Primary Mentor: Stephen Senkomago Musoke.
Secondary Mentor: Juliet Wamalwa.
Student: Ayeshmantha Perera.
Project Link: Integrate Bootstrap as Foundation for OpenMRS Reference Application
Documentation Link:- Boostrap as a foundation for Reference Application UI Project
Testing Server Link :- Link
Main Influence for the Project
What is OpenMRS & Where is it?
OpenMRS is a software platform and a reference application which enables the design of a customized medical records system with no programming knowledge (although medical and systems analysis knowledge is required). It is a common platform upon which medical informatics efforts in developing countries can be built. The system is based on a conceptual database structure which is not dependent on the actual types of medical information required to be collected or on particular data collection forms and so can be customized for different uses.
OpenMRS is now in use around the world (see the OpenMRS Atlas), including South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Uganda, Tanzania, Haiti, India, China, United States, Pakistan, the Philippines, and many other places. This work is supported in part by many organizations including international and government aid groups, NGO’s, as well as for-profit and nonprofit corporations.
As mentioned above openMRS is very popular among the African countries.And it’s a very well known fact that mobile devices are very popular among these countries.Without having mobile responsive UI it’s very hard for users who are using mobile devices to use the application.This is the main influence for the project to be take part on the GSoC’19.
Main Objective.
Migrate Reference Application to Bootstraps 4.0.
Primary Goals
- Migrate Login Page Section :- Completed .
- Migrate Home Page Section :- Completed .
- Migrate Clinician Facing Dashboards :- Completed.
- Migrate Appointment Scheduling Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Capture Vitals Section :- Completed.
Additional Goals
- Migrate Registration Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Data Management Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Configure Meta Data Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Manage Modules Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Mange Global Properties Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Manage Accounts Section :- Completed.
- Migrate Chart Search Section :- Completed.
Talk Thread links
Finalize testing on the testing server with the guide provided.
Include the work in Release Reference Application 2.10.
Blog Posts
Future Works
During the summer internship only worked on few modules.There are other modules which needs to be upgraded to bootstrap 4.To make it easy for the module owners have created a documentation on how to integrate the modules with bootstrap 4.And also always will be there to help them during the migration process.
Mid Term Presentation
Final Presentation
Thoughts on GSoC
GSoC is one of the main programmes in the world which encourage and helps people to engage in opensource development.The experience it brings to developers is very valuable for their future work.
As I always mention openMRS is one of the best opensource communities in the world.My mentors are always helpful for me when proceeding on the project.And they motivated me to work towards the end of the project after going through the work I do.
Finally I would like to thank openMRS community who gave me this opportunity to work with the community and also to Google for organizing such an awesome opensource event for the students.