GCI-2019: Weekly progress updates

Google Code-in 2019 [ Week - 1 Progress ]

Hi, community,

We successfully passed one week of the Google Code-in 2019 yesterday. As first, I would like to thank our great community for providing a great welcome to the Google Code-in students. The following are some useful statistics of the last week.

Tasks - Summary

  • Total Task Count: 73
  • Completed Tasks: 29
  • Claimable Tasks: 44

Instances Summary

  • Total Instance Count: 878
  • Total Completed: 270
  • Total Abandoned: 138
  • Available: 529

Students Summary

  • Total Students: 267
  • Total Students completed Tasks: 115
  • Total Students with completed 5+ task: 19
  • Total Students with completed 3+ tasks: 33

Key Points from the progress

  • Students were very active and submitting their tasks in a short time to get the mentor’s review.
  • OpenMRS Community also provided much support for the students with a great welcome during the first week to get started with their works.
  • Most of our mentors committed their valuable time with Kids and gave some of the guidance in GCI/Talk/Telegram.
  • Still, some of our mentors are behind in their progress. I sent an email requesting the reason for their absence and will process based on their responses.
  • We are able to provide some knowledge about
    1. designing graphical contents, and templates
    2. Outreaching about Open Source, OpenMRS, etc
    3. Coding practices with Java, JavaScript, and React
    4. documentation practices and adding ReadMe to our repositories
    5. Introducing quickly analysis process to the students

Improvements and Plans for next week

  • We will be adding more tasks and start publishing with proper content.
  • Adding more tasks in React, Java, Node.js, and GO to get started with programming
  • Reaching out to the mentors and find the blockers for their absence. If they do not respond on time, We may need to remove from the contest
  • Keep helping the students to complete their tasks

This is an anonymous Google form to submit your thoughts to improve this program or resolve your issues. Please feel free to submit anything here :slight_smile: Google Code-in 2019 : OpenMRS Suggestion Anonymos Suggestion Form


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Thanks @suthagar23 for managing this program so well and giving us a weekly summary update! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for administrating OpenMRS in the contest and thanks to all the mentors and the other co-admins for volunteering your time for us. Looking forward to the rest of the contest :slight_smile:

Google Code-in 2019 [ Week - 2 Progress ]

Hi, community,

We successfully passed two week of the Google Code-in 2019 today (10th Dec - 16th Dec). The following are some useful statistics of the last week.

Tasks - Summary

  • Total Task Count: 76
  • Completed Tasks: 33
  • Claimable Tasks: 43

Instances Summary

  • Total Instance Count: 975
  • Total Completed: 421
  • Total Abandoned: 220
  • Available: 475

Students Summary

  • Total Students: 304 (37 New Students)
  • Total Students completed Tasks: 150
  • Total Students with completed 5+ task: 28
  • Total Students with completed 3+ tasks: 42

Key Points from the progress

  • Students were also active like the first week.
  • OpenMRS Community also provided much support for the students with a great welcome during the first week to get started with their works.
  • Some students faced issues with connecting with our JIRA and Wiki Page access.
  • Some tasks took long time to be reviewed and approvals.
  • Still, some of our mentors are behind in their progress. I sent about three email requesting the reason for their absence and will process based on their responses.
  • We added some task for Code and Design types.

Improvements and Plans for next week

  • We will be adding more tasks and start publishing with proper content.
  • Adding more tasks in React, Java, Node.js, and GO to get started with programming
  • Reaching out to the mentors and find the blockers for their absence. If they do not respond on time, We may need to remove from the contest
  • Need to write a page about Getting Started with OpenMRS Access for GCI Students.

This is an anonymous Google form to submit your thoughts to improve this program or resolve your issues. Please feel free to submit anything here :slight_smile: Google Code-in 2019 : OpenMRS Suggestion Anonymos Suggestion Form



hmm. Good luck to all and thanks to the mentors for sacrificing their time to review our tasks and helping us :slight_smile:

Hi, I’ll be glad to create such a page on our Confluence. Is there a workflow that I’ll need to follow for adding a wiki page, or should I get started?

Hi, I’ll be glad to create such a page on our Confluence. Is there a workflow that I’ll need to follow for adding a wiki page, or should I get started?

Not much, You can just start to draft this.

A draft can be found at https://wiki.openmrs.org/pages/resumedraft.action?draftId=231310447&draftShareId=60d8e289-cae5-4ce1-add9-fbe636a9c663&src=shareui&src.shareui.timestamp=1576767078927

Thoughts & feedback welcome :slight_smile:

Hii @permissionerror, the page was good and should be enough for any student to start contributing :grinning:

A personal thought: It could be great if you add link to OpenMRS GitBook, it would be great for students who want to deeply study about OpenMRS and it’s development tools and projects :smile:

Amazing :smiley: I agree with @prathamesh009’s suggestion. :slight_smile:
If you make the description a bit more detailed and easy to understand (for kids like me) :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:, then it would be great :slight_smile:

The GCI Student Quick Start Guide is now live at https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/RES/GCI+Student+Quick+Start+Guide

Thanks @prathamesh009 & @saadkhaleeq for your feedback :slight_smile:

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Good work @permissionerror, Thank you for that :wink:

Google Code-in 2019 [ Week - 3 Progress ]

Hi, community,

We successfully passed three week of the Google Code-in 2019 today (17th Dec - 23thrd Dec). The following are some useful statistics of the last week.

Tasks - Summary

  • Total Task Count: 78
  • Completed Tasks: 44
  • Claimable Tasks: 34

Instances Summary

  • Total Instance Count: 984
  • Total Completed: 540
  • Total Abandoned: 286
  • Available: 392

Students Summary

  • Total Students: 353 (49 New Students)
  • Total Students completed Tasks: 171
  • Total Students with completed 5+ task: 22
  • Total Students with completed 3+ tasks: 48

Key Points from the progress

  • Students were also active like the first two weeks.
  • We could able to provide the reviews as soon as possible compared to the first two weeks.
  • Still, some of our mentors are behind in their progress. I sent about three email requesting the reason for their absence and will process based on their responses.
  • We increased some task instance counts and added some task for Code and Design types.
  • We faced some issues with task approvals, and informed to mentors.

Improvements and Plans for next week

  • We will be adding more tasks during this week as available task count is 34.
  • We will start to remove the inactive mentors from this week onward. Specially, fresh/first time mentors who haven’t a major involvement during this first three week.
  • Planning according to the Christmas and new year vacations to avoid the late reviews.

This is an anonymous Google form to submit your thoughts to improve this program or resolve your issues. Please feel free to submit anything here :slight_smile: Google Code-in 2019 : OpenMRS Suggestion Anonymos Suggestion Form



Learning a lot. :grinning: Good luck everyone. :slight_smile:

Hi, I am enjoying GCI a lot. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.:smiley:

Thanks @suthagar23 for the constant updates! :slightly_smiling_face:

As mentors, are we doing better or worse, in comparison to the previous weeks? Are there areas where we have done well? Any areas where we are doing badly and hence need to improve?

As a community and our mentors are doing really great job on this :clap:, Compared to the previous week, some mentors who was behind on the progress just started to full fill their target through this week.

We are giving a great support on talk forum for their questions and issues. As well as, students also very active on the Telegram channel. I can see, a lot of students are helping to others and beginners to get started on their submissions.

Any areas where we are doing badly and hence need to improve?

I have already shared a detailed message on the internal chat regarding our issues on mentoring. I just mentioned those as some points here,

  • Review process needs to be specific for each student. We need to lift them up from their ability through this contest
  • Mentors need to spend some time to go through the submission carefully before accepting the tasks. We can’t revert it back to the previous stage if we accept it.
  • Need to take care more about the copied works.
  • We need some new tasks from our mentors also

Thanks @dkayiwa


Google Code-in 2019 [ Week - 5 Progress ]

Hi, community,

We successfully passed five week of the Google Code-in 2019 today (31st Dec, 2019 - 06th Jan, 2020). The following are some useful statistics of the last week.

Tasks - Summary

  • Total Task Count: 87
  • Completed Tasks: 52
  • Claimable Tasks: 35

Instances Summary

  • Total Instance Count: 1119
  • Total Completed: 702
  • Total Abandoned: 352
  • Available: 353

Students Summary

  • Total Students: 419 (66 New Students)
  • Total Students completed Tasks: 203
  • Total Students with completed 5+ task: 36
  • Total Students with completed 3+ tasks: 57


Key Points from the progress

  • Students and Mentors were active even during the Christmas and New year time also.
  • Added few design and coding tasks (React and Go)

Improvements and Plans for next week

  • Need to add more tasks as we have only 3 weeks more.
  • Need to encourage students to improve the quality and quantity of the work to become as the winners.
  • Need to process for the Org Payments with OpenMRS.

This is an anonymous Google form to submit your thoughts to improve this program or resolve your issues. Please feel free to submit anything here :slight_smile: Google Code-in 2019 : OpenMRS Suggestion Anonymos Suggestion Form



I’m really having a nice experience and really enjoying working with this org :slight_smile: Looking forward to success :smiley:

Can u Please elaborate mor. :grinning:

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