Hi all, this is a placeholder to remind myself to throw out a strawman of the attributes that we’d use to differentiate potential candidates for upcoming OpenMRS meetings.
In short, we anticipate receiving 2-4 formal requests from countries/MOHs to host the next OpenMRS Implementer’s Meeting. We will need to discern between those through some set of structured criteria.
This is for discussion on the 1/26 leadership call.
Commitment to OpenMRS as a network, regional, or country level platform for patient-level record keeping (ideally, this commitment would come directly from a country’s MOH or top health leadership)
Strong local hosting organization with an ability to engage local resources / sponsorship
Willingness to host OpenMRS clinical site visits
Significant local OpenMRS community activity (ie, presence of regional community within country, hackathons, longstanding community membership, etc)
Country helps support long term strategic interests of the OpenMRS community
Easy commuting access (ie, good international airport, liberal visa policies)
Travel and hotel infrastructure suitable to host the meeting
add “, network” to “regional or country level” - sometimes a large implementer can drive significant progress.
add “Ideally a commitment by Ministry of Health or other governmental body”
combine two of your bullets “Strong hosting organization able to engage local resources/sponsorship.”
add “Travel and hotel infrastructure suitable to host the OpenMRS meeting”
should we create a “selection criteria” document in a “conference planning packet” folder on Google Drive? I think a good start would be to edit this thread into that document and open it for further comment/additions
if no objection, AND if I can remember to get to it, I’ll go ahead and do that.
is there already a folder organization on GD which I should use?