I started my first week of August with the planning of the next two months’ goals in terms of development and product management. I worked with both of my mentors Grace and Hadijah to analyze what I accomplished in the last two months my challenges and then we decided on the goals for the next two months. My goal for the next two months is to learn advance react then to work on customization and other improvements in Dictionary manager. Then I presented my goals and plan to Jennifer and received feedback and suggestions.
Further, I worked on automated tests including the tickets https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/OCLOMRS-970, https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/OCLOMRS-984 and https://issues.openmrs.org/browse/OCLOMRS-790 to test the workflow of copy subscription URL, copy dictionary and edit organization.
In terms of product management, during the first week, I organized a sprint planning meeting and all the developers joined to plan for this month. We analyzed the remaining ticket from the previous sprint and pulled it to this sprint and reassigned it. Also, we planned this sprint to focus primarily on the implementer’s requirements and bug fixes. After the planning, we released a new version of Dictionary manager and released a release, not including the major release features and fixes Dictionary Manager v 1.4.0 Released: Easier Concept Re-Use, Trusted Content Flag, and more. This practice has helped me strengthen my communication skills.
For the rest of the month, I will be focusing on the sprint task and my project with Hadijah.