I am happy to announce the release of the Concept Dictionary App in version 1.0.0-beta! It is an app for distributions using OpenMRS 2.x UI, which will eventually replace concept management pages from the 1.x UI.
The app requires the following modules to be installed: webservices.rest 2.14-SNAPSHOT, owa 1.4-SNAPSHOT, uiframework 3.6 and uicommons 1.7.
It is one of the first Open Web Apps for OpenMRS. It was developed using front-end tech stack exclusively, which means there is no server side code in it. It uses AngularJS 1.x and REST.
We started off using openmrs-owa yeoman generator to scaffold the project (hats off to @pascal who created it!).
The project uses npm and bower for dependency management and gulp for building (weâll drop bower and gulp soon). We also employed travis-ci for testing and deploying releases (tags) to bintray.com. Codacy has helped us to track code quality and test coverage.
Alongside weâve released openmrs-contrib-uicommons, which is a library of Angular components for OpenMRS Reference Application inc. openmrs-header, openmrs-breadcrumbs, but also css and fonts. The library is built using npm and webpack. Tags are published to npm by travis-ci.
Iâve been putting emphasis on the tools we used as they really helped us to stay productive when working on the project. The live reloading feature provided by browser-sync has probably boosted our productivity the most.
We had three solid contributors, who coded almost full time: @adamg (Adam), PaweĆ (@gutkowski) and Tomasz (@tmarzeion) (delegated by Soldevelo). None of them knew JavaScript and tooling when the project started and after 4 weeks they became quite experienced front-end devs!
@pascal and @darius have also contributed to the project, thanks!
There is still more work. Stay tuned for a separate announcement on getting the app to the final release!