coreapps, referenceapplication, appointmentschedulingā€¦). We just need to include those properties files in the next release of these modules. @michael /@darius Do you know if there is an automated way to get pull requests from transifex?

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It is possible to set this up automatically, but we havenā€™t done it yet. Some CI configuration work is needed. Iā€™ve been (slowly) discussing this with @teamprojekt, who is our volunteer translation manager, e.g. in this conversation and in the general Translation category.

Since most of the Reference Application 2.4 modules have been released already I thought that we had missed our window to get these translations in in time:

Weā€™ll talk about this on the June 2 dev forum.