@ayesh What are you trying to do? You need to give me sufficient information - I do not understand your shorthand
@ssmusoke I am trying to access the site.But am still getting the error below it’s the same eroor as before.
Cool now its working @ssmusoke
@ayesh When done with the uploads, create a new post pointing the community to the server and ask for feedback.
Also provide a summary of what to test, how they can test etc. I am happy to review a draft before you post
Sure @ssmusoke
Hi @ssmusoke
Stephe after the previous fix I uploaded ref app module and core apps module it worked fine.But when uploading uicommons module it’s hagging out for a while and gives the below error.
@ayesh I have restarted Tomcat, and I see that uicommons has been uploaded
Give it 5 min to startup
Sure stephe
Hi @ssmusoke
Sorry I had to go out for a while steph.Seems like still the site is not loading no errors shown just loading only
@ayesh No worries I have rebooted the server so give it about 10minutes to restart
@ssmusoke I think things are working fine finally
except chart search module will looking to it tomo and create the guide to test and share it
Hi @ssmusoke
Steph I added sections to be covered on testing in the below doc.
@ayesh Go ahead to setup a new talk post with updates, link to the server and ask for feedback
Sure @ssmusoke
Hi @ssmusoke , @jwnasambu
It was a great pleasure to work with you two.And thank you for all the help on completing the tasks.
Hope will be able to work in the future as well.
Thank you Ayesh
It was great pleasure working with you too. I have learned a lot in the process from you and @ssmusoke who doesn’t know how to give up when it come to coding. I just hope you will keep your promise of staying in the community. @suthagar23 thanks for the opportunity given to backup .
@ayesh thank you so much the good work done however i realize there are a two things not working well.
- The add Visits pop up in our implementation i.e, UgandaEMR is responsive. No action can be taken by the user as shown below
- There is a very wide spacing on the visits tab that you need to revise. Thank you
@ayesh popping a couple of more:
- Login Screen - the text for locations is not consistent with the login
- Home Page - buttons do not have the same height, I am suggesting that we add a row for the buttons and set the buttons to fit the height of the row
- The Visits Page (this is one of the hardest Ref App pages in Coreapps)
Hi @ssmusoke
The login and button size issue should be fixed by now with yesterday change I mean refering latest uicommons snapshot.Where can I find module dependencies for the qarefapp demo server.Or is it possible to force build the modules im the server ?
@ayesh I have forced another ui-commons build, which should hopefully cascade to the other child modules
How about the home page and visits page?