Application Name: Reference Application
Version Number: 2.3.1
Does the interface version 2.3.1 only come in English? How can I switch the interface language to Spanish?
I am able to temporarily switch the version 1 interface from Spanish to English. However, when I navigate away from the old interface to the new, the language switches back to English.
Following the steps to change language settings in Reference Application 2.3 didn’t reflect any actual changes. Even after changing the language the application runs with default language (English) unlike legacyui where an actual change was observed on changing the language from footer.
Except that when I change the language on the footer, it only remains translated while I am on that page. As soon as I navigate away, the language returns to English.
CIEL is also interested in helping share properties files to assist with UI translation. If you have content or contributions there are files in github as well. Be sure you change your user language preference as perhaps this is overwriting the temporary change you are making in the UI.
Hmm, I went ahead and followed the instructions that I had written, and I agree that things seem to be completely broken (particularly, the “default locale” is not applied when you log into the Reference Application).
Both of these tickets are good introductory tickets for any developer.
So, if you go to the legacy UI, and change the language in the footer, it should remain translated after you navigate to the next page. For example I see this when I change the language to French there, and click on Home:
@boyntonkc you’re a step ahead of me, I was just about to send you that link.
However looking at transifex it seems that the translation is 100% complete. I wonder if this was completed after the Reference Application 2.3 release, and that’s why they aren’t included (yet).
A lot of translations in Transifex still need to pulled in to the appropriate modules.
For example, In the Reference Application module, the Spanish translations are 100% done in Transifex, but a Spanish messages file has never been configured in the module itself, so none of the Spanish translations have been pulled into this module. I noticed this for several modules when pulling in translations recently. I set up things properly for the modules I was updating, but the Reference Application module wasn’t one of them–I had a “to do” to send an email to Talk about this, but this thread beat me to it…
I’ve added a section to the OpenMRS Transifex docs, “Adding a New Language to a Module”:
Is this going to be the main way that folks customize their UI? By doing builds which automatically bring in the properties files? Or do we need a content distribution method similar to what we do with concept tables to allow existing users to update their properties files?
No. What we’re talking about here is that module developers and maintainers need to take a few steps to start having their modules incorporate the translations that community members are being kind enough to do in the Transifex tool.
Can someone guide me on fixing the issue as in my case I observe 0% change in language on changing default locale from user options.
Or direct me to the part of code working on the internationalization logic.