Developers Forum 2015-09-03 - Project Buendia Round 2 Kickoff (Google + MSF)

Reminder there is a developers forum this Thursday at 10am US/Eastern.

The topic will be “Project Buendia Round 2 Kickoff.” You may recall that MSF and Google collaborated on a cool OpenMRS-backed system as part of their Ebola response, and we had a Developers Call afterwards where Nick Fortescue talked about their experience of using OpenMRS. Notes from that call here:

Now they are starting to do further work on the system, for a Nutrition use case, and they want to be better OpenMRS participants while doing the work, since we don’t have the same emergency-response constraints.

Michael mentioned this here:

Please join in, I think you’ll find it very interesting!

To join the call and screen sharing, go to


This meeting is starting in the next 5 minutes. Please join us!