Hello Everyone, we have recently released Dictionary Manager OCLOMRS-v1.4.0. Below is our release note.
Release Notes
2021-08-04: Dictionary Manager OCLOMRS-v1.4.0
Our Dictionary Manager for OpenMRS has been updated! You can try these new & improved features for yourself at openmrs.openconceptlab.org
1. New Feature: Re-use concepts from previous dictionaries
Need to add concepts from other sources and dictionaries, rather than just a few defined sources? Now you can add concepts from all the public sources and dictionaries.
Click on add concept button on the List Concepts Page then click on Pick concepts and switch source on Add to dictionary page as:
2. MVP: Trusted Content Flag
Have you ever wondered which one is the authentic source when you view a list of sources and you often find many of the sources with the same name? Now, you can filter the trusted one. But it’s tricky to decide which one is trusted and authentic so the feature is MVP for now. Please check out Content Maturity Levels_Draft June 2021 - Google Docs for more details on content maturity levels.
3. Automated Tests:
Dictionary Manager QA status can be viewed in the QA dashboard with a status badge.
- E2E test with Gherkins and Cypress, the following features are covered in this release
- Login
- Create and Edit Dictionary
- Create Organization
- Create Concept
- Add dictionary version, release it, and copy subscription URL
- Unit test for Organization was also added
4. Other Improvements & Bug Fixes:
Filter option of “Already added content” while adding concepts into a dictionary
Linked Dictionary Manager with GA with multiple tokens from OCL
Concept URL updated so that it does not require a specific version Eg: OpenMRS Dictionary Manager
And a big thanks to all the developers, implementers, and Dictionary Manager Squad for making this release possible.