Continuing the discussion from here
This thread is will be used for posting the GSoC updates pertaining to this project on a weekly basis
OpenMRS Add Ons is a project that aims at changing the way OpenMRS modules are hosted. It aims at leaving the choice of the hosting location of a module in the hands of the developer and thereby give the developer more flexibility with respect to the location of his/her modules.
After a discussion with @darius and @mseaton , we have come up with a list of features to be implemented in Add Ons . Add Ons is expected to soon be replacing the existing modulus and go live in a few weeks from now. We will be having weekly sprints and we hope to have new release along with each sprint.
Including the To-Dos before going live:
Include a link - " How to add your module "
Update the list of reference application 2.6 modules within addons
Here are a list of features to be implemented :
Improve searching algorithm
Improved Tagging support
Display compatibility of the module with current installed OpenMRS version
Download counts , ratings
These are are the current top priority goals which we will be working on once we complete the shift from modulus to add ons . There are more features to be included which we enumerate based on user feedback and once we are done with the above listed ones.
For any suggestions about new features, you may use this link
For any questions please feel free to contact @reubenv , @darius or @mseaton !