GCI-2019: Weekly progress updates

cc: @suthagar23

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@saadkhaleeq @devanshk09 That’s related to Organization process :smile:

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Thanks @suthagar23 for the update. I think we have passed five weeks as per now, could there be a need to update the post since it says three weeks and also the week began from 31st Dec 2019- 06th Jan 2020 Not (31st Dec - 06th Dec).
Are there areas where we need to improve as mentors?

Thanks for the notification, I changed it :smile:

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Really getting to learn a lot through this program. I never imagined that I’d be able to create a minimalised node server. Hoping to contribute more to the community in the future, and learn more too!


Thanks @suthagar23 for updating. We all are trying to give our best.

Google Code-in 2019 [ Week - 6 Progress ]

Hi, community,

We successfully passed six weeks of the Google Code-in 2019 today (07th Jan- 13th Jan, 2020). The following are some useful statistics for the last week.

Tasks - Summary

  • Total Task Count: 89
  • Completed Tasks: 58
  • Claimable Tasks: 31

Instances Summary

  • Total Instance Count: 1153
  • Total Completed: 785
  • Total Abandoned: 400
  • Available: 321

Students Summary

  • Total Students: 464 (45 New Students)
  • Total Students completed Tasks: 217
  • Total Students with completed 5+ task: 38
  • Total Students with completed 3+ tasks: 59

Key Points from the progress

  • Students and Mentors were active even during the Christmas and New year time also.
  • Found few plagiarism issues, and discussed with the students & mentors to resolve those.

Improvements and Plans for next week

  • Need to be active in the forum as there are only two more weeks for the contest.
  • We will be starting to evaluate the student’s progress to select the winners.
  • Getting some GCI students into OCL Sprint Work.

This is an anonymous Google form to submit your thoughts to improve this program or resolve your issues. Please feel free to submit anything here :slight_smile: Google Code-in 2019 : OpenMRS Suggestion Anonymos Suggestion Form



Seems interesting, waiting to hear more regarding this :grin:


Yes, Thats interesting. A task of OCL has been added.

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Oh wow it’s another week already?! Time really passes fast! It’s been awesome so far, hope we can continue that vibe til the very end.


@suthagar23 Is that OCL Sprint or Spring? :grinning:

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Yeah me too excited.