Fixing failing 3.x E2e tests in QA dashboard

Hi everyone,

Since the is the old version, we are trying to migrate tests to the dev3.openmrs server. Currently, the dev3.openmrs server is not working. The demo server works but some components are missing init.

In 3. x dashboard all tests fail because there is a problem when login into the current server ( In our tests, we used the “spa_user” account but it doesn’t work at the moment. So at the moment, we are unable to fix the failing tests and run tests.

Could someone please let us know whether this is being fixed or is there another server that we can use?

Thank you.

cc: @grace, @jdick, @kdaud, @christine

team: @jayasanka, @heshan, @piumal1999, @pasindur2, @anjisvj, @kumuditha


Since the demo server is down, we would switch tests to run on though it has some issues.

have you noticed those specific components?

I read of @grace’s comment on the subject and am not sure how far with stabilizing the server has gone.

cc: @dkayiwa @sharif @ibacher

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Thanks for the response @kdaud

Here are some issues I noticed:

Thanks @kdaud @piumal1999 can we create the ticket for this and have them fixed. Do you mind sharing the ticket url here .

Please find the PR for Migrating the tests to the o3.openmrs demo server here.

  • Note: This PR migrates all tests to the o3.openmrs demo server. Tests will still fail for the moment. Fixes will be sent by the members assigned to each test.

Members assigned for fixing tests:


Merged the PR. Thanks @kumuditha !

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In the 2022-01-05T18:30:00Z micro frontend squad call, we had a discussion about the failing 3.x E2E tests and the demo servers. According to that, the tests should be run against the dev3 environment. There was a suggesstion to run the tests against a docker image instead of an environment. It was suggested to review this docker image. So we’ll have to revert the previous migration commits.

Related slack thread:

@piumal1999 are you meaning we revert the commit at



I think we’ll have to revert #303 as well. (However #303 contains the fix for github workflow working directory issue. So we’ll have to fix that part later)

cc: @jayasanka

@piumal1999 have done the needful.

You need to adjust the login credentials of the demo server within tsconfig.json.

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Hi all, this PR will update the paths of the 3.X test workflows.

@kumuditha have put a comment on github.

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Merged at

Thanks @kumuditha

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Created the pull request for fixing the Clinical Visit E2E test. @jayasanka @kdaud Could you please enable the workflow to test the Pull request?


Created a pull request on running 3.x patient search E2E test on a dockerized environment.


Hey guys, there are some issues with the user setting test which I found while running the user setting test.

  1. The logout button doesn’t appear in the UI sometimes(random occurrences) which causes the test to fail

  2. After clicking the logout button it doesn’t redirect back to the login page(random occurrences)


are you able to reproduce this on the server?


I got this error on the dockerized version.

Created a pull request on running 3.x user settings E2E test on a dockerized environment.