GSoC 2018 - Guidelines for interested students

To those students interested in applying to work on an OpenMRS project for GSoC 2018, welcome to the community!

The Summer of Code 2018 wiki page is your first source of information - please take a look at the list of proposed projects and familiarise yourself with these suggestions on how to get involved at this stage of the program:

Expectations for Students (Before being accepted)

  1. Become familiar with OpenMRS and the project(s) for which you’re applying. If relevant, make sure you have OpenMRS installed and running. Read the Developer Guide, Getting Started as a Developer, and ask others in the community if you have questions. If you ask questions the smart way, you’ll get better responses.
  2. Make sure your development environment is installed and running, and optimized for maximum efficiency. Review our Conventions page.
  3. Review project ideas & ask questions about those or other projects in the #community:gsoc category on OpenMRS Talk.
  4. Spend as much time as possible in our IRC channel or Telegram chat, as well as on OpenMRS Talk with other community members. Remember, GSoC-specific questions should be asked on Talk.
  5. Introduce yourself on the community introduction page on OpenMRS Talk.
  6. Achieve /dev/1 status. (earn the /dev/null badge and then earn the Smart Developer badge by passing the quiz).
  7. Do some code reviews. Reviewing code from others is one of the great ways to learn the OpenMRS code base.
  8. If you’re returning to do GSoC with OpenMRS for a repeat term, be just as thorough (or more so!) than first-time students. Don’t skip steps and work extra hard to impress your mentor(s).

If you’d like to discuss one of the proposed project ideas, check the #community:gsoc category first to see if there’s an existing thread for that project. If not, you can create a new topic to start discussions on the project. Please title the thread ‘GSoC 2018 - Project Name’ where Project Name reflects the name of the project.

Finally, you can find guidelines for preparing your application for GSoC at the bottom of the OpenMRS organization page.



Thanks for the detailed help for the new commers. But how can I track the OpenMRS issues to start working on that? I couldn’t login to this issue management portal right now.


Hi @sumangala28 , in order to access JIRA, you will need to first make a query at the Help Desk :slight_smile:

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Hi, I am I am interested in the OpenMRS Android Client and want to contributing to it in GSoC2018. But I didn’t see Android Client in Proposed Projects. Can I contribute to it in GSoc2018? If yes, can anyone please tell me Whom should I Contact?
Thanks. :slight_smile:

Hi every one,

You can follow this following blog to get some initial ideas about Google Summer of Code and GSoC with OpenMRS. I wrote this blog while working with OpenMRS last year. Hope it will help you all :slight_smile: !

The way to Google Summer of Code — Start your Engineering



Thanks for sharing that @suthagar23

Hi @stonymoon, an OpenMRS Android Client project has now been added for GSoC 2018:

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There’s also the student manual.

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